An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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cot COL COM<br />

CoicceiTOAit), tliey comprise. H. '2. 15, p. 61 «.<br />

Coiccenn •pA'oriAii'e; see irine coiccenn ; indifferent<br />

witness; " neAm-coiccenn", partial.<br />

H. 3. 18, p. Ifi2; " uhIaiit coiccenn'. O'D.<br />

2485. H. 2. 15, p. 53 a.<br />

Coiccec, coirgec, tliev go forth. H. 2. 15.<br />

O'D. 1088. Egert. 88. C. 2452.<br />

Coicci<strong>An</strong>cA, constant, unceasing (county <strong>of</strong> Kilkenny).<br />

yeAjvcAin coicci<strong>An</strong>cA means constant<br />

rain.<br />

Coiccinn, a commons; used in Thomond.<br />

CoicecliiTA .1. cuc]\uiiiA, no coinrobje. C.<br />

2776, 2322, 2327. " IniÁin coiteccA", fair<br />

driving. Eawl. 487. O'D. 2030.<br />

Coiq-ecc, hearing.<br />

Coicp .1. coméiixecc. D. F. Gl. O'D. 2229.<br />

Col, incest, wickedness. Rawl.AST. O'D. 2023.<br />

" CuLIac .1. coIac .1. ApA riie-o a cuil .i. bi<br />

Ia inACAiji ocuf le I'lAip". " Cullach (a boar),<br />

i. e. Colach, incestuous, from his incestuous<br />

in consimilem ex parte sua consenserunt satisfactionem".<br />

Triad, p. 296. "1p coll C<strong>An</strong>A<br />

ociif ^e^\^ •OAm-i^A init)". Lismore, p. 6 a.<br />

ColpA [tibia, H. 2. 13. Glos.], a full-grown<br />

beast <strong>of</strong> the horse or cow kind ; six sheep are<br />

also called a colpA, as their grass is estimated<br />

as the same as that <strong>of</strong> a full-grown cow or<br />

horse.<br />

ColpAC, colbA, hornless, bald; " cm cjiin, cm<br />

CAOc, ciT) lee colpACA iAc". Egert. 88. C.<br />

2157. Rawl. 506. O'D. 2305.<br />

ColpAC, a two-year-old lieifer, worth 8 screpalls<br />

or 6 (H. 3. 18, p. 513); called in the northern<br />

half <strong>of</strong> Ireland biojiAch or beA^Ach. H. 3.<br />

17, cols. 197, 658 b. " colp-OAc ppenn", a<br />

bull or hc-heifer, worth 8 screpalls. H. 3. 18.<br />

3 a. " colpAch ye fci\ebAll". H. 2. 15.<br />

O'D. 1199.<br />

ColpcAi, bedfellows, guests. O'D. 1165.<br />

Com .1. coniiéAt). O'Clet'f/. " ComA cac \\]\chonx)<br />

A eccont) Ai^ub". Let every adult<br />

guard his cccon against them. O'D. 2202.<br />

ComA, talliatio. H. 2. 13. Glos.<br />

ComAccomol, conjunctio. Z. 982.<br />

ComACHA, mutual suit.<br />

ComAt), cuniuc, as big as, as much as. See<br />

cumiic .1. com-méc no com-^'At». H. 3. 17.<br />

O'D. 547. " po)\5Ab Aoi]\e a curiiAt)". Egert.<br />

88. C. 2258.<br />

ComAtJAp, comAip, coiTiAoip Egert. 88. C.<br />

2592 ; meet, lawful, fit, befitting. " A]\ niji<br />

bA hAen cotnAT)Ai-p •oia nelcA he yo\\ a ecopc<br />

UAtieag". " A CAtllec, ni haí;a illec fencAin<br />

; ni comAT)Ai|"oeic" Cor Glos. m yocc<br />

copulation with his mother and sisters". Cor.<br />

