Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security

Cooper TP Workshop Manual_Scant:Layout 1 7/8 ... - Cooper Security


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9x5x"Dynamic" test calls occur 24 hours after the last call made by the unit. Seethe Programming Guide for details on how to program these functions withCommands 105 and 108.Statutory InformationApplicationsThe built-in communicator is suitable for connection to the following types ofnetworks:(a) Direct exchange lines (PSTN) supporting DTMF (tone) dialling.(b) PABX exchanges (with or without secondary proceed indication).Note: The built-in communicator is not suitable for connection as anextension to a pay-phone or to 1 + 1 carrier systems.ApprovalThe built-in communicator is manufactured to meet all European EconomicArea telecommunication networks requirements. However, due to differencesbetween the individual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approvaldoes not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operationon every PSTN network termination point.The built-in communicator has been approved for the following usage:(a) Automatic call initialisation.(b) Operation in absence of indication to proceed.(c) Automatic dialling.(d) Modem.(e) Serial connection.(f) Multiple repeat attempts.(g) Line status monitoring.Usage other than approved usage or failure to comply with the installationand programming instructions may invalidate any approval given to theapparatus if, as a result, the apparatus ceases to comply with the standardsagainst which approval was granted. Note the approval label on the mainPCB.In the event of problems you should contact your equipment supplier in thefirst instance.Ringer Equivalence NumberThe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of the built-in communicator is 1. Asa guide to the number of items that can be simultaneously connected to anexclusive line, the sum of the REN values should not exceed 4. A standardtelephone (as provided, for example, by BT in the UK) has a REN value of 1.Issue 1 31 of 76

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