An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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"OeAJfomptAC, deaglishomplach, adj. exemplary.<br />

"OeAJCA^'j, deaphthasff, s. renown.<br />

"OeAJcAfjAc, deaghtliasgach, adj. renowned,<br />

famous.<br />

^OeAgceirt), deaghthejsd, 1 ^^^<br />

TJeoijceifoeAi", deagktiieisdeas, J<br />

"OeAJcoii, deaghiJioil, s. f. benevolence.<br />

'OeAJcoiLeAc, drogjillidileach, adj. benevolent.<br />

'OcajchiaU, ,l^.',i!,f/irl.(ll, s. a good gait.<br />

'OeA5-UAl]^, di^n.ilcimir, .-. favourable time.<br />

'OeAJinl, deag/iuil, s. f. twilight; oeAJuil ha<br />

iiiAróne, dawn; see "oeAUoii.<br />

•OeAJi'in, deaghur, s. m. pleasantry.<br />

"OeAji'ii-Aiioe, deaghusaide, s. good use.<br />

*OeAic, deaitli, s. wind, air; adj. idle, silly, i. e.<br />

oniiAom, 0. g.<br />

"OeAiceAC, deaitheach, adj. windy; smoky.<br />

'OeAb, deal,- s. a bloodsucker.<br />

TDeAl-A, deala, s. kindred, fiiendsliip ; refusing,<br />

denying ; a cliurn, a cow's udder, a nipple ; a<br />

leech.<br />

*OeAÍACT), dealachd, s. m. a divorce, separation.<br />

"OeAiAigim, dealaigldm, v. I separate, divorce,<br />

quit.<br />

'OeAlÁn, dealan, s. m. a coal; a sudden glimpse<br />

<strong>of</strong> sun after a cloud ; streaks <strong>of</strong> brightness in<br />

