An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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to 111 LOIR toni LOM<br />

toiceAc, loicheach, s. m. a dotard.<br />

1 . - 7 • 7 1 • ' > s. m. a chandler.<br />

LoiceAT)om, loicheadoir, J<br />

toiceAiiiÍACt), loiceamlilaclid, s. f. dotage, foolery.<br />

'Loi'ó]\e, loidhre, s. the leprosy.<br />

toige, foií/í!, see LAije.<br />

toigeic, loigeic, s. logic, Sh<br />

LóiljeAC,<br />

Loibje<br />

7-7 7 7<br />

tonTi, Zoi'm, s. f. milk<br />

") s. m. a new calved cow,<br />

see<br />

"Loii'ri'oiojbAii, loimdioglihhail, s. poverty, want.<br />

'Loime, loime, s. bareness, baldness, poverty.<br />

"Loiniic, lohnic, s. a plaster for taking <strong>of</strong>f hair.<br />

'Loimne, loimne, s. a shield.<br />

XjO)m\-^\\^oic, loimsarios, s. f. ruin, destruction.<br />

t/Oinii'gpoi'Aim, loimsijriosaim, v. I eradicate,<br />

raze, ruin, ransack.<br />

\jO\x\, loin, s. f. a rivulet.<br />

toineA]!, loinear, s. light, a gleam or flash <strong>of</strong><br />

light.<br />

LoineA]TOA, loineardha, a. bright, shining.<br />

toineAiTOAcc, loineardliac/it, s. f. brightness.<br />

tómeóg, loineog, s. f. a lock <strong>of</strong> wool.<br />

toinjbuii'-oe, loinghhrisde, 1 s. a shipwreck,<br />

'Lomgbjiii'eAt), loinghhriseadh,) a wreck.<br />

"LomjeAC, loingeach, a. nautical.<br />

cr<strong>of</strong>t, a corn yard ; good condition, fatness ; a.<br />

impetuous.<br />

'LoiniioAc, loinneaeh, a joyfvfl, glad.<br />

tomneAc, loinneaeh, \ a. elegant, becoratoinneAiinuL,<br />

loÍ7ineamJiiiil,j ing, proper, neat.<br />

LomneAjiAc, loinnearach, a. loud, sonorous.<br />

'LoiiineAi\AC-o, loinnearachd, s. loudness.<br />

tomne<strong>An</strong>-oA, loinneardha, a. bright, shining,<br />

brilliant.<br />

'LoinneÁi\-ÓACt), loinneardliachd, s. f. brightness.<br />

'Lomiiet]', loinncis, s. f. wavering, rambling.<br />

toinnpeAc, loinnreacli, a. bright, shining.<br />

"LomniieAt), loinnreadh, s. brightness.<br />

toinniiim, loinnrim, v. I gleam, shine, lighten.<br />

'Loii\c, loirc, s. a gammon.<br />

tonigbeinc, loirgbheirt, s. f. leg armour, stock-<br />

toiiijiiii, loirg{m,v. I look for, inquire.<br />

Lóingníoiii, loirghniomh, s. satisfaction, amends.<br />

LóiiijníotiiAt», loirghniomhndh, s. satisfaction.<br />

t/óijígníoiiiA'un, loirgniomhaim, v. I requite.<br />

toijAjrieAt), loirgnmdh, s. a stalk.<br />

Loi]"ce<strong>An</strong>n, loisceann, a. bald.<br />

LoifceAiicA, loisceanta, a. fierce, fiery, blast-<br />

ing.<br />

Loii-cionn, hiscionn, s. a locust.<br />

l/ói]-x)ín, loisdin, s. f. lodging, an apartment, a<br />

tint.<br />

l.oi]'X)in, loisdin, s. a small kind <strong>of</strong>fish.<br />

ll/ói]'t)ineAC, loisdineach, s. m. a guest, lodger.<br />

toii'e, loise, s. a flame ; a. inflamed.<br />

lo^r^, loisg,<br />

?,_^^,,j^,<br />

Loi^'je, loisge, ^<br />

Loij'geAc, loisgeacJi, a. <strong>of</strong> a burning quality.<br />

t-oirsCA-o, loisneadh, 1 .<br />

, ^<br />

< ' •<br />

7<br />

> s. a burmng.<br />

Loii'gneA^", Loisgneas,)<br />

°<br />

t-oij-ge<strong>An</strong>, loisgean, s. a burnt pimpernel, Sh.; a<br />

salamander.<br />

Loi]~5iiii, loisgim, v. I burn, singe.<br />

Loi]-5neÁn, loisgrean, s. corn burnt out <strong>of</strong> the ear<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> being threshed.<br />

Loij'gce, loisgthe, part, burnt.<br />

toip, loisi, s. a fox.<br />

Loi]-)'!, loissi, s. a flame, conflagration; delight,<br />

LoinjeA-]', loingeas, s. f. shipping, a fleet.<br />

pleasure, gladness, joyfulness.<br />

tomseAr, loingeas, } •,<br />

1 ^ ! 7 • '<br />

7 f- s. an exile.<br />

Loin]'eAc, loinseacn,}<br />

Lot)x, loist, s f. a pannel, a pilHon,<br />

toi'fceAC, loisteach, s. m. a trough.<br />

toinjf'Aop, loingshaor, s. m. a shijjwiight.<br />

l-oiixeAiiiuil, loisteamhnil, a. slothful.<br />

tomsreAc, loingseach,-\<br />

Lom^]-eo-\]\,loingseoir,f<br />

.<br />

.j<br />

'^<br />

toinj^-ijun, loingsighim, v. I sail, set sail.<br />

Lomi, loini, s. the sciatica; rheumatism.<br />

harlot.<br />

tomi-o, loinid, s. f. a churn-dash, the instru- toiceoj, loileog, s. nettles; the lotus.<br />

ment by which the milk is agitated in a churn. toicijce, loitiiihthr. part, wounded, impaired.<br />

toinn, loinn, s. f joy, gladness; a com field, a Loicmi, Ivilini, \. I Avound, hurt.<br />

toiciiiitle, /«/í'/;í/ííVV, s. a severe wound.<br />

t/óiixín, loistin, s. m. and f a booth, tent, lodging,<br />

entertainment.<br />

toic, hit, s. f a wound, wounding, a plague ; a<br />

Lotcf-eAl5Ai]\e, loitshcalgaire, s. m. a rioter, a debauched<br />

fellow.<br />

Lom, lorn, a. bare, lean.<br />

"LorriA-ó, lomadh, s. desolation, nakedness, baldness,<br />

shaving.<br />

LomAT)óin, loniadoir, s. m. a shaver, shearer,<br />

plunderer.<br />

VomAHii, lomaim, v. I rub, chafe, fret; shave,<br />

make bare.<br />

toniAin, lomain, s. f. a shield.<br />

LoiiiAin, lomhain, s. f. a leading string.<br />

LoiiiAin-con, lomair-chon, s. a pack <strong>of</strong> hounds.<br />

l./0iiiAi)\e, lomaire, s. m. a shearer, a stripper.<br />

LoiuAiivr, lomairt, s. f. making bare, peeling,<br />

shaving, shearing ; a fleece.<br />

LoniAij'ceAc, lonmistearh, a. bare, bald, shorn.

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