An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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trization, closure.<br />

"OpuróeAt), druidheadh, s. di'opplng, distilling.<br />

Xy]\v\me0]'5Ói]\, druthbhosgoir, s. m. a pimp.<br />

"Onufoeoj, druideog, 5 Welsh, di-udwy.<br />

X))\ucl,A'b]iAr), dridhlabhradh, s. babbling, blab-<br />

"OiuiTOeAcc, druidheacJit, s. f magic; druidism, bing.<br />

Lee. 10, 2.<br />

*OpuclAb)iAim, drutMabhraiin, v. I babble.<br />

'O^un'oeA-o, druideadh, s. shutting, closing, cica- *0]\ucl<strong>An</strong>n, dridhlami, s. m. a bawdy house.<br />

"O^iuctiiAC, druthmhach, s. m. a bastard.<br />

*Onucni<strong>An</strong>cói]A, druthrnhancoir, s. m. a pander.<br />

"Onucoip, druthoir, s. m. a fornicator.<br />

"Ou, du, s. m. a land, countiy, habitation, village,<br />

a place ; " IIIatoiti lAgAlbAib yo]\ jaoioeAlAib,<br />

•ou lUAji itiAi\'bAt) Uai-05 ua CeAi\l>-<br />

AilV, 4 3iast. 1407; ink; adj. meet, just,<br />

proper, fit.<br />

"OuA, dua, s. m. a high mound, a high plain, o. g.<br />

"OuAbAip, duabhais, adj. sorrowful.<br />

"OuAc, duach, proper name <strong>of</strong> a man.<br />

"OuAt), duad, s. m. toil, labour, exercise.<br />

"OuAT), duadh, s. m. eating; difficulty, sorrow.<br />

*OuA-OAiiibACX), duadamhlaclid, s. hardship.<br />

*OuA-O<strong>An</strong>nub, duadamhuil, adj. laborious, hard. .<br />

"OuATJAH, dicadar, v. they cat.<br />

*OuA'DiiiA|\, duadhmhar, see T)UAt)Amuib.<br />

'OuA'óobAi|i, duadhobair, s. haid labour.<br />

"OuAe, duae, s. a dwelling house.<br />

"OuAJ, duagh, s. m. fatigue, weariness.<br />

*OuAicneAC-o, ducdchneachd, s. f. deformity.<br />

'OuAicnijiin, duaicnighim, v. I disfigure.<br />

"OuAicni^te, duaichniglithe, part, disfigured,<br />

ugly.<br />

'OuAicniuJAt), duaichniughadh, s. disfiguring.<br />

'OnúireAc, druiseach, '\<br />

j. , ^c i -i i<br />

- ,n -1 7 . I adi. lustful, lecherous,<br />

„ 1 -1 4 imchaste, libidinous.<br />

'OuAi-o, duaidh, v. has eaten; s. f. evil, misfortune.<br />

'OnúipeAiiilACT), dniiseamhlachd, see -o^ujip TDuAil, duail, sec -ouaI.<br />

O]\ui]-0AtAc-o, druisealacJid, s. moisture.<br />

"OuAile, duaile, s. i. propriety.<br />

'0]\ú\yeo-^, driciseog, s. a lecherous woman. 'OuAilbbeA|\CA, duaillbhearta, s. a dialect,<br />

*0]\úi]'ini, druisim, v. I lust.<br />

X)i\úipl<strong>An</strong>n, druislann, s. m. a bawdy house.<br />

"OuAitii, duaimh, s evil, Sh.<br />

O uAipc, duairc, s. f. a surly person.<br />

'Opuiyboi-jA-o, druislosgadh, s. m. lust.<br />

'OuAi]\c, duairc, \ adj. surly,stem, churlish,<br />

"OuAiiicAC, duaircach,] morose, unamiable.<br />

"O'liAtiub, d'uairibh, adv. at times, as <strong>of</strong>ten.<br />

"OuAiT, duais, s. f. a reward, cost, wages, the<br />

right hand ; a prince, a lord, a noble ; a prize,<br />

merit, premium ; adj. pregnant.<br />

"OuAti-eAc, duaiseach, s. m. arcwardcr; adj. giftbestowing.<br />

"OuAicnTO, duaithnidh, adj. shut up, foreclosed.<br />

"OuAicnigce, duaithnighte, adj. obscure.<br />

"OuaI, rfíící/, s. m. a duty, law, <strong>of</strong>fice; destiny;<br />

a loop, fold, plait; a lock <strong>of</strong> hair, a curl; adj.<br />

meet, fit, proper; hereditary; s. m. a patri-<br />

mony ; a sheaf <strong>of</strong> green flax ; painting, carving<br />

"OuAlAr, 'Iw.il'i.rh, adi. in lucks, thick.

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