tlie sky by night.<br />

"OeAl<strong>An</strong>AC, decdanacli, s. lightning.<br />

"OeAl<strong>An</strong>'-oe, dealan-de, s. a butterfly.<br />

X)e&\,kx\-x>o\\mY,dealan-doruis, s. a latch <strong>of</strong> a door.<br />

'OcAlb, dealbh, s. f. the visage, countenance,<br />

face, form, frame, image, figure, statue, picture;<br />

a sign, a signal;' adj. poor, miserable.<br />

"OeAbbA, dealbha, s. a framing, fashioning.<br />

"OeAbbAC, dealhhach, adj. resembling, handsome,<br />

ingenious, inventive, specious, pleasant.<br />

'OcAtbACA, dealbhacha, s. a speculation.<br />

"OeAlbAt), dealhhad, s. formation.<br />

"OeAbbATD<strong>An</strong>, dealbliadan, s. m. a mould.<br />

'OeAbbA-ooi]!, dealbhadoir, s. m. a statuary, a<br />

painter.<br />

"OeAtbAiin, deallJiaim, v. I frame, form.<br />

'OeAlbcbuc, dealbhchluth, s .m. a drama, astayc<br />

play.<br />

'OeAlbclucAc, dealbhcJdutJiach, adj. dramatic.<br />

T) AbbcbucA'oói p, dealbhchluthadoir,s. m. a stageplayer.<br />

•OeAbbliobcoin, dealhhliobhthoir, s. m. a pahiter.<br />

'OeAlbf5]iiobAifn, dealbhsgrobhaiiii, v. 1 limn.<br />

'OeAbbcA, dealbhtha, adj. fictitious.<br />

'OeAbbcAc, dealbhthach, adj. pleasant.<br />

'OcAbbcoip, dealbhtlioir, see -oeAlbA-ooiii.<br />

'OeAlbcoi]\eAcc, dealbhthoireacht, s. delineation.<br />

"OeAÍbúi', dealbhus, s. m. misery, poverty.<br />

'OeAbc, dealc, a. great, huge, big.<br />

DEA DEA<br />

TDcaIj, deafg, s. m. a thorn, a skewer, a pin, a<br />

bodkin, a prickle. f<br />

"OeAlgAC, dealgach, adj. thorny, sharp-pointed.<br />

"OeAÍj-cbuAH'e, dealg-chluaise, s. an earpick.<br />

"OeAlgpAcuib, dealgfhiucuil, s. a toothpick.<br />

"OeAlgpuilc, dealgfhidlt, s. a hairpin.<br />

"OeAljionA-ó, dealghionadh, laying waste, Sh.<br />

"OeAlnuic, dealmhuc, s. m. a rebel, an outlaw.<br />

'OeAljriAi'oe, dealgnaidhe, s. m. a rebel, an<br />

outlaw.<br />

TíeAljnAi-óeAc, dealgnaidheach, adj. unjust, un-<br />

lawful.<br />

"OeAllAf, deallas, s. m. zeal, hurry, quickness.<br />

"OeAllAi-AC, deallasach, adj. zealous, hasty.<br />

"OeAlliiAc, deallraeh, adj. like; x)eAllnAc pi]-,<br />

like it, compared to it.<br />

"OcaIha-o, dealnidh, s. m. irradiation, illumination<br />

; brightness, splendour, resplendence.<br />

'OeAt|\A'DAc, deah'adhach, 1 adj. bright, shin-<br />

"OeAlnAi-óceAc, decdraidh- V ing, splendid, ret/ieach,<br />

J splendent.<br />

"OeAbnAixiim, dealraidldm, v. I shine, irradiate<br />

'OeAlnui-óe, dealruidhe, adj. bright.<br />

'OeAlpuijceAC, dealruightheach, see -oeAljiAit)ceAc.<br />

"OeAlli-AC, dealhat, v. they touched, resorted,<br />

frequented, i. e. " CAt)AibbfeAc", o. g.<br />

'OeAÍc, dealt, s. f dew.<br />

"OeAbugAt), dealughadh, s. m. separation, divorce.<br />

"OeAlinjeAC, dcaluigheacli, adj. separable.<br />

"OeAluigim, deluigldm, v. I divorce, separate,<br />

leave, forsake.<br />

"OeÁluijce, dealuigIitIie,Tpaxt separated,divorced.<br />

"OeAiii, deain, s. want, scarcity.<br />

'OeAiiiAt), deamadh, s. agreeing, agreement. ^<br />

"OeAiiiAb, deariial, \ s. m. a demon or evil<br />

"OeAiúon, deamlwn, j<br />

spirit.<br />

"OeAtii<strong>An</strong>-nuAgAipe, deamhan- ><br />

- ^<br />

's.<br />

m. an exorcist.<br />

ruagaire, y<br />

"OeiiiAimúin, demharruin, a. f. a mystery.<br />

"OeAiiiAi-, deamhas, s. f. scissore, sheers. -<br />

"OeAiiinoi^i, deamhnoir, s. m. a conjuror.<br />

'OeAiimoineAcc, deamhnoireaclit, s. conjuration.<br />

TDeAiiniuige, deamhmdghe, adj. devilish.<br />

"OeAii'mA, deamhra, see oiAiiiAii.<br />

'Oe.s^^, dean,<br />

|_ ^^ ^^j^^^_<br />

DeAun, deann, )<br />

tDeAiiACUAC, deanachdac/t, adj. vehement, grie-<br />

vous.<br />

^ . , j7 "i s. m. action, doing; luce<br />

^e<strong>An</strong>A^, deanadh I<br />

^^,^,^,.,^^ ^^^^.^ ^^.<br />

'<br />

T)eAiiAiii, deanamh, i -,<br />

')<br />

good.<br />

"OeAiiA-o, deanadh, > j. ,•<br />

^ -J 7 r ad), active.<br />

TDe<strong>An</strong>^-Ac, deansacn, )<br />

•'<br />

'Oe<strong>An</strong>AtJOiji, dcanadoir-, s. m. a doer.

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