Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security


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MRNodeRadio Site SurveyWith a wirefree system we recommend that you carry out radio tests as partof a site survey to ensure that the MRNode can receive a good radio signalfrom the detectors. If you cannot do the tests during a survey, carry them outbefore installation.You will need a 790r test meter and a 734rEUR-01 test transmitter. See 790rRadio Strength Monitor User Guide for full instructions on how to use the testmeter and transmitter.1. Fit the battery into the test transmitter then fit LK1. Place the transmitterat the proposed site for the MRNode. The transmitter sends out a testmessage every fi ve seconds. Note: the transmitter shuts itself downafter 20 minutes. To restart, remove and then refi t the battery.2. Switch the test meter ON (right hand knob). Turn the left hand knob toSingle.The top LED (9) fl ashes rapidly, indicating that the unit needs to learn anew Transmitter Code.3. Hold the Test Transmitter so that light from its Activity LED can shine onthe Learn Sensor on the Radio Strength Monitor.4. Activate the Transmitter. (Press and release the Tamper bar at the backof the Transmitter.)LED 9 glows continuously when the Radio Strength Monitor successfullylearns the Transmitter’s identity.5. Hold the test meter at each proposed location for detectors. The testmeter will light a varying number of LEDs to show you the signalstrength. (You must hold the meter in position for at least 10 seconds.)For acceptable signal strength the display should show a reading of 4or higher for each position.6. Move to a different location to improve the signal strength if the metershows a reading of less than 4. Make sure the new location is suitablefor the detector.7. Change the location of the test transmitter if you cannot fi nd a proposeddetector location with a suitable signal strength. Make sure that theuser agrees to the new location for the MRNode.Notes:1. Do not assume that radio works from every location.2. The Radio Strength Monitor will “forget” the Transmitter identity when youswitch the Monitor off.3. The Radio Strength Monitor powers itself off after 30 minutes. To reactivatethe Radio Strength Monitor turn the right hand switch to “OFF” and then backon again.5 of 10

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