CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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Programação & Caderno de Resumosteórico autores como Lin<strong>da</strong> Hutcheon, Coral Ann Howells, NorthropFrye, Margaret Atwood, Judith Butler, entre outros. Com a profusãodos movimentos feministas, a literatura canadense passa a assumircaracterísticas que ca<strong>da</strong> vez mais próprias aliado ao questionamentodos papéis de gênero e de identi<strong>da</strong>de nacional. Essa posição sejustifica, porque, de acordo com Stuart Hall (2002), a identi<strong>da</strong>denão é algo que se encontra impresso em nossos genes, ao contrário,é forma<strong>da</strong> através de certo sentido social, ou seja, ao sentimentode pertencimento a um determinado lugar e tempo. Dessa forma,o caráter sócio-cultural <strong>da</strong> literatura torna-se inegável, sobressaindosea obra de Alice Munro como contribuição inegável para estareflexão a qual, não apenas produziu literatura no Canadá, masmais do que isto, investiu num sentido de literatura canadenseenquanto identi<strong>da</strong>de cultural e nacional que não só concerne àliteratura canadense mas também espelha muitas <strong>da</strong>s nuances<strong>da</strong> nossa própria literatura.Acts and Speech Acts: A brief discussion of Natural andSupernatural in Shakespeare’s MacBethPaulo Roberto de Souza Ramos (Unilasalle/UFT)The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the ‘acts’ (i.e.actions and divisions of the play) in William Shakespeare’s MacBethusing the concept of speech acts, developed by Austin, 1955,and subsequently elaborated by other theorists. The focus liesmostly on the exchanges between the Weird Sisters, worshipersof the goddess Hecate, and MacBeth, a general in King Duncan’sarmy. This work also aims to discuss whether the events thatconstitute the tragic elements in the play are of natural (‘manmade’,or woman-construed, so to speak), or supernatural. IsMacBeth doomed because of a spell cast by the mysterious Sistersor have they simply ‘done things with words’ in an austiniansense? The findings point that a bit of both caused the catastrophicchain of events in the story of the Scottish general; however,the confusing and ambiguous utterances delivered by the Sistersseems to be less systemic than one would think. MacBeth heardwhat he expected – or wanted — to hear in their speech. Althoughthe utterances are, on the surface, ‘clear enough’, different meaningscan be obtained by focusing on the different parts of speech,and confusing specific events with ordinary ones. Even thoughthere are supernatural events in the play, the tragic element of294

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