An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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5no GRO 511 - a. grim, surly,<br />

^]\umAC,grumach,} ° ' •"<br />

gliu'iiAct), grumachd, s. f. surliness.<br />

Snu'iiAu, grumadh, s. m. a groom; vulg.<br />

JluinAiJAm, grunaigham, v. to ground, to sound,<br />

Sc.<br />

5l\iiiinACA-ó, grunnachadh, s. grounding, sound-<br />

ing. So.<br />

5l\unnA'ó, grunnadh, s. gathering in heaps.<br />

5Hunn<strong>An</strong>, grunnan, s. m. a small heap.<br />

gHunuA-pj, grunnasg, s. groundsel.<br />

5]\unrT0A]", grunndas, s. m. dross, lees.<br />

5l\unnc, grunnt, s. the ground, bottom, foundation<br />

; thrift, carefulness.<br />

5]\unncAiiuiib, grunntamhuil, a. industrious.<br />

JlumncAiiiiACT), grunnlamJilachd, s. f. industry.<br />

gjuini-gij, gnmsgigli, s. a truce, cessation <strong>of</strong> arms.<br />

gptincAtiilAct), gruntamhlachd, s. £ solidity,<br />

sense.<br />

JpuncATiiuil,, gruntanihuil, a. sound, solid,<br />

sensible.<br />

5luincA]', grurdas, s. m. dregs.<br />

i£' y J ><br />

bHU<strong>An</strong>iAc, gruamach,<br />

j<br />

morose, sour, grult, ^<br />

^^^^^^^^<br />

5luiAmACT), gruamachd, s. f. gloominess, moroseuess.<br />

*- o 5' y y I _<br />

o ^ ^ '9 J I<br />

5)\ú]\AC, grurach, s. m. the measles.<br />

5]\uc, griith, s. m. curds.<br />

5]>ucAC, gruthach, a. curdled, having curds.<br />

gu gu, prep, to ; see , 50 ; s. a lie, falsehood.<br />

guAc, guach, a. excellent.<br />

guAt), giiadfi, s. m. the grounds <strong>of</strong> drink.<br />

511 Aj, guag, s. m. folly.<br />

gUAjAipe, guagaire, s. m. a foolish fellow.<br />

5UA15, guaig, s. f a wry neck, a fool.<br />

guAiWeipc, guaildheirc, s. £ a coal pit.<br />

"1 s. f. a light, giddy-headed<br />

Y<br />

j<br />

person, a vain blockhead,<br />

fantastical fellow.<br />

^UAibiite, quailliqhe, 1 1<br />

.' S 11 .,f > s. m. a champion.<br />

guAilleoip, guailleoir,)<br />

JuAibbAiJAiTi, guaillaigJiam, v. to go hand in<br />

hand, Sh.<br />

gUAibiijeAC, guailligheach, s. m. a companion.<br />

guAincAfn, guaintam, v. to leave <strong>of</strong>f, let alone,<br />

be quiet, Sh.<br />

guAiptieÁn, (/iíatVíZían, s. a whirl-wind.<br />

5uAi]\e, giiaire, s. i. the hair <strong>of</strong> the head, a<br />

bristle ; an edge or point ; rouglmess ; a. ex-<br />

cellent, noble, great.<br />

SuAii^s, guairigh 1 ^_ j^^<br />

5uAi|\ioc, ^Mairioc/i,j<br />

-^<br />

gUAipnéin, guairnein, s. a whirl-wind.<br />


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