An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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•O, d, the third letter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Irish</strong> alphabet.<br />

"O^x, da, adj. two; good; -oa "bAji, a good<br />

son; conj. if; "oa is sometimes used for Ag;<br />

as, •OA 1&11AT), asking, begging, etc.<br />

T) A, fZ'a, written for t)0 a, to her, his, their ; and<br />

for "oe A, <strong>of</strong> or from his, hers, or theirs.<br />

"Oa-a-óahcac, da-adharcach, adj. bicomous.<br />

•OAb, dabh, s. a cow, Sk.<br />

"OaTjac, dahhach, s. f. a large tub, kieve, or vat.<br />

'OAbA^\, dabhar, s. m. a bucket or pitcher.<br />

"OA-beACA, da-bheatha, s. amphibiousness.<br />

'OÁ-beACAc, da-bheathach, adj. amphibious.<br />

*OÁbfoi]\, dabhsoir, s. m. a dancer.<br />

"OAbbiA-onAc, dabhliadhnach, s. m. a twoyear-old<br />

animal.<br />

"OAboc, dabJioch, s. a farm that keeps sixty<br />

cows, Sh.<br />

*OAcbeu)\bA, daclibheurla, s. an idiom, Sh.<br />

"OAce<strong>An</strong>uAC, dacheannach, adj. biceptal, bicepi-<br />

tous.<br />

"OAceAjinAc, dachearnach, adj. biangular.<br />

"OAco^pAc, dachorpach, adj. bicorporal.<br />

"OAco^AC, dachosach, adj. biped.<br />

"OÁciMicAc, dachruthach, adj. bifoimed.<br />

"Oa-o, dad, ") s. a jot, a whit, a trifle, a<br />

'OAX)At), dadadh, V mote, anything, sorac-<br />

"OATDAiii, dadamJi, ) what.<br />

"Oa-óa^, dadhas, s. m. a fallow deer.<br />

"OÁ-'óéug, da-dheug, adj. twelve.<br />

'OA-'ótiibbeAC, da-dhitilleach, adj. bifoliated.<br />

"OA-omun, dadmun, s. a mote, an atom.<br />

"OAtDinunAc, dadmutiach, adj. atomical.<br />

TDa'ooIac, dadolach, s. a large knife.<br />

"OAe, dae, s. m. a man, a person; a hosue; nioj-<br />

•oAe, a palace ; a hand ; ]\o fin a 'ÓAe ; a nimnery<br />

; a wall, a rampart.<br />

"OA-jTAobnAc, da-fhaobhrach, adj. Iwo-edged.<br />

'OÁ-pAclAc, da-f/daclach, adj.bidental.<br />

"OÁpcit), da-fhichid, adj. forty.<br />

"OÁ-pice, da-fhilte, adj. two-fold.<br />

"OÁ^-ogAi^A, dafhoghair, s. f. a diphthong.<br />

; •OAJ-riunnaii ; s. m. good<br />

" -OAJ OO •OA^Alb AJA^' '0]\0C XlO •0]\ocAib, Co7:<br />

"Oaj, dagh, adj . good<br />

"Oaj, dag, s. f. a fish ; Heb., daga.<br />

"Oaja, daga, s. a pistol, a dagger, Sh.<br />

TDajac, dagach, adj. armed with a pistol, Sh.<br />

'OAjA-'oiobATo, daga-diolaid, s. a bolster, Sh.<br />

"OAJAt), daghadh, s. allsalve.<br />

"OAJAini, daghaim, v. I singe, bum.<br />

'OAgÁ^í, daghar, s. m. wind.<br />

"OÁjocAc, daghothach, s. a diphthong.<br />

"OAJce, claghte, part, singed, burned.<br />

"Oai, dai, s. a vowel.<br />

"OÁibi, daibhi, s. David, a man's name.<br />

"OAibbiAj, daibhliag, see OAiriibiAg.<br />

DAT<br />

"OÁibiií, daibhir, ) j- i<br />

-OAibi'eAc, daibhreach,\ ^"^J" ^^^^^^' P°°^-<br />

"OÁibneAf , daibhreas, s. f. need, poverty.<br />

"OAice, daice, adj. <strong>of</strong> or belonging to a tribe.<br />

'OAiceib, daicheil, Sc; see "oacaiíiuiL<br />

"OAiceiÍAct), daicheilachd, s. handsomeness, Sc.<br />

"OÁit), daid, s. m. a father; Welsh, dad; £leb.,<br />

dod.<br />

"OAi-obi]!, daidhbhir, adj. needy, poor.<br />

"Oai].', daif, s. f di'ink.<br />

'OA15, daigh, adv. for; s. hope, confidence, sec<br />

•0015; s. f plunder, slaughter; cause, matter;<br />

fire, a firebrand; adj. poisonous, irritable,<br />

furious; conj. because, on account <strong>of</strong><br />

'OAi5Aii\le, daighairle, s. good counsel, o. g.<br />

"OAigbiojiAfj, daighbhiorasg, s. fuel.<br />

"Oai jcmniiiiob, daighchinnmldol, s. enamelling.<br />

"OAijcAt), daigheadh, a. giving, delivering; a<br />

good time, good opportunity, great odds ; i.e.<br />

•oeAJ-eAt).<br />

tDAijeA];, daigear, s. a dagger, a poniard.<br />

"OAije<strong>An</strong>JA, daighcargha, adj. fiery, furious.<br />

"OAijfeA]!, daighfhcar, s. a rogue.<br />

"Oai jit), daighidh, s. burning.<br />

"OAijiiii, daighim, v. I give, I do, dare; I burn.<br />

"OAijneAC, daighneach, s. a fort, a garrison.<br />

"OAigneACAt), daighneachadh, s. establishment.<br />

"OAignijiin, daighnighhn, v. I estabhsh.<br />

"OÁib, dail, s. f a decree, ordinance; delay,<br />

respite ; a share, portion ; an account, liistory<br />

relations, friends ; desire, wilhngness ; spaiing-<br />

ness; giving, bestowing; a separate tribe;<br />

a meeting, convention ; a plain, a field ; the<br />

space between the rafters <strong>of</strong> a house; ad\'.<br />

ncai-, Avithin reach ; s. f friendship.<br />

"OÁib-cAc, dail-chath, s. a pitched battle, Sh.<br />

"OAil-cuAc, dail-chuach, s. a sort <strong>of</strong> herb, iSA.<br />

"OAileAt), daileadh, s. m. tradition ; affiance.<br />

"OÁile<strong>An</strong>i, daileamh, see 'oaíIiotíi.<br />

"OAilein, dailein, s. f a sc<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

'OAileoj, daileog, s. f the date tree.<br />

"OaiIihi, dailim, v. I give, deal out.<br />

"OAibiorh, dailiomh, s. m. a butler; " aha in two<br />

teAgCAp M\\ -OAlllOlil<strong>An</strong> pbA]\0 I'AU 40 CAb,<br />

00 jGiisrir"' ^i'^^- This is a literal translation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Hebrew word maslLkeh, one who<br />

givcth to chink.<br />

"OÁibiuJAt), dailiughadh, s. distributing, distribution.<br />

"OAible, daille, s. blindness, darkness.<br />

"OaiIIij, dailligh, adj. corpulent, Sc.<br />

'OAillmncleAccAc, daillinntleachtach, adj. dull-<br />

witted.<br />

"OÁilce, dailthe, part, dealt, divided, parted<br />

adv. after; s. a foster-child; adj. nursed.

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