CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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<strong>II</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Internacional</strong> <strong>da</strong> ABRAPUIdesenvolvimento de Carter como escritora de contos de fa<strong>da</strong>s.Tendo em vista a importância dessas obras iniciais e levandoem conta seu caráter de contos de fa<strong>da</strong>s feministas, conduziremosa discussão dos dois livros (Miss Z e The Donkey Prince) no sentidode verificar a construção <strong>da</strong> identi<strong>da</strong>de feminina, na releituraque Carter faz <strong>da</strong>s representações de gênero.Screening LiteratureProfa. Dra. Genil<strong>da</strong> Azerêdo (UFPB)This mini-course constitutes an introduction to some of theissues concerning the relationship between literature and cinema,more specifically, the a<strong>da</strong>ptation of literary texts to the screen.The theoretical discussions (including the matter of narrativity,intertextuality and irony, and how they relate to the matter ofa<strong>da</strong>ptation and culture) will be illustrated with samples of bothliterary texts and films.Alternative Literary Perspectives on Imagined TranslocationsProfa. Dra. Laura P.Z. de Izarra (USP)Present debates contest terms like “globalization”,“multiculturalism” and “cosmopolitanism” – terms that aretheoretically equally disputed or rescued depending on the practicesand beliefs that accept some core values of universal concern,which subsequently give significance to particular human livesin particular locations, with or without respect for legitimatedifference. However, the traditional understanding of locationsas fixed spaces is undermined, paradigms of identity constructionare questioned, and imagined boun<strong>da</strong>ries are redrawn. Ratherthan repeating already established knowledge I would like toexplore other horizons through literary texts in which multiplespaces are interconnected and different states of the mind aresimultaneously perceived.Thus, this seminar will expand the main theoretical pointsof the lecture “Looking for Orion” and will focus liminal spacesin literary texts which contain social and cultural elements thatresist ideas and practices that belong to the past and remainto be overcome in the present through alternative ways of seeing59

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