An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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Sen^bifeAc, seirbhiseach, s. m. a servant, attendant.<br />

Sei|ibip5im, seirbhisighim, v. I serve.<br />

Sei]\c, seirc, s. love, aifection, cliarity.<br />

Seij\ceAiiiuil, seirceamhuil, a. charitable, aíFcc-<br />

tionate; lovely.<br />

Seipceoi|\, seirceoir, s. m. a wooer.<br />

Sei]Acin, seircin, s. f. a darling, a beloved person.<br />

Seipcin, seircin, s. f. a jerkin, coat.<br />

Seiptjin, seirdin, s. f. a pilchard.<br />

Séipe, seire, s. a meal <strong>of</strong> victuals.<br />

Sé^\^eAC, seireach, a. liberal <strong>of</strong> food; "ha ci]i-<br />

vnAX) i-A'óAb i'éifeAc".<br />

Sei]i5, seirg, s. clover, trefoil.<br />

M'S' * ^'<br />

y s. f. consumption, decay.<br />

Seijijli, seirgli,<br />

r i j<br />

j<br />

Seipgin, seirgin, s. a consumptive person.<br />

Seinjliwe, seirglidhe, a. withered.<br />

Seipjne, seirgne, a. sickly.<br />

Seipjce, seirgthe, a. hectic, consumptive.<br />

SeijMC, seme, s. silk,superfinesilk ; a. strong,able.<br />

Se,,MceAC, seiriceach,<br />

| ^ ^^^ ^^^. ^^^<br />

'<br />

ceamliuil, )<br />

SeipiceÁn, seiricean, s. m. a silkworm.<br />

SeipfeAÍAc, seirsealach,\ s. m. a robust, sturdy<br />

SeipfC<strong>An</strong>, seirsean, j person.<br />

SeipfeAriAC, seirseanach, s. m. an auxiliary, an<br />

unhired workman, a free labourer.<br />

J , i nature ot silk.<br />

Seijifin, seirsin, 8. f. a girdle, a band, a girt.<br />

Seine, seirt, s. f strength, power.<br />

Sei]-, seis, s. f pleasure, delight; a troop, band,<br />

company ; one's match or equal ; v. he sat.<br />

Séi|-, seis, s. f. skill, knowledge.<br />

Seifce<strong>An</strong>n, seisceann, s. one <strong>of</strong> the buildings at<br />

Tara so called.<br />

Seiit), seisd, s. i. a tune.<br />

Sei]'t)e, seisde, s. a siege.<br />

Setj-oeAt), seisdeadh, s. besieging.<br />

Seipjim, seisdim, v. I besiege.<br />

Sei]'e, seise, s. a tumult, noise, bustle.<br />

Sei]-eAC, seiseach, a. noisy, tumultuous ; cheerful,<br />

pleasant, agreeable, mild, humane.<br />

Séii'eAC, seiseach, a. libidinous.<br />

Séi|-eAct), seiseachd, s. f pleasure, sensuality.<br />

Seii'eAt), seiseadh, a. the sixth.<br />

SeifeA'ó-'oéug, seiseadh-deug , a. sixteenth.<br />

Sei]'eAriiuit,, seiseamhuil, a. mild, humane.<br />

Seij'e<strong>An</strong>, seisean, see |-ei]'eun.<br />

Séi^-e<strong>An</strong>, seisean, pron. he, he himself<br />

SeipeA]\, seisear, s. six persons or things.<br />

Seii-eiib, seiseilbh, s. talk, discourse.<br />

Sei]'ein, seisein, s. a session.<br />

Sen's, seisg, s. f sedge, bog-reed ; Welsh, hesk;<br />

a. barren, Cantic., iv. 2.<br />

SEI seo SEO<br />

Seii'^eAt), seisgead, s. barrenness.<br />

Selfgc<strong>An</strong>n, seisgeann, s. a fenny, boggy country<br />

human excrement.<br />

Seif-mA-opAX), seis-madradh, s. great burr-reed<br />

sperganium erectum.<br />

Seipm, seisim, v. I sit.<br />

Seirini, seisim,! ^, .<br />

Se,n,, seisir, | ^' ^'^ P"'^°^^ °' ^'"^S^'<br />

Seii'ip, seisir, a. old.<br />

Seipi'in, sCTSiMn, s. a session or assizes.<br />

SeipneAC, seisreach, s. f. a plough ; a plough <strong>of</strong><br />

si.x horses; i. e. ye^YeA\\ eAc; gen. I'eiT-^iije<br />

Heb., asar, eisir, yoked, tied in.<br />

Seti')AeAC-]:eA]iAinn , seisreach-fearainn, s. plough-<br />

land.<br />

Sei^x, seist, s. m. mid-day ; i. e. " Ainm t)o<br />

liieAwon lAe'", Cor.<br />

Seij'ugAÚ, seisughadh, a. sixth.<br />

Seic, seit, s. {. a bone-<br />

Seic, seith,<br />

s. a skin, hide, pelt, pcl-<br />

(^<br />

SeyteAX), seitheadh,^ Ucle; plur. -peicij.<br />

")<br />

Seicce, seitche,<br />

^ ^ ^^^_<br />

SeireAC, seiteach,)<br />

SeicpeAc, seitreach,\ s. neighing, braying, sneez-<br />

SeicjATO, seitridh, J<br />

ing.<br />

SelAg, selagh, s. soaking, imbibing, sucking.<br />

SelAigim, selaighim, v. I imbibe, suck.<br />

Sebi<strong>An</strong>, selian, s. a rill, Sh.<br />

Seliwe, selide, s. a snail.<br />

Serii, semh,s. a pair, brace, couple.<br />

Seme<strong>An</strong>n, semeann, 1 ,, .,<br />

'<br />

'<br />

„<br />

}• s. a small snail.<br />

SemeAiiHA, senieanna,)<br />

Sen, sen,s. a fowling-net; good luck, prosperity.<br />

Sen, sen, s. an ancestor, senior; "Ho hA-ónAiceA-ó<br />

1T1 ocA]ibi5e Afen a^a]- a f-innpo^",<br />

4 iMast 1468.<br />

SencA]', senchas, see •j'C<strong>An</strong>cu'p.<br />

Sene, sene, s. a supper.<br />

Sen^ibbjtoc, sengilbhroth, s. venison; flesh <strong>of</strong> a<br />

wild boar.<br />

Sen-re<strong>An</strong>ACAi|i, sen-seanathair, s. a great grand-<br />

father.<br />

Sen^e]A, senser, s. m. a senior, elder, ancestor,<br />

Cor.<br />

Seo, seo, pron. written in old MSS. for ^o.<br />

Seó-o, seod, s. substance, property; a jewel; a<br />

cow.<br />

SeÓT)CA, seodcha, s. a treasury, museum.<br />

SeÓT)corh]iA, seodchomhra, s. a tomb or grand<br />

monument, a triumphal arch.<br />

Seoiw, seoid, s. f an intrenchment ; a boundary<br />

a hero ; jewels, property <strong>of</strong> any kind ; a. strong.<br />

Seoitj-AoriAij, seoid-aonaigh, s. a fairing.<br />

Seól, seol, s. m. a bed, a couch ; a sail ; Welsh,<br />

hwyl ; a shawl ; linen cloth ; a loom ; a mode

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