Glos. in voce cuIIac " : col a nomine caligd".<br />

Idem.<br />

Col, wickedness, Incest; "a nomnie caIi^o<br />

[darkness]. C. 143. "<br />

yt>i cac dome no<br />

|:iii cAc col", O'D. 459 " ; co]\bA-6 .i. col, no<br />

cAiceAiri". O'Clery, voce cojibAU.<br />

Col cluice, foul play, cheating at a game " ; col<br />

.1. -peAll no éicec", treachery or falsehood.<br />

Egert. 88. C. 2395.<br />

Col<strong>An</strong>n, the body, the subject, the original. H.<br />

3.17. O'D. 575 "llochA c<strong>An</strong>|uifcAii colunn<br />

Aice", the original is not found with<br />

him. Eqert. 88. C. 2159. " col<strong>An</strong>n -piAc",<br />

original debt. H. 3. 17, c. 118, 119. "Aichjm<br />

coIIaajiII", the restitution <strong>of</strong> the bodv<br />

Piuill.<br />

ComAicmcA, <strong>of</strong> the same kind or nature; " muc<br />

<strong>of</strong> his pledge. 7?ímpZ. 487. O'D. 2085.<br />

_ A cotiiAicmcA", a pig <strong>of</strong> the same kind. R.I. A.<br />

ColTiA, the side <strong>of</strong> a bed, particularly the front 5. 35, p. 38. col 2.<br />

rail; " coIIja ua IcAbcA" (Kilk.). See H.<br />

3.17. O'D. 372, 575. Egert. 8S. C 2220;<br />

CotfiAicpget), is related. H. 2. 15, p. 14 b.<br />

ComAm, partnership. Egert. 88. C. 2464.<br />

a bed-fellow. O'D. 475.<br />

ComAij l<strong>An</strong>AmnAi|-, the reciprocal duties <strong>of</strong><br />

ColbA; " Ainni cinle no i"5]\ine bi]'iA]\ cijI col- marriage. Eawl. 487. O'D. 2121.<br />

bA". Egert. 88. C. 2676. H. 3. 18. C. 290. ComAiji: " po comAii\", for, or against. H. 3.<br />

Coll, to violate ; impingere. " r]\e coll a 17. O'D. 561. Egert. 88. 0.^2227.<br />

HeAccA", for violating his law. Four Masters,<br />

1599. " HiA]! lllAoilb^i'ij'oe iaja pn hi ccoll<br />

ComAipb, he banished. H. 3. 18. 8 o.<br />

ComAinbeA]\cnu5A-ó, to assist. C. 1906.<br />

einicc Pat)i\aicc ó coicccAtiAib Cpeno .i. c ConiAipbepcnAijceii, is adjudicated. H. 3. 17.<br />

coigcAt) UIa-ó Ia ^AbAil a n-AiccipeA-o .i O'D. 540. See bejicnAigcep.<br />

quocA I'eACc cuiiiaI aja^ ceAqiAp hi cc)\o ComAi]\ce, protection " inuijUf TDac geA^iAilc<br />

CA'o o UlcAib; A comiiiieic oile o cenel ooJAbÁilllí ChAU<strong>An</strong>Am a]i comAi]\ce <strong>An</strong> Ca^-<br />

GoJAin". " Malbrigidus autein quia ita contra boicc til Ce<strong>An</strong>bAllAin". Maurice Fitzgeiald<br />

reverentiam EccIcsÍíb Dei et Sancti Patricii made O'Cananan prisoner wider protection<br />

doLi'am impegerunt, abUlidiis accepit obsidcs <strong>of</strong> Bishop O'Carrolan. O'Conor, ad ann. 1250.<br />

ct 210 bovcs ; et quatuor ex delicti authoribi ComAi]\cim, I ask, inquire. " Ocuf ^o com-<br />

Fuspendi curarant Ulidii. Kincl-Eogain etlai Ainci-eAX) ciAj-A cent) ocuf ac bepc yuim

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