02.12.2012 Aufrufe

FORSCHUNGSBERICHT 2004 - am Fachbereich ...

FORSCHUNGSBERICHT 2004 - am Fachbereich ...

FORSCHUNGSBERICHT 2004 - am Fachbereich ...


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WiSo-Forschungsbericht <strong>2004</strong> - Lehrstuhl für VWL, insbes. Finanzwissenschaft 178<br />

Last der Schuldenpolitik zu tragen hat und in welcher Form<br />

sich die Last manifestiert.<br />

3.3 Public debt, tax-exempt bonds, and Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>es<br />

Bearbeiter: Prof. Dr. Berthold U. Wigger<br />

Projektstart und -ende: 07/<strong>2004</strong> - 12/<strong>2004</strong><br />

Charakterisierung: The neoclassical overlapping generations economy has com-<br />

petitive equilibria in which the growth rate of the labor force<br />

exceeds the long-run return on capital. In this case the econ-<br />

omy is said to be dyn<strong>am</strong>ically inefficient and the government<br />

can play a Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>e. This means that the government can<br />

issue bonds and roll over interest and principal from period to<br />

period by perpetually issuing new bonds to render debt ser-<br />

vice. Such a Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>e is beneficial as it removes overac-<br />

cumulation of capital associated with dyn<strong>am</strong>ic inefficiency.<br />

Many authors have studied the properties of Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>es in<br />

dyn<strong>am</strong>ically inefficient economies. The present project dem-<br />

onstrates that the government can even run a Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>e if<br />

the bondless economy is dyn<strong>am</strong>ically efficient. This becomes<br />

possible when the return on private bonds or equity is taxed<br />

and the government issues tax-exempt bonds. In contrast to<br />

a traditional Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>e, however, a Ponzi g<strong>am</strong>e based on<br />

the issuance of tax-exempt bonds is not beneficial as it low-<br />

ers welfare of current and future generations.<br />

3.4 Public Debt, Human Capital Formation, and Dyn<strong>am</strong>ic Inefficiency<br />

Bearbeiter: Prof. Dr. Berthold U. Wigger<br />

Projektstart und -ende: 01/<strong>2004</strong> - 05/<strong>2004</strong><br />

Charakterisierung: The project considers public debt in an economy where hu-<br />

man capital formation sustains long-run per capita income<br />

growth. It shows that contrary to what has been obtained in<br />

other types of endogenous growth economies public debt<br />

may benefit current and future generations by removing dy-<br />

n<strong>am</strong>ic inefficiency.

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