An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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5At GAL SAL GAL<br />

"^Myvme, gaisdidhe, s. m. a pamter.<br />

'^M\~ome'S]-, ffaisdidheas, s. m. painting.<br />

jAij-e, ffaise, s. a flaw, a blemish ; boldness, valour,<br />

chivalry ; a small brook.<br />

gAi^-ge, gaisge, s. bravery, feats <strong>of</strong> arms.<br />

jAii-je, $ia%e, a. | brave; Uicc 50.11-56,<br />

5Aif5eAt), gaisgeadh,\ brave men.<br />

5Aii-5e«.\c, gaisgeach, s. m. a hero, a champion.<br />

5Ai5e s. m. kindred, relation.<br />

^Ao\,,gaol,j<br />

^aIaIjap, galablias, s. m. a parasite.<br />

JaIac, galach, s. m. valour, courage, fortitude:<br />

a. valiant, brave ; stout.<br />

^AtÁn, galan, s. a noise; a sudden blast; a sudden<br />

glimpse.<br />

jALAflAC, galanach, a. noisy.<br />

gAl<strong>An</strong>n, galann, s. m. an enemy; chivalry.<br />

5*1^11, galar, s. m. a disease, distemper, sickness.<br />

gAtAii-bjieAc, galar-breac, s. m. the small pox.<br />

gALÁji-btii-óe, galar-buidhe, s. the jaundice.<br />

jALAivpuAil, galar-fuail, s. the gravel.<br />

5aU\]i-5A|-oa, galar-gasda, s. the flux.<br />

5AlÁi\-iniíi5ceAC, galar-milightheach, s.the green<br />

sickness.<br />

5AtÁi\-pl,ocA-ó, galar-plocadh, s. the quinsy.<br />

5AtÁn--|-5i\ucAC, galar-sgrutach, s. the itch.<br />

5AlÁi\-cec, galar-teth, s. the rot.<br />

5aIapca]\, galastar, v. they spoke to.<br />

jAlbA, galbha, s. rigour, hardness.<br />

jAlbAit), galbhaidli, s. m. heat, warmth.<br />

5a1,5A-ó, gaJgadh, s. m. a champion, valour; a.<br />

stout, valiant.<br />

5AI5AC, galgat, s. heat, causing vapour; " i. e.<br />

ceAybAc 1111A ppuilin5e 5AI", Cor.<br />

JaIiac, galiath, s. a helmet.<br />

gAlion, Gallon, Lcinstcr, Lee.<br />

JaIL, gall, s. m. a stranger, a foreigner, an<br />

<strong>English</strong>man ; stone vases or boilers ; " i. e.<br />

coi]\ce cLoice", e.g.; a rock, a stone; phir.<br />

5AiLLeACA; milk; a cock, a swan; an old<br />

woman ; a teat or dug ; desire ; a. greedy,<br />

eager; s. a Gaul, a Frank.<br />

jAlbA, galla, s. f a bitch; fairness, brightness,<br />

beauty ; i. e. Sit-e, Lee.<br />

JaLIat), gallad, s. a lass, a young girl.<br />

jAlÍAit), gallaidli, a. hot.<br />

gAblÁn, gallan, s. m. a branch; a rock.<br />

gAllÁii-cunpA, gallan-curra, a. didapper, diver.<br />

5AlLÁn-5neATincAiii, gallan-greannchair, s. colts<br />

foot ; tussilago furfara.<br />

5AltÁn-iTio]i,(jíaí/a?í-7no)',s. butter-burr, pestilence<br />

wort; tussilago petasites.<br />

jAlb<strong>An</strong>cAcc, gallantacht, s. gallantry, intrigue.<br />

5AtU\oit-e, gallaoile, )<br />

'^ó^\^o^\e\c, gaUaoileach,\ ' ^'<br />

5AllboÍ5AC, gallbholgacli, s. m. the French pox.<br />

jAÍbuAib, gaibhuaidli, a. victorious.<br />

gAÍlcno, gallchio, s. a walnut.<br />

gAlLcobAiji, gallclioblinir, s. one ambitious oi<br />

valour; " i. e. 5a'LL cobAi|A, i. e .i-Ainc goileiio<br />

5Aipci'ó," hence the family name <strong>of</strong> O'Gal-<br />

lagher.<br />

'^'iXXxiA, gallda, a. belonging to an <strong>English</strong>man;<br />

strange, foreign, surly, poor spirited.<br />

gAlb-OACT), galldachd, s. low country <strong>of</strong> Scot-<br />

land, Sli.; s. f. <strong>English</strong> connection ; association<br />

or habitation with the Enghsh; "O b)UAin<br />

tuAoL -00 65 -oon cei-óm ipn 5aLIt)acc",<br />

4 iiast. 1398.<br />

5AllT)HoniA, galldroma, s. a kettle drum.<br />

gAlliiunlionn, gallmhuilionn, s. a mill wheel.<br />

5a'LIó51ac, galloglach, s. m. a servant ; a heavy<br />

armed soldier.<br />

5Alb]iAC, gallrach, a. infectious.<br />

gAltpAt), gallradh, s. m. infection, disorder.<br />

'^(>XX\\wt^\m,gallruighim, v. I ominate, portend;<br />

torture.<br />

5All]\ui5ée, gallruighthe, part, infected, disordered.<br />

^Allub, gallubh, s the old name <strong>of</strong> Caithness.<br />

5aIU)c, galluch, s. m. a rat.<br />

gAlli'iiiAC, gullunach, s. m. soap.<br />

5aILui\aii, í/(í//M)-tt/i, g. wild angelica; angelica<br />


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