An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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•OACAjmoiArAC, datJiagmJiortach, adj. having the<br />

power to force against the will.<br />

"Oacahh, dathaim,x. I dye, colour.<br />

"OACAtiilAc-o, dathamhlachd, s. honour, respect,<br />

decency, comeliness.<br />

'OACAtiitiAi', datJianilmas, s. decency.<br />

"OAC<strong>An</strong>'ntii, dathamhuil, adj. pleasant, comely,<br />

decent, genteel, graceful.<br />

"OAc<strong>An</strong>, datan, s. m. a foster-father.<br />

'OAC<strong>An</strong>, dathan, s. colour, paint.<br />

'OAC<strong>An</strong>n, dathann, s. spots, S.A. 60.<br />

"Oac-cIooac, dath-chlodhach, adj. parti-coloured.<br />

"OAce, datlie, s. agility.<br />

"OÁce<strong>An</strong>jÁc, datheangach, adj. bilinguous.<br />

"Oaci, datld, s. the proper name <strong>of</strong> a man.<br />

"Oacij, datldgh, s. a home, Sh.<br />

OAcnAio, dathnaid, s. f a foster-mother.<br />

"OAciiJAt», datlmghadh, s. dying, colouring.<br />

X)e, de, prep, <strong>of</strong>, there<strong>of</strong>; i. e. vo e, <strong>of</strong> it; adv.<br />

whence ; A)- tie ; gen. <strong>of</strong> "Oia, God ; gen. <strong>of</strong><br />

oiA, a day.<br />

'OeA, dea, see OAe, a man.<br />

'Oca, dea, s. science, learning, poetry.<br />

"OeAbAU, deabadh, s. haste, speed.<br />

'OcA'bA'o, deabhadh, 1 s. a dispute, debate ; a<br />

"OeAbAit), deabhaidh, J skirmish, a battle.<br />

'OeAbAim, deabhaim, v. I hasten ; I dispute, contend.<br />

X)eAbÍAc, deabldacJi, adj. stout, magnanimous.<br />

"OeAblAC, deabhlach, \ adj .contentious, quarrel-<br />

"OeAbcAC, deabhthach, J some, Ktigious.<br />

TDeAbiiAu, deabJiradh, s. pro<strong>of</strong>, testimony; i. e.<br />

'oeA]\bA-ó, 0. g.; v. was said; i. e. vuh]\&x),<br />

o.g.<br />

"OeAbcAc, deahJitJtack, adj. hasty, speedy.<br />

TDeAC, deach, s. a syllable, Cor.; following, o. g.;<br />

a movement ; a. pr<strong>of</strong>itable, good.<br />

"OeACA, deaclia, better ; corapar. <strong>of</strong> •ocAJ.<br />

'OcACAc, deacach, adj. difficult.<br />

"OeACAti, deachadh, s. a going, coming; 'oo ticAc-<br />

ACA]i, Lee. 10. 2.<br />

"OeACAijA, deacair, adj. strange, wonderful; hard,<br />

difficult.<br />

'OeAcAi]^, deacliair, s. separation, desertion; following,<br />

O'Cl.; brightening, polishing, bright-<br />

ness.<br />

"OeACAiTt, deachain, see tréucAin.<br />

'OcACApACT), deacarachd, see •oeACjiAct).<br />

"OeACAfA, deacltasa, interj. lo, see, behold.<br />

"OoAcbi-ó, deuchhhidh, adv. customarily, Sh.<br />

"OeACBAU, deachdadh, s. dictation, dictating; a<br />

law.<br />

*OeAct)Aiin, dcackdaim, v. I dictate, debate, teach,<br />

account.<br />

DEA DEA<br />

'OeAC'ocoi^i, deachdtJwir, "i s. m. an account-<br />

'OeAC'ouijceoi^i, deach- > ant, a dictator,<br />

duightheoir, J a teacher.<br />

"OeAcÍAC, deaehlach, adj. hard, difficult.<br />

"OeAcifiAt), deachtnhadh, s. a tithe ; adj. tenth.<br />

"OeAciiiAic, deachmhaic, see "oeAcbAC ; s. a giver<br />

or bestower; s. tithe.<br />

"OeAcriiAinj, deachmhaing, adj strange, wonder-<br />

ful, 0. g.; unable, diminutive; i. e. neAtii-<br />

cuniu'pAc, 0. g.<br />

"OcActiioiiAt), deachmhoradh, s. courtesy, aíFa-<br />

bility.<br />

"OeActiiuJAt), deachmhughadh, s. a tithing.<br />

OeAcriiuJAitn, deaehmhughaim, v. I tithe.<br />

"OeAcnA, deachna, s. a corner.<br />

"OeAcnAtfiA]!, deachnamhar, s. a decade ; ten per-<br />

sons.<br />

"OeAciiA, deachra, adj. separated.<br />

'OeAci\A, deacra, compar. <strong>of</strong> •oeACAiji.<br />

'OeAC)\AC, deacrach, adj. severe, hard.<br />

'OeAci\Ac'o, deacrachd, s. difficulty, hardship.<br />

"OeAcpAt), deachradh, s. anger, indignation;<br />

arbitration, adjudication, discrimination; i. e.<br />

i-oip-óeAbujAt), 0. g.<br />

"OeAc^-A, deachsa, v. see thou, i. e. ireAc^-A, o. g.<br />

"OeAcc, deacht, s. divinity, Godhead; adj. pure,<br />

genuine.<br />

'OeAccA, deachta, s. instruction, dictates.<br />

"OeAccAijce, deachtaighthe, part, taught, in-<br />

structed.<br />

"OeAccoip, deachtoir, s. m. a dictator.<br />


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