An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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lle&iiiAinn, reamhainn, prep, and pron. before us.<br />

^\é^m•s.^\^&,reamaire, s. m. a traveller, wayfaring<br />

man.<br />

lleAiiivMcne, reamhaitJine, s. foreknowledge.<br />

KeAiiiHAt).<br />

lleAiiifAii'TDine, reamhj haisdiue, s. f a prophecy.<br />

lleAiiipo]', reamhfhios, see neiiiipo)-.<br />

lleAtiiíón, reamhlon, s. m. a viaticum.<br />

UeATÍibónAiin, reamhlonaim, v. I make provision<br />

for a journey.<br />

ReAiiiinon, reamlimon, s. dalliance, »S/i.<br />

ReAtiio^-eAt), reamh<strong>of</strong>eadh, s. rheumatism.<br />

FleAiiiónT)Ú5A-ó, reamhordughadh, s. predesti-<br />

nation.<br />

íleATÍióiTOUijiin, reamhorduighiin, v. I preordain,<br />

predestine.<br />

1íleAiiió]it)ui5ce, reamlwrduigldhe, part, pre-<br />

ordained.<br />

UeATÍiiAAc, reamhracJi, a. coagulative.<br />

lleAiiinAct), reamlirachd, s. £ fatness, grossness.<br />

TleAriinÁ-ó, reamhradh, s. a preface, fore-citation,<br />

preamble, proem, exordium.<br />

tleAiiinATiAim, reamhradhaim, v. I preface, fore-<br />

cite, foretell.<br />

lleAiiinÁfóce, reamliraidhte, a. fore-cited.<br />

ReAiiiiiújA-ó, reamhrughadh, s. fattening, making<br />

IxeAmjunjuu, reamliruiglwii, v. I fatten, clot,<br />

coagulate, concrete.<br />

RcAiiiivuijce, reamliruighthe, part, concreted,<br />

coagulated, fatted.<br />

11eAiii]"-eAL'LA-ó,»'ea)>i/ís/i(;fíífafZ/í,see]\eiiiif'eAl,bA'ó.<br />

11eAiii|-niUAini5iin, reamlismuainighim, v. I ibre-<br />

think, preconceive.<br />

1\.eAiÍT|'muAinci5, reamhsmuainiigh, s. forC'<br />

thought.<br />

53<br />

ReAThÚAC'OAine, reamhthachdaire, see péiiiiceAC<br />

OAÍne.<br />

lleAti, renn, s. f. haste ; v. sell ; i. e. \\e\c, second<br />

person imper. <strong>of</strong> |Aeicini, I sell; s. selling; a<br />

star; land.<br />

Ué<strong>An</strong>, rean, s. f. a span.<br />

Ivo<strong>An</strong>A, reana, s. a sale.<br />

lle<strong>An</strong>Áiin, reanaim, v. I sell.<br />

lle<strong>An</strong>g, renng, s. m. a hare.<br />

lleAUgA, reanga, s. reins <strong>of</strong> the back.<br />

lleAtigAC, reangach, a. \vrinkled, furrowed.<br />

He<strong>An</strong>gA-o, reangadh, s. starving, starvation.<br />

lleAtijAun, reangaim, v. I starve.<br />

1le<strong>An</strong>5Aine, reangaire, s. m. a contentions person.<br />

Ue<strong>An</strong>n, reann, s. Í. land, soil; country.<br />

Re<strong>An</strong>tiA, reanna, s. pi. stars.<br />

Re<strong>An</strong>uAine, reaniiaire, s. m. an astrologer, astronomer.<br />

lle<strong>An</strong>nÁn, reannan, s. a star.<br />

Tle<strong>An</strong>nAf, reannas, v. I sold.<br />

lle<strong>An</strong>up, reanus, s. m. a sale.<br />

1leA]\, rear, s. a step; a swelling or rising up.<br />

1\éA]\, rear, s. provision.<br />

1\éAp, rear, ~{ s. the blackbird; i. e. ton, i. e.<br />

UéA]\5, rnny-r. f<br />

etin -oub, o. f/.<br />

1veAHj^Ay:.'\n, r, ,ii ''•hiii, s. m. a little blackbird.<br />

tl6A)\Acr, r.M. ///, Í. a rising, roaring up.<br />

ReAHAiTJ, rmraidh, s. a senior, elder ; v. he went.<br />

1leA]\Ait>im, rearaidhim, v. I go, proceed.<br />

KeA)\t)At)Aii, rear'dadar, v. they went.<br />

1xeA^\óiD, reai'oid, s. an aged person.<br />

11eA]ioiic, rearort, s. saving, protection, deliverance.<br />

1leA]% reas, s. a skirmish.<br />

IxéAi-Ait), reasaid, s. a raisin.<br />

IvéAfÁn, reasan, see -peAi^un.<br />

txéAfÁn<strong>An</strong>n, i-msana»?», v. I plead, allege, reason.<br />

ReApbATO, reasbaid, a. f a beggar's brat, an<br />

urchin.<br />

1léA]'CAC, reascacli, prattling, talkative.<br />

ReA|"oncA, reasonta, a. reasonable.<br />

1leA|-o^AC, reasort, s. health, hcalthfulness ; pre-<br />

servation.<br />

1leAfciu\im, reastraim, v. I restore, bring back.<br />

1\eA>]-UAl,t, reasuall, s. m. a whale ; see nocuAit).<br />

lléAi'ún, reasun, s m. reason, meaning; autho-<br />

1léA]'únACA-ó, reasunacliadh, s. ratiocination, reasoning.<br />

lléA^'úncA, reasmita, a. reasonable.<br />

lleA^n'mcACC, reasuniach, s. f.) ratiocination, realléAi-úncA^-,<br />

reasuntas, s. m. son, argument.<br />

J<br />

!léA]-úncAit)e, reasuntaidhe, s. m. a reasoner.<br />

lleAc, leath, s. a revolution or turning about.<br />

ReAc, reat, prep, and pron. with thee.

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