An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland

An Irish-English dictionary - National Library of Scotland


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REI<br />

lleiriiuioiiuijim, reimlidhioruighim, v. I anticipate,<br />

prepare.<br />

tleiriie, reimhe, s. fatness; pride, haughtiness.<br />

lleitiieAc, reimheacli, a. aiTOgant, proud; gross.<br />

11eiríieAt)]\A'ó, reimheadi-adh, s. forenoon.<br />

UeimeAiiilAct), reimeamldachd, s. f consistence.<br />

tléitneAtii uiL, reimeamhuil, a. bearing great sway,<br />

or authority, constant, persevering, even, rampant.<br />

UéimeAriiuiL, rdmeamJinU, a. belonging to the<br />

roads.<br />

fteimeA]', reimheas, s.i. a time, period; péiiiieA]'<br />

^iíoj, a king's reign.<br />

Réimeobui', reiinheolus,\ s. f. foreknowledge,<br />

lléiiii^-io]', reitnhffiios, J prescience.<br />

Keiiiifioi'Ac, reimlifhiosach, a. skilled in futurity.<br />

lleiiiiyeACAin, reimhfhea-'\ s. f foresight, fore-<br />

chain, f cast, pre-consider-<br />

ReniiyeACAinc, reimhfkea- 1 ation, a provious<br />

chaint, ) view, review.<br />

tléiTh-f-éucAiTn, reimhfheiichaim, v. I foresee,<br />

forecast, muster, review.<br />

1léitiipo5i\A-o, reiriihf hioghradh, s. prefigura-<br />

tion.<br />

tléim5eAl,bAt), reimhgliealladh, s. preengagement.<br />

UeiiTijeALtAim, reimhgheallahn, v. T preengage.<br />

Reimim, reimim, v. I assume sway.<br />

11éiriiinni]')m, reimhinnisim, v. I foretell.<br />

íléiriiiu JATÍ), reimhiughadh, see peiriiyeACAin<br />

s. a preposition, conjugation.<br />

RéimnijiTTi, reimnighim, v. I proceed, go, walk.<br />

lléimnijceAC, reimnightheach, a. moving forward.<br />

1léittio]rconn, reimhorthonn, s. the foreskin, prepuce,<br />

Sh.<br />

RéiiiniAt), reimhradh, see ^ieAmjAA-ó.<br />

1xé)ni]-e, reimse, s. a club, a stafi".<br />

Keiriij-e, rdmhse, s. time.<br />

1\eim)'eAc, revnseach, a. heroic.<br />

Reiriii-eAblAt), reimhsealladh, s. foresight.<br />

Ileimpun, reimsiur, s. an aunt.<br />

ReimceACTOAipe, reimhtheachdaire, s. m. a forerunner.<br />

Keimuf, reimus, s. time, a period.<br />

'\<br />

Ileing, reing,<br />

1le:r\-^e&c, reingeach, >s. m. timbei-s <strong>of</strong> a ship.<br />

Ixeine<strong>An</strong>, reinean, j<br />

Ixéi]!, 7-eir, s. will, desire, pleasure.<br />

Rein, or A yé\]\, reir or a reir, adv. last night;<br />

sometimes written a ]\éi-óin.<br />

RéijA or 'oonéip, reir or do reir, prep, according<br />

to.<br />

Ueipe, reire, a. old, aged.<br />

Ket]\eAc, reireach, s. an aged person.<br />

TIEO<br />

1lei)% rets, 1<br />

g f j^ gp^n nine inches long,<br />

iteife, reise,) ^<br />

1léi]-AiT), reisaid, see jieAfAit).<br />

KeifjiobAfv rcisghiohhar, s. a harlot.<br />

1xéii-i-óe, reUidhe, s. m. a rehearser, romancer.<br />

Reipm, reisim, s. f a writing.<br />

Rei|-iú, reisiu, adv. sooner than, before that; s.<br />

a congealing. Citron. Scot, 699.<br />

1xeii"méi]roneAC, reismeirdreach, s. m. a harlot.<br />

Uéice, reite, s. f an agreeiiient, compact, contract,<br />

settlement, arrangement, atonement,<br />

propitiation, capitulation, concihation.<br />

Heice, reithe, s. m. a ram.<br />

KeiceAc, reiteach, \ s.m.harmony,reconci-<br />

lleiceACA'ó, reiteachadh,)<br />

liation, reconciling.<br />

UeiceAc, reiteach, s. m. a plan.<br />

UeireA-o, reiteadh, see péice.<br />

lleiteA-ó, reitheadh, part, tupped ; " <strong>An</strong> vm]\<br />

no ]\e^te\t nA cAOipe", when the sheep<br />

tupped.<br />

lleice-cogAit), reithe-cogaidh, "^<br />

Reice-jiAobcA, reithe^'ciobtha, f s. a battering<br />

Keice-]-ieAC-OAi'ó, reithe-sleach- ( ram.<br />

daidh, )<br />

IxéiCTJitn, reitigJiim, v. I rectify, arrange, settle,<br />

make ready, agree, ratify, reconcile, con-<br />

cihate.<br />

Ixeicim, reithim, v. I run.<br />

Ileicin, reitltin, s. a ram.<br />

Ileione, reitine, a. <strong>of</strong> easy temper, prone to<br />

reverie ; " i. e. lACCuifeAc", o. g.<br />

Réicif, reithis, v. he, she, or it reached or<br />

arrived at; "i. e. ]AAinic", o. g.<br />

RéiciugA-ó, reitiugkadh, s. m. rectification, satis-<br />

faction.<br />

txeir]\icói]i, reitricoir, s. m. a rhetorician.<br />

Rétc, relt, s. m. a star, Matt, ii. 7.<br />

Rem, rem, prep, and pron. with my, to my.<br />

ReiiiAin, remhain, see ^leAriiAin.<br />

ReriiAicmgim, remhaithnigldm, see neAthAicnijim.<br />

RemepepcA, remkeperia, a. aforesaid; " <strong>An</strong><br />

gioíÍA ]ien'iepencA", o. v.<br />

Reni|réucA'ó, remhfeuchadh, s. foreseeing.<br />

Retfi]:éucAim, remhfe"chaim, v. I foresee.<br />

Rerii]AAi'óim, remhraidhim, see •peAifipAOAiTn.<br />

Ren, ren, s. f a span.<br />

" Sb<strong>An</strong>g juaIa 1]' ooTO tÁm j<strong>An</strong> ten<br />

Scib JÍAC AjA]- Uiibne niép;<br />

l^'^At) CO)'; ACAp c|\ec<strong>An</strong> cnoij;<br />

Ren ]\é---e, if nén Ainm oploij". For. Foe.<br />

1\eo, reo, prep, and pron. with them ; s. m. a<br />

hand.<br />

Reo, reo, 1 ^ ,<br />

Reot,, ' ^' ^^°^'reodh,<br />


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