An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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ScAicitih, scaichim, v. I iiuish.<br />

ScAit), scaidh, v. he finished.<br />

ScAi'óim, scaidliim, v. t lop <strong>of</strong>f.<br />

ScAity, scail, s. f. a tinkHng noise ; a craggy rock ;<br />

the cry <strong>of</strong> a hound in chase.<br />

ScÁiL, scail, s. f. a shadow.<br />

ScÁtléin, scailein, s. a fan, umbrella.<br />

ScÁileAc, scaileach, a. shady.<br />

ScÁileAct), scailcachd, s. f darkness.<br />

ScÁilitn, scailim, v. I shade, shelter.<br />

ScÁilp, scrti7^>, s. f a cave, den; scruff, fur; a<br />

25Íece, a bit.<br />

ScÁineAt), scaineadh, s. bursting, a rent.<br />

ScÁinini, scainim, v. I burst.<br />

ScÁinneAji, soamnear, s. a sudden irruption or<br />

unexpected attack.<br />

ScAipitn, scapim, v. I disperse, scatter.<br />

ScAip, scair, s. f. any place where a thing is laid<br />

to dry.<br />

ScÁi)\eAcc, scaireacJd, s. f. crjnng, shrieking.<br />

ScAi]ieAp, scaireap, s. lavisJuiess.<br />

ScAi)ic, scairt, s. f. the caul <strong>of</strong> a beast, the mid-<br />

riff; a thick tuft <strong>of</strong> shrubs or branches; a<br />

great shout ; a tm-f or sod ; a splash <strong>of</strong> water.<br />

ScAic, seaitli, s. f a blessing ; the finest <strong>of</strong> the<br />

flax ; a comely person ; essence.<br />

ScAiceAc, scaitheach, a. cutting, ruinous ; stormy.<br />

ScAicini, scait/iim, v. I cut <strong>of</strong>f, lop.<br />

ScMcre, scaithte, part, cut, lopped; dispersed;<br />

destroyed.<br />

ScÁb, seal, s. m. a noise ; a rumbling noise.<br />

ScÁb, seal, s. m. a man, a hero, a champion.<br />

ScÁt-A, scala, s. i. a great bowl.<br />

ScAbbAin, scalhhain, s. f. a multitude.<br />

ScÁbÁn, sealan, s. m. a shadow.<br />

ScAtÍAc, scallach, a. bald.<br />

ScAlbAcÁn, scallachan, s. m. an unfledged bird.<br />

ScAlÓ5,sca%,s.f afarmer; aservant; anoldman.<br />

ScAboi)', sealois, s. f. a bowl.<br />

ScAbp, scalp, s. m. a fissure, a separation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

earth.<br />

EcÁbuije, scaluighe, s. pi. scales, balances.<br />

ScAluijeAct), scaluigheachd, s. f singing in<br />

chorus.<br />

ScAiiiAin, scamhain, s. f. lightning.<br />

ScAiii, scamh, s. the mouth; the lungs.<br />

prank, a ro-<br />

ScAriilJ<strong>An</strong>, scamhhlian<br />

guish trick, a vil-<br />

ScAtiijtonn, scarnhgh \gUonn, §"<br />

j iainoiis deed.<br />

Sc&mó-^, scamhog, s. f a wry mouth; tlie lights.<br />

ScATit-uJAT), scanlughadh, s. scandalizing, reproaching.<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>n, scann, s. f. a swarm, multitude.<br />

ScAfinAib, scannail, s. f scandal, bad example,<br />

slander.<br />


Sc<strong>An</strong>nAlyAc, scannalach,SL. scandalous, slandering,<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>nÁn, scannan, s. m. a thin membrane ; skin.<br />

ScAiin<strong>An</strong>-^'Aiibe, scannan-saille, s. the caul.<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>ncpioT), seanneriod, s. a herd, drove, Sh.<br />

ScAunLuiiDce, scanrduidhthe, part, scandalized.<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>nUiijceoin, scannluightheoir, s. m. a scan-<br />

dalize)-.<br />

ScÁn)iA-ó, scanradh, s. a surprise, fright, confu-<br />

sion ;<br />

dispersing, scattering.<br />

ScÁtinAit)ce, scanraidhthe, part, dispersed by<br />

fright.<br />

ScÁnjiAijitn, scanraighim,\ v. I disperse, scatter,<br />

ScÁr\]\Mm, scanraiin, J confound, affright.<br />

ScAiijuiijeAt), scanruigheadh, s. dispersion.<br />

ScAoite, scaoile, s. a lax, looseness.<br />

ScAoAeAV, scaoileadh, s. a loosing, untying.<br />

ScAoiLim, seaoilim., v. I loose, untie, scatter, disperse,<br />

confound, affright, reveal, unfold.<br />

ScAOilce, scaoilte, part, dispersed, dissolved,<br />

chsmissed, separated, untied, unfolded.<br />

ScAOilceAc, scaoilteaeh, a. dissolvent, separable.<br />

ScAottceAct), scaoilteachd, s. f a looseness, lu.x,<br />

a dispersed state.<br />

ScAoibceoj, scaoilteog, s. f a sheet ; a winding-<br />

sheet.<br />

ScAoin, scaoin, s. f. peace.<br />

ScAoic, scaoith, s. f. a scythe ; a flock <strong>of</strong> birds.<br />

ScAoc, scaoth, s. a swarm, a multitude.<br />

ScAocÁn, scaothan, s. m. a chamber-pot.<br />

ScApAim, seapaim, v. I squander, waste, spend.<br />

ScA]\Ac-o)ii, scarachdin,') s. f. separating, sepa-<br />

ScA^iAt), scaradli, j ration.<br />

ScA]AÁib, scarail, s. separating, scarifying.<br />

ScAjiAim, scaraim, v. I separate, part, quit, open,<br />

unfold.<br />

ScAiiAifiAin, scaramliain, \ s. parting, separat-<br />

ScA]\AtiiuiTi, scaramhuin, / ing, separation.<br />

ScA]\AiiuiiL, scaramliuil, a. separable.<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>lj, scarbli, s. m. a cormoi-ant.<br />

Sc<strong>An</strong>boit), scarloid, s. scarlet cloth.<br />

ScAjAÓit), scaroid,s.í. a table-cloth, prop, f cónÁno,<br />

see Á]\oi'o.<br />

ScApcA, seartlia, part, separated, parted.<br />

ScAjTCAib, scarthail, a. vigorous, bold.<br />

ScApcAUAc, scarthanach, adj. parting, scparting.<br />

Scó,\\ti-i\6.\-^, scarthnnaigli, a. dawn; parting <strong>of</strong><br />

light and darkness<br />

ScÁc, scat, s. a skate.<br />

ScÁt, scath, ?. m. a flock; battle, dread, fear;<br />

a shadow, shade, protection, a veil, covering<br />

a kind, species, gender; a pretence; bashful-<br />

ness, timidity ; sake, accoimt, a|a -oo ]"các.<br />

ScÁCAC, scathach, a. shady ; bashful, timid.<br />

ScACAt), scathadh. s. shunning, avoiding, shel-<br />


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