Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security


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8841• A Home Message and a text message. You must program the controlunit with the content of these messages.• The text of the log entry that corresponds to the event causing the alarm.• The time and date of the alarm.• The zone name of the zone causing the alarm.The control unit sends the text in the Home Message to every telephonenumber you have programmed for SMS messages. The control unit alsosends:message 1 to telephone number 1,message 2 to telephone number 2,message 3 to telephone number 3 andmessage 4 to telephone number 4.To link the messages to specifi c alarms, you must select a list of alarmevents for each message while programming the system.Call ModeThis option enables or disables SMS reporting. To employ SMS reporting setthe call mode to “Enabled”.MessagesTo set up the text of SMS messages select Reporting – SMS – Messages.The display shows a list of the messages you can program. Highlight andselect the required message and then key in the text.The Home Message provides space for 12 characters. Use this text to identifythe control unit. Each numbered message provides space for 30 characters.Key in a message that relates to the type of alarm event you select as atrigger (See “SMS Triggers” ).Phone BookTo program the telephone numbers that the control unit will use for SMSmessages select Reporting – SMS – Phone Book. Highlight and select the telephonenumber you wish to program and key in the correct digits.When you have completed keying in the telephone number press DONE.The display then allows you to give the telephone number a name. The controlunit will display this name in the phone book to help you remember whatdestination you wanted the message to go to.SMS TriggersYou can link a set of alarm events to each message. To link an event selectReporting – SMS – SMS Triggers.Select a message from the list displayed on the screen. The control unitIssue 1 7 of 8

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