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full note.N: 5. Jan H. Kalicki <strong>and</strong> David L. Goldwyn, eds., Energy <strong>and</strong> Security: Toward a New Foreign PolicyStrategy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005), 195–96.or8. Kalicki <strong>and</strong> Goldwyn, 204.8. Kalicki <strong>and</strong> Goldwyn, Energy <strong>and</strong> Security, Ibid.At one time, <strong>writers</strong> shortened citations in notes by using Latin terms <strong>and</strong> abbreviations: idem,“the same”; op. cit., <strong>for</strong> opere citato, “in the work cited”; <strong>and</strong> loc. cit., <strong>for</strong> loco citato, “in theplace cited.” This practice has fallen out <strong>of</strong> favor, so avoid all Latin citation terms exceptone—ibid., from ibidem or “in the same place.” Some <strong>writers</strong> still use ibid. to shorten acitation to a work whose bibliographical data appear in the immediately previous note.N: 30. Buchan, Advice to Mothers, 71.31. Ibid., 95.32. Ibid.Figure 16.2. Templates <strong>for</strong> shortened notesThe following templates show what elements should be included in what order in the three types <strong>of</strong> shortenednotes (see 16.4.1 <strong>for</strong> when to use each type). They also show punctuation, capitalization <strong>of</strong> titles, <strong>and</strong> typography<strong>of</strong> the elements. Gray shading shows terms as they would actually appear in a citation. XX st<strong>and</strong>s in <strong>for</strong> pagenumbers cited.Author-only Notes1. Single AuthorN: Note Number. Author's Last Name, XX–XX.2. Diamond, 85–90.For a work cited by editor or translator instead <strong>of</strong> author (see 17.1.1), use the editor or translator in place <strong>of</strong> theauthor. Do not add ed. or trans., as in a full note.N: Note Number. Editor's or Translator's Last Name, XX–XX.9. Noll, 15.If more than one author has the same last name, distinguish them by adding first names.N: Note Number. Author's First Name <strong>and</strong> Last Names, XX–XX.12. Philip Smith, 212–13.www.itpub.net

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