An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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a prince designed, the presumptive successor<br />

<strong>of</strong> a king.<br />

txioj-oA]', rioghdhas, s. m. a kingdom.<br />

Tlioje, rioghe, sec inge.<br />

IxÍojIac, rioghlach, s. m. an old liag; a gray-<br />

, liaired old man.<br />

TliojL<strong>An</strong>n, rioghlann, s. m. a palace, king's court.<br />

IliogtAOc, riogJilaocJi, s. m. a prince, a respectable<br />

old man.<br />

IliojnACAi]!, rioghjiatJiair, s. m. a cockatrice.<br />

Iliojpo^c, rioghphort, s. m. a royal palace.<br />

llíójpubAÍ, rioghpliuhal, s. m. a royal tent.<br />

IliojtiAC, rioghrath, s. a royal mansion.<br />

Kiojuoit), rioghroid, s. the king's highway.<br />

IliojflAc, rioghsldat, s f. a sceptre.<br />

Iliojf-lAo-OAc, rioghshlaodach, s. m. a regicide.<br />

Rioni, rioin, prep, and pron. with me.<br />

Ilioiii, riomh, s. number, reckoning, numeration.<br />

IxioiiiAC, riomliach, a. fond, aíFectionate ; pre-<br />

cious, valuable.<br />

RioiiiAt), riomhadh, s. enumeration, calculation.<br />

KiotiiATO, riomhaidh, s. fondness.<br />

IvioitiAij, riornhaigh, s. a numerator.<br />

IlioniAini, riomhaim, v. I number, reckon, count.<br />

IlioriiAiive, riomhaire, s. m. a calculator.<br />

KioiiiAipeAc-o, rwmhaireachd, s. f calculation,<br />

arithmetic.<br />

IlioiTiAiiiim, riomJiairim, v. I reckon, count.<br />

.TlioniApt, riomhart, v. he hurled or drove before<br />

him; i. e. no tioniAin, o. g.<br />

1lioifio|i, HomAor, s. f. a convention, assembly;<br />

" i. e. ctonol, no ceAjbAviiATo", o.g.<br />

Rioin]-A, riomsa, prep, and pron. with me, mine.<br />

TviompAcÁn, riomsachan, s. m. a searcher.<br />

Rion, rion, see imaii; s. sculpture.<br />

KíonAr)óq\, rionadoir, s. m. a ruler, steward.<br />

llíoiiAi-óe, rionaidhe, s. m. an engraver.<br />

RionAiueAf, rionaidheas, s. m. sculpture.<br />

tlionAije, rionaighe, s. a rambler.<br />

IviouAijnn, rionaighhn, v. I carve, engrave.<br />

IlionJAC, rionghach, s. m. a strong man.<br />

llíoiiíuA'p, rionluas, s. m. career.<br />

1x1 on n AC, rionnach, s. m. a mackerel.<br />

IlionuAt), rionnadh, s. reddening, redness.<br />

IlionuAj, rionnag, s. m. a star.<br />

KiontiAj-eAjibuit, rionnag-earbuil, s. a comet.<br />

~ s. a reddener, a name<br />

IlionnAit), rionnnidli,<br />

1x1 on ncAiu, rionn thaidli<br />

RIO null RITH<br />

for a satirist who<br />

causes reddening<br />

or blushing in<br />

every face ; i. e.<br />

" Allini -D'yiO]! A0]\-<br />

ACAip, luonniq", no<br />

OCAllSUp 5 AC<br />

AJ<strong>An</strong>j', 0. g.<br />

llionuAÍ-óe, rionnaidhe, s. ra. an engraver.<br />

1xionnAit)eAp, rionnaidheas,<br />

IxionnAÍ, rio7mal,<br />

Rionn, rionn, s. a blush.<br />

sculpture.<br />

1x1 on n AC, rionnach, adv. blushingly.<br />

IxionnAcx), rionnachd, s. burial, interment.<br />

IlionnAijiin, rionnaighim, v. I cayve, engrave.<br />

1x1 on n Aim, rionnaim, v. I redden.<br />

Ilionncup, rionntus, s. m. a painter.<br />

Ixioi-Aiénir, riosaithris, 1 • • •<br />

i<br />

„ ','.'. . 7 •<br />

7 J? > s. mimickmcr.<br />

li.ioi-ALAijeA'o, «^<br />

riosaiaighead/i,<br />

Rioj'g, 7'iosg, see lUAi^g.<br />

1x1 oc, riot, prep, and pron. with thee, to thee.<br />

1x1 oc, 7'iot/i, s. {. a race, a course.<br />

lliocAÓ, riothadh, s. running, racing.<br />

1xiocA-ÓA]ic, riotlmdhart, s. a pillow.<br />

IliocAiTn, riothaim, v. I run, race.<br />

Ixiocj'A, riotsa, prep, and pron. with thee.<br />

1xí]ieA-ó, rlreadh, or<br />

"Oo ]úneA-5, do rireadh,<br />

!adv. seriously ,verily,<br />

true; "oo ]iipeAT),,<br />

truly; ]\& i\i]ieAt>,<br />

earnestly.<br />

Ripib, ririhli, see wa iiiptb.<br />

Rip, or Ajiip, ris or arls, adv. again, once more;<br />

s. a king; intelligence, knowledge, notice;<br />

story, history; i. c. " pcéb no pAipnéip wide<br />

Coippjie niAC GcnA! dixit; cen tjiI •oAiiiif<br />

pippe pob pen bueip'e". Cor.; cause, a party ;<br />

" 111 po coiiicAij jvip nAc cóip"; selling.<br />

Rip, ris, prep, witji, with him, at him, to, unto.<br />

Rip, ris, s. rice, a sort <strong>of</strong> grain.<br />

Ri]'A, risa, s. bark.<br />

RipeAC, riseach, s. m. a romancer, storyteller.<br />

Ri]'e<strong>An</strong>, risean, prep, and pron. with him, along<br />

\vith him ; s. m. an historian.<br />

RipjmeAC, riagineach, s. m. a brave soldier.<br />

Ripme, rimdhc, s. m. an historian.<br />

" Rip Aintn pcéiL '^'^'n cAipe,<br />

Ripme Ainni oo pcéAbAiúe,<br />

^mbj-e ceoL, pceo cuiji'eAT) clop<br />

Roij'iob bpÁc, bApAb TDÍotnop", For. Foe.<br />

Ri]-ion, vision, prep, and pron. with him, to him<br />

or it ; s. an historian.<br />

Rij'ceAb, risteal, s. a sort <strong>of</strong> plough used in the<br />

island <strong>of</strong> Lewes, Sh.<br />

Rit, rith, s. f course, flight, gallop, race; an<br />

arm; prop, pij or pije.<br />

Ricbi]\, rithhhir, s. f a river; i. e. uipje peACA,<br />

e.g.<br />

RiceAc, ritheach, a. running.<br />

RiceAt), rilheadh, s. a running, racing; a grove;<br />

a shielding.<br />

Riceoip, ritheoir, s. m. a racer, runner.<br />

RicpotA, ritlifola, s. a liemorrhage.<br />

\X\t\m,'ritlnin, v. I run, range, stroll, rush.

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