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РОД<br />

продава некому рог за свеќа inf<br />

sell sb a pup/pig in a poke<br />

кој бара рогови ќе остане и без<br />

уши<br />

from the frying pan, into the fire o<br />

out of the frying pan, into the fire<br />

РОД<br />

BO род е co<br />

be in blood relation with •> flesh<br />

and blood<br />

РОДЕН<br />

како роден (да) е за тоа<br />

as if to the manner born<br />

роден да (владее/командува)<br />

born to (rule/command)<br />

роден (учител/политичар)<br />

a born (teacher/politician)<br />


среќен роденден<br />

happy birthday o many happy<br />

returns (of the day)<br />

РОДУМ<br />

родум (Македонец)<br />

born (Macedonian) o native of<br />

(Macedonia)<br />

POK<br />

BO краток рок<br />

at short notice<br />

ce иде BO рокот на службата<br />

it's all in a/the days' work з it's all<br />

in the line of duty<br />

POHKA<br />

ни ронка inf<br />

not a jot<br />

POCA<br />

(млада) (ка)ко роса<br />

(as) fresh as a daisy<br />

'PT<br />

'рт на лов co сила не се тера<br />

you may lead a horse to water, but<br />

&5 РУЧЕК<br />

you cannot make him drink if the<br />

lad go to the well against his will,<br />

either the can will break or the<br />

water will spill<br />

РУБА<br />

руба/руво краси (руво/руба<br />

гнаси)<br />

fine feathers make fine birds .<br />

handsome is as handsome does<br />


помина преку Рубикон<br />

cross the Rubicon<br />

РУДНИК<br />

(седи на) златен рудник<br />

(be sitting on) a gold mine<br />

РУЖА<br />

му цутат ружи<br />

everything is coming up roses a<br />

roses, roses, all the way<br />

не цутат секогаш ружи<br />

it can't be roses all the way<br />

не му цутат ружи/рози<br />

fall on hard times o be in dire<br />

straits o be in a bad way<br />

РУЛЕТ<br />

руски рулет<br />

the Russian roulette<br />

РУНДА<br />

добива/губи рунда<br />

win/lose a round<br />

ja доби првата рунда<br />

win the first round<br />

РУТИНА<br />

ce препушта на рутината<br />

get into a rut<br />

РУЧЕК<br />

прави ми ручек, да ти направам<br />

вечера inf<br />

scratch my back, and I'll scratch<br />


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