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СЕГА 194 CEKOj<br />

секој за себе<br />

every man to himself o each to his<br />

own<br />

ce наоѓа себеси<br />

find oneself o find/feel one's feet-<br />

/legs o find one's bearings<br />

сигурен BO себе<br />

sure of oneself<br />

BOH (од) себе<br />

out of one's mind/head o beside<br />

oneself on cloud nine o overthe<br />

moon<br />

СЕГА<br />

сега штом<br />

now that o as soon as<br />

cera или никогаш<br />

(it's) now or never<br />

Cera ми е доста!<br />

That settles it! .. That does it!<br />

cera за сега<br />

for the time being o until further<br />

notice c to go/be going on with<br />

токму cera<br />

just now - just this moment<br />


живее BO сегашноста<br />

live in the present<br />

СЕДЛО<br />

останува во седло<br />

remain in the saddle<br />

CEE<br />

кај не го сееш, таму никнува inf<br />

he is everywhere turn up like a<br />

bad shilling<br />

што ќе сееш, тоа ќе жнееш<br />

as you sow, so you shall reap a<br />

sow the wind and reap the whirlwind<br />

СЕЕДНО<br />

сеедно е<br />

be all the same • be all one o be<br />

(as) broad as it's long<br />

сеедно ми е<br />

it's all the same to me<br />

CE3AME<br />

Отвори се Сезаме! imper<br />

Open Sesame!<br />


има секакви (луѓе)<br />

it takes all sorts/kinds to make a<br />

world<br />

CEKAKO<br />

секако<br />

certainly o absolutely o by all<br />

means n to be sure<br />

секако дека е умен/богат<br />

nothing if not clever/rich<br />

СЕКИРА<br />

ja откопува (воената) секирата<br />

dig up the hatchet<br />

ja закопува (воената) секирата<br />

bury the hatchet<br />

плива (ка)ко секира (no вода) inf<br />

swim like a stone<br />

му паднала секирата во медот inf<br />

have one's bread buttered on both<br />

sides ; live on/off the fat of the<br />

land o have a piece of good fortune<br />

o have a piece of good luck<br />

o inherit a fortune<br />


обеле од секирации<br />

get gray (hair)<br />

CEKOJ<br />

секој што се родил (и) ќе умре<br />

death is sure to all > all men must<br />

die c nothing so certain as death<br />

секој е невин додека не се докаже<br />

спортивното<br />

every one is held innocent until he<br />

is proved guilty ^ innocent until<br />

proved guilty

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