An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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SniéA]icói]i, smeartJioir, s. m. a cajoler.<br />

SméACiióix», smeathroid, see i'méAjióra.<br />

Sme-oe)ineAC, smederneach, s. m. slumber.<br />

Smeicc, smeicc, see j-nieij.<br />

Smelt), smeid, s. f. a nod, wink, beck, inuondo.<br />

Smei-ocAc, smeideach, s. m. one tliat winks.<br />

SméineA-ó, smeideadh, s. nodding, winking.<br />

SnienjeAU, smeideadh, s. hissing.<br />

Smemeoj, smeideog, see ^-iiiéi-oe.<br />

Sméit)iin, snmdim, v. I nod, beckon, wink.<br />

Sniei)\ne, smeirne, s. f. a spit; brooch, pin.<br />

SmeópAc, smeorach, s. m. a mavis, a linnet, a<br />

nightingale.<br />

SmeóiiAt), smeoradh, s. anointing.<br />

Smeópne, smeorne, s. the point <strong>of</strong> a dart.<br />

StiieojicAi j-ceine, smeorthaigh-teine, s. firebrands.<br />

Smén, smer, s. m. fire.<br />

SmejiAi je, smeroighe, s. the second swarming <strong>of</strong><br />

a hive ; " i. e. yMte C<strong>An</strong>Aij-e", B)\ L.<br />

Snié]ióic, gnieroit, s. f. sparks, embers; " i. e.<br />

l-mé]\óic, i.e. ]-mé\\ cenet), ajai^I-'oic fuijelb;<br />

pnépóic -om, i. e. iruijel,!, ceni-o", Cor.<br />

Snieu]i, smeitr, see pniéA]\.<br />

Snieti)!, smeiir, s. a blackberry, bramble berry.<br />

Snieti]\AC, smeurach, a. abounding with black-<br />

berries.<br />

Smi-o ! smid! interj . mum<br />

! not a word.<br />

Sniit), smid, s. f. a word, a syllable.<br />

5' ''"\ . t s. m. the chin ; mirth.<br />

Sniigm, smigm, ^<br />

StnijeAU, smigeadh, s. a smile.<br />

SniijéAT), smigead, s. a neck-cloth.<br />

SmijeAiOAC, smigeadach, s. m. a cliin-cloth.<br />

SmioL, smiol, 1 i -i ^ i\ n i.<br />

„,,',. '.7 J > s. philomela, the thrush.<br />

SiiiioÍAC, smiolacli,} '<br />

Smio]\, smior, s. marrow, strength.<br />

SmioiiAiTiLACT), smioramhlachd, s. f. activity,<br />

manhness.<br />

SmiojiAiiiuil, smioramhuil, a. lively, active,<br />

manly.<br />

Smion-CAiileAC, smior-cailleach, s. m. a poor,<br />

puny fellow.<br />

S1T110C, smiot, s. an ear; a small portion <strong>of</strong> anything;<br />

a box, a blow.<br />

SnuocA, smiuta, a. <strong>of</strong> or belonging to the car.<br />

S11110CAC, smiotach, a. crop-eared.<br />

SMI SMU<br />

SmiocÁn, smiotan, s. m. a small ear; a tap on<br />

the ear.<br />

Smiocój, smiotog, s. f. a hand or glove without<br />

fingers.<br />

Snii^-ce, smiste, s. f. a pestle, a mall.<br />

SnnfceAt), smisteadh, s. smiting, pounding.<br />

Sniifciiii, smistim, v. I smite.<br />

Snií|xín, smistiii, s. a short, thick stick.<br />

Smo'oÁn, smodan, s. m. mist.<br />

Snieit)iTii, smeidim, v. I hiss.<br />

Srnot)Án, smodan, 1 , ^<br />

. •<br />

o 1<br />

7 J7 > s. dirt, smut, a spot.<br />

'<br />

' SnioijieAT), smoiglead/i,\<br />

^<br />

Smeij, snieig,<br />

"^<br />

SniojAinneAC, smogair7\each, a. large-boned.<br />

SrieijeAt), smeigead, Vs. m. the chin.<br />

Snióic, snioit, s. f. sulkiness.<br />

Snieipn, smeigin, }<br />

StnóiceAC, smoiteach, a. sulky.<br />

SmeigéA'OAc, smeigeadaeli, s. m. a chin-cloth, bib. Sniól,, smol, s. f. a weaver's shuttle.<br />

SmeiL, smeil, s. f. a pale, chill, ghastly look. SiiioL, smol, s. m. snufi'<strong>of</strong> a candle.<br />

Sme^\^r\, smeilin, s. f. a poor, puny, pale creature.<br />

Smeibeóg, smeikog, s. f. a pale, puny girl.<br />

Smol., smol, 1 , ,<br />

o I- , , > s. m. an ember, coal.<br />

'<br />

SmolAC, Sinolach,}<br />

SnióÍAc, smolach, s. ra. a thrush.<br />

SinoÍA'OÁn, smoladan, "i<br />

SiiioÍA'oói]i, smoladoir, Vs. suuflers.<br />

StnoljL<strong>An</strong>cói]!, smolghlanioir,<br />

SniotcAc, smoltach, s. m. a nightingale,<br />

thrusli.<br />

Snioc, smot,<br />

s. m. the nose, snout.<br />

Smiiij, smuig,)<br />

Snioc, smot, 1 ^i r i 1 1<br />

'- ' o > s. m. a mouthtul, a pluck.<br />

'^<br />

bnioc<strong>An</strong>, smoian,)<br />

SmocÁn, smotan,s. ra. a block, log, stock.<br />

SniUAine, smuaine, ) ^i 1 j. j3 •<br />

«• thought, reflection.<br />

SniUAineAt,, smicaineadhS<br />

SnniAinim, smuaimm, K.I think, imagine,<br />

SnniAincijitTi, smuain-<br />

devise, consider.<br />

tighim,<br />

SnniAince, smiiainie,'\ s. a thought, sentiment,<br />

SmuAincTO, smuaÍ7i-> cogitatioii; plur. piiutidh,<br />

) Aincijce.<br />

SiintAinceAC, smtiain-^<br />

teach, f a. thoughtful, cogitative,<br />

SmuAincijceAc, smu- 1 pensive, considerative.<br />

aintightheach, )<br />

SniuAinceACA'o, smiiainteachadh, see I'tnuAin-<br />

SnuiAÍncijce, smuaintighthe, part, imagined,<br />

conceived.<br />

SiiniAinci5ceói|i, smuaintightheoir, s. m. a cogi-<br />

tator.<br />

SinuAinciuJAu, smuaintiughadh, a. cogitation,<br />

meditation.<br />

SniuAijie<strong>An</strong>, smuairean, s. grief, dejection.<br />

SmuAi]ieAiiAC, smuaireanach, a. dejected,<br />

thoughtful.<br />

StmtAi]-, smuais, s. f. marrow; a. in pieces,<br />

broken in shivers.<br />

SnniCAib, smucail, s. snoring.<br />


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