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Chiang Kai-shekthe Honda Motor CompanySierra LeoneSkidmore, Owings & MerrillCentral Americathe University <strong>of</strong> Chicago PressNew York Citythe National Conference <strong>of</strong> Christians <strong>and</strong> Jewsthe Atlantic Oceanthe Roman Catholic Churchthe Republic <strong>of</strong> Lithuaniathe Allied Expeditionary ForceA pr<strong>of</strong>essional title that immediately precedes a personal name is treated as part <strong>of</strong> thename <strong>and</strong> should be capitalized. If you use the title alone or after the personal name, itbecomes a generic term <strong>and</strong> should be lowercased. The same principle applies to other genericterms that are part <strong>of</strong> place or organization names.President Harry Truman announcedthe president announcedPr<strong>of</strong>essors Harris <strong>and</strong> Wilson wrotethe pr<strong>of</strong>essors wrotenext to the Indian Oceannext to the oceanstudents at Albion Collegestudents at the collegeNames <strong>of</strong> ethnic <strong>and</strong> national groups are also capitalized. Terms denoting socioeconomiclevel, however, are not. (For hyphenation <strong>of</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> both types, see 20.3.2. For plurals<strong>of</strong> tribal names, such as Hopi, see 20.1.1.)Arab AmericansLatinosthe middle classblue-collar workersCapitalize adjectives derived from names, unless they have lost their literal associationswith particular persons or places <strong>and</strong> have become part <strong>of</strong> everyday language.Machiavellian schemefrench friesRoman <strong>and</strong> Arabic artroman <strong>and</strong> arabic numerals22.1.2 Historical Events, Cultural Terms, <strong>and</strong> Designations <strong>of</strong> TimeThe names <strong>of</strong> many historical periods <strong>and</strong> events are traditionally capitalized; more genericwww.itpub.net

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