Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security


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4600 Programming CommandsProgramming CommandsTo change the factory default program use the commands listed in thissection as follows:1. Key in the command number followed by Enter.One of the LEDs on the display glows. The programming stencil shownin Figure 3 (Part number 495521, Issue 1) shows the LEDs used byeach command.Figure 3. Programming Stencil2. Key in the appropriate value for the command followed by Enter. See“Engineer Program Commands” for the values taken by each command.The panel gives three short high-pitched beeps if it accepts the valuesyou enter.If you enter an incorrect value the panel gives a longer, lower-pitchedfault tone.When you complete a command correctly, the panel flashes all LEDs toshow that it is ready for another command.Note: It is not necessary to program all the options. Where a change has to be madeto a particular option, proceed directly to the appropriate section. Refer tofactory default programming.DefaultsWhen delivered from the factory the panel has the following defaults:Engineering access code 7890.User access code is 1234.496368 Issue 1 5 of 12

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