An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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lleniiiiieOkfAH'oA, neirnhmheasardha, adj. intemperate,<br />

excessive.<br />

íleitiitiieAfAiTOACt), neiiiihmheasardJiachd, s. f.<br />

excess.<br />

lleuiitiieACA, ncimlimheata, a,.£eax\Qss, confident.<br />

neniiiiieij-jeAC, ne'unhmheisgeacli, a. sober.<br />

11eiiiin'iK\n, neimhmhian, s. want <strong>of</strong> desire.<br />

neniiiieokC, neimhneach, a. sore, painful, pas-<br />

sionate.<br />

TleimneA|iciiiA]i, neimkneartmhar, a. weak, fee-<br />

ble, imbecile.<br />

T1eiriinéul,AC, ji«íK/máMÍac7i,a.miclouded, serene.<br />

neniini, neiinhni, s. nothing, nonentity.<br />

neiiiniij, neimhnigh, s. £ venom; "Ij- no lii<br />

OLibejMii' jA TiAtii-'^<strong>An</strong>n Le neniini j a ci5eAX>A<br />

<strong>An</strong> CÁI1 ]-in", Tor. Or. na.<br />

neiniTiijnii, 7ieimnighim, v. I annihilate.<br />

^^euhmt^teACCjiieimhiughiheacht, s. nothingness.<br />

lleimpeA]i]-oncA, neimhphearsonta, a. imper-<br />

sonal.<br />

T1eiiiifD)\ío]'Aiiniíb, neimhphriosamhuil, a. cheap.<br />

t1eitii)\éiceAC, neimhreiteach, s. disagreement.<br />

lleininiAJAit, iieimhriayhail, s. f. disorder.<br />

tlein'miAJAtcAc, neimhriayJmltach, a. heteroclite,<br />

irregular.<br />

lleitiifeAU, neimJisheadh, s. contempt.<br />

^^e^mie^^]\cfiA,neimhsheargtha, a. undecayed.<br />

neitiifeAi'riiAC, neimhsheasmhach, a. unstable, inconstant,<br />

unsteady.<br />

lleiiiifeAi-mAcc, newihsheasmhacJit, s. f. incon-<br />

stancy.<br />

neiiiTpeoLcA, neimhsheolta, a. unmethodical;<br />

untaught.<br />

lleuiifgeATjuijce, neimhsgeadidght/ie, a. un-<br />

dressed.<br />

lleiriij-jiAraAC, neimhsgiamhach, a. unhandsome,<br />

unadorned.<br />

tleinii'giceAc, neimhsgitheach, 1 a. unwearied.<br />

tleirii^-gia^ce, neimhsgithighthe, } untired.<br />

neiTtT|-iobAtcÁ, neitnlishiobhalta, a. uncivil.<br />

neirii]iDleAt)AC, neimhspleadhach, a indepen-<br />

dent.<br />

11eim]'pl,ei'ó, neimhsjileidh, s. independence.<br />

lleiiiiceAjiumce, iHÍmhthearidnte, a. insecure.<br />

llenfice<strong>An</strong>umceAct), neimhtliearuinteaclid, s. in-<br />

security.<br />

Heirhceié, neimhilieiih, a. cold, cool.<br />

11eirhciniciobt5eAi\nAt), neiinhthimcliiollghearradh,<br />

s. uncircumcision.<br />

HeitiicmicioLljeAivncA, neimhthimcliiollghearriha,<br />

a. imcircumcised.<br />

neimc]ieAbcA, neimhtliveahhtha, a. uncultivated.<br />

TleinicpeAbce, neimhthreabhte, a. impenetrable,<br />

neitiir)\éi]-e, ncimlithrci.se, s impotence.<br />

49<br />

NEI NI<br />

neimcueoiinjce, neimhthreoirighthc, a, undi-<br />

rected.<br />

tie r\ó.]\, ne nar, adv. whether or no.<br />

11eip, neip, s. f. a turnip.<br />

t1ei]-il, neisil, a. seedless, impotent, blighted.<br />

^^e\t,neith, s. a fight, battle, engagement; the<br />

god <strong>of</strong> battle with the Pagan <strong>Irish</strong>; "Heic,<br />

i. e. "OiA CACA be pencil gAe-óel, acaj-<br />

lleAiiiou A ben pn". Cor,<br />

lleice, neithe, plur. <strong>of</strong> ni, a thing.<br />

lleiceAC, neitheach, a. false.<br />

lleiceAiiiuii, neitlieamhuil, a. real.<br />

11 ebb, nell,s. m. a canopy.<br />

11 em on, nemon, s. the iiellona <strong>of</strong> the Pagan<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>, the wife <strong>of</strong> lleic; see lleic.<br />

11 eo, neo, a negative particle used by the Scotch<br />

writers <strong>of</strong> Gaelic for the neatii and neuii <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Irish</strong>.<br />

Ileo, or Ai^* neo, neo, or air neo, adv. else,<br />

otherwise; 11eo, conj. and; a. good.<br />

Ileoc, ncoch, s, a person, one, any one; a.<br />

good.<br />

lleoúuine, neodhuine, s. nobody, Se.<br />

lleojogAC, neoghogach, a. constant, SJi.<br />

lleoiT), jíáOi'íí, a. strong, stout, thick; penurious,<br />

scanty; bad, naughty; s. a wound.<br />

Ileoil, neoil, plur. <strong>of</strong> néub, a cloud.<br />

Ileom, 71C0ÍH, s. f. evening, Donl. 150.<br />

Ileoni, neoni, s. nonentity, Sc. prop, neirhni.<br />

lleonncACT), neoinithachd, s. nothingness, Sc.<br />

Ileomiceoc, neoinitheach, a. annihilable. So.<br />

lleoiniceATÍ), neoiidtheadh, s. annihilation, Sc.<br />

Ileomnéubc, neoinreult, s. vesper, evening star.<br />

lleonAC, neonach,^. antic, comical, odd.<br />

lleonACA]', neonachas, s. m. comicalness, odd-<br />

ness.<br />

11e|', lies, see ticA-p; a. quick, nimble.<br />

Iléul, 7ieul, s. m. a cloud; a veil; a star, light,<br />

glimpse <strong>of</strong> light ; a fit, trance, swoon.<br />

lléubAC, neulach, a. cloudy.<br />

néulAT)ói|i, neuladoir, s. m. an astrologer, astronomer.<br />

lléulA-oóipeACt), neuladoireaehd, s. f. astrology ;<br />

sneaking and gazing about.<br />

11éut^u]\cA'ó, neulfhurtadli, s. a slumbering,<br />

snoring.<br />

lléubni<strong>An</strong>, neulmliar, a. cloudy.<br />

llge-oAb, ngcdal,\s. sltcqu.; the double letter<br />

llgiACAb, w^íaía/, J . ng.<br />

11i, ni, a negative particle, not; ni liéAÓ, i. e.<br />

ni é, nay, not so, it is not; ni yéi-oi]i, it cannot<br />

be. It is sometimes written niob, asn'iob<br />

bueiceAiTiuin niÁijne; s a thing, something,<br />

anything; a daughter; contracted for injeAii<br />

iroods, cattle.

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