Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security


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95EN, 85EN, 65ENThe next messages show thenumber of each type of device found. EXPKEYPADS are keypads on an MSNode.NODES include MIDNodes, IDNodes andTS Nodes.If the number of devices detected is notas expected, check the connections tothe devices and their address settings(normally set by a link on the device'sPCB).7. Press [ until you see the following: EquipmentConfirmed8. Press ]. The display shows: 10:Program ZonesYou are now logged on as anengineer. However, for a new systemyou should continue with the followingchecks.9. Connect the standby battery.10. Switch off the 230V mains supplyand ensure that the DC voltage ateach device on each network isgreater than 10.5V while the system ispowered from its standby battery.11. Switch on the mains supply andmeasure the DC voltage between themains earth connection and AUX+12V ("16" on Figure 5).Caution: Do not make contact with live or neutral!Then measure the DC voltagebetween the mains earth connectionand 0V. In both cases, themeasurement should be 1V or less. Ifthe voltage is greater than 1V, thesystem has an "Earth Fault" and all43 of 72

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