An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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do CLO CNA<br />

CluA^rhAOCÁn, cluasmhaothan, s. the tip <strong>of</strong> tlic<br />

ear.<br />

CluAi'ój, cluasog, see ciuA-pAiii.<br />

CluAi~OAille, cluasdaille, s. f. deafness.<br />

CiuAi-yAine, cluasfhaine, s. f. an ear-ring.<br />

„, 1 . 7 ;• jj "I s. creeping mouse-ear;<br />

„, 1.7 1 1 r hawkweed, hiera-<br />

CluAV-luc, cluas-luch, i ., ',,<br />

' ' ) cium pilosclla.<br />

Club, club, s. m. a club, stick.<br />

CbubAt), cluhadh, s. a winding bay, Sh.<br />

CUi-o, dud. s. m. a patch, clout.<br />

Cbiro, cludh, s. m. burying ground; see cLii.<br />

CluoAc, cludach, adj. ragged, patclied.<br />

CbUTJATJ, elinladh, s. ni. a cover, covering.<br />

Cli'i-OAim, clndaim, } j , . ,<br />

„1 . . ; 7 7 • r V. i cover, hide.<br />

CLÚTiAijée, cludaighthe, adj. covered.<br />

CliTOAitii, chidaiin, v. I cherish, warm.<br />

Clii-OAiiie, cludaire, s. m. a botcher, cobbler.<br />

CUit)Atiiuil, cludhamhuil, adj. famous.<br />

CUiT)Ó5, cludog, s. f. a concealment, a store.<br />

ClugAin, dugain, s. f a cluster, bunch.<br />

CtugAineAC, diigoiiieadi, adj clustermg.<br />

CLujaIa-o, dtigahidh, s. clucking.<br />

CUiice, cbdc/ie, s. f. a battle; a game.<br />

Ctuiceoj, duichcog, s. f. fraud, deceit.<br />

1 a du'rre.<br />

«^<br />

caomte, )<br />

CbuitTice, clmmlithe, s. a game.<br />

Cbuin, duin, part, heard; s. f a great steep, a<br />

rock.<br />

Cbuiniin, cluinim, v. I hear.<br />

Ctumn, duinn, s. partiality, prejudice.<br />

CbinnneAC, duinneach, s. m. a minor.<br />

Cbuinpn, duinsin, s. the sense <strong>of</strong> hearing, a<br />

report.<br />

Cbuince, duinte, part, heard.<br />

Clumceoi]!, duinteoir, s. m. an auditor.<br />

CiuinceoiiieACB, duinteoireadid, part, listening.<br />

CUiinceo^iACX), duinleorachd, s. m. craftiness.<br />

Cbuincin, cluintin, part, hearing.<br />

Cbuiprn, cluisim,\ v. I hear; from c\,oy, hcar-<br />

Cloi]-im, doisim, )<br />

ing, report.<br />

Cluic, cluitJi, s. f. game, diversion.<br />

CUnce, duitlie, see cUtice; s. f. a bargain,<br />

agreement.<br />

CtiwteAC, duidieadi, | adj. ludicrous;<br />

CtiiiceAiinii'L, diiitheamhuil,^ sportive.<br />

CliiiccAc, duiteach, a. famous, renowned.<br />

CbmceAt), duit/ieadh, s. game, sport.<br />

Cluicim, didtldm, v. I play.<br />

Cli'nii, dmnh, s m. a feather, down, plume; fur,<br />

hair; IJdi. chloim.<br />

ClúiiiAc, dumhadi, s. m. feathers, plumage ; Iaii<br />

•DO cLuiiiAC<br />

ClúiíiAim, dumhaim, v. I deplume, shear.<br />

CIÚ1Í1CAC, dinnhthadi, adj. feathered, hairy.<br />

Ctii CAJ1111, dnthaglnm, v. I chase.<br />

CluriiiA]!, duthmhar, adj. close, sheltered.<br />

ClucúJAt), c/Mi/iWi/Ztrtrf/i, part pursuing, chasing.<br />

CnA, cna, adj. good, bountiful.<br />

CnAbAim, cnahaim, v. I pull, haul, batter.<br />

CtiAbAH, cnahar, s. drowsiness.<br />

CnAbAi]\e, cnabaire,} s. m. a jester, sc<strong>of</strong>fer,<br />

CnA-oAii\e, cnadaire,) giber, satirist.<br />

CtiAbAii\e, cnabaire, s. m. an instrument to break<br />

Clúit), daid, }s. a nook, corner, angle;<br />

Cii'ii-oeÁn, duidean, \ a rag.<br />

Cbuig, duig, gen. and pi. <strong>of</strong> cloj, s^ f. a bubble<br />

Cluij, duigh, s. fun ; a game.<br />

Cluijmi, dingJnni, v. I play, sport.<br />

Ciui-cin, didnÍ7i,} , „ .<br />

, ,,<br />

'^"^^«f ^^°5; aMl.<br />

Cloj<strong>An</strong>, c%a,,, P-<br />

CliniiieAc, duimheadi, adj. featliery.<br />

CbuiiiieAbcA, cZííM«/íeaíte, s. the royston crow;<br />

a flock <strong>of</strong> birds.<br />

Cbuiriie-CAomce, duimlie-<br />

„„„»•„*.,<br />

caomte,<br />

")<br />

,<br />

,<br />

I s. a tragedy, a<br />

\ n ^ j ^<br />

CnÁb]\oi-, cnabros, s. hemp-seed.<br />

CuA-oÁn, cnadan, s. m. a frog.<br />

CnA-OAi\-bA]\CA, cnadar-hharca, s. ships.<br />

CnÁ-óol, cnadhol, s. m. whining.<br />

CuAg, cnag, s. m. and f. a knob; a peg; a<br />

wrinkle, crack or noise ; a knock.<br />

CuAJ, cnagli, s. m. a consmnption.<br />

CuAjAc, cnagach, adj. knobby, rough.<br />

CnAgAct), cnagadtd, s. m. knottiness ; sternness.<br />

CnAjAt), cnagadh, s. knocking down.<br />

CuAjATÓ, cnagaidh, adj. hunch-backed; bossed.<br />

CuAjAit), cnagaid, s. a rap, a blow.<br />

oi 1 -41 1 y luneral sonff,<br />

CnAjAim, cnagaim, v. I strike, knock.<br />

CnA'c;Aii\e, cnagaire, s. m. a naggin.<br />

CtiAUi, crudb, s. f. hemp,<br />

CnÁibeAC, cnaibeadi, adj. hempen.<br />

CnÁib uij'ge, cnaib MiV(/

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