CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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<strong>II</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Internacional</strong> <strong>da</strong> ABRAPUIa lesbian relationship set in an Afro-American community inthe Southern United States in 1906 seen through the contemporaryeyes of the 1980s. The love story portrayed in “Monster”, on theother hand, is set in a white, North American community of thelate 1980s, but seen from the perspective of a contemporary societyof the year 2003.Displacement In The Shadow LinesRegiane Corrêa de Oliveira Ramos (USP)Amitav Ghosh’s novel The Shadow Lines (1988) portrays aconcern with the porosity of cultural boun<strong>da</strong>ries and reflectsupon the ideas that there is no concrete marks that can separatecultures and peoples. His characters do not live in discrete cultures,but dwell in cultural spaces that flow across borders – the “shadowlines constructed around modern nation states. He constructshis narratives across cultures rather than beyond them and presentsthem not as separate and distinct elements. The cultural differencesthat are confined to cartography only become apparent at themoment of cultural encounter when different values such aspolitical, ethnic, linguistic, moral, religious and social are putface to face. As Renato Rosaldo asserts in Culture and Truth –The Remembering of Social Analysis (1992, p. 20), ‘In contrastwith classic view, which posits cultures as a self-contained wholemade up of coherent patterns, culture can arguably be conceive<strong>da</strong>s a more porous array of intersections where distinct processescross from within and beyond its borders’. The main purpose ofthis paper, thus, is to analyze how two themes, borderlines andsilence, are discussed in the novel, not based on official documentsand History, rather, through the every<strong>da</strong>y lives of its main characters,and the effects of displacements on the growth of people.Os elementos <strong>da</strong> pós-moderni<strong>da</strong>de na personagemcarteriana FevversRenata Kuhn Yatsu (UNESP/Assis)Fato ou ficção? Esta é a pergunta que percorre o romancecarteriano Noites no circo, acerca <strong>da</strong> sua personagem central:Fevvers. Ambígua e exagera<strong>da</strong>, a personagem ultrapassa todosos conceitos de reali<strong>da</strong>de, levando os leitores ao mundo <strong>da</strong> hiperreali<strong>da</strong>de,um dos principais elementos <strong>da</strong> pós-moderni<strong>da</strong>de. Tal297

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