cameron and green making-sense-of-change-management

cameron and green making-sense-of-change-management

cameron and green making-sense-of-change-management


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Individual <strong>change</strong>are going on inside the client. Whatever feeling the client is experiencing,be it anger, fear, hatred, then that is all right. It is saying thatunderneath all this the person is all right.• Empathic underst<strong>and</strong>ing: in Rogers’ words, ‘ it is only as I underst<strong>and</strong>the feelings <strong>and</strong> thoughts which seem so horrible to you, or so weak,or so sentimental, or so bizarre – it is only as I see them as you seethem, <strong>and</strong> accept them <strong>and</strong> you, that you feel really free to explore allthe hidden roots <strong>and</strong> frightening crannies <strong>of</strong> your inner <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>tenburied experience.’Rogers continues, ‘in trying to grasp <strong>and</strong> conceptualize the process <strong>of</strong><strong>change</strong>… I gradually developed this concept <strong>of</strong> a process, discriminatingseven stages in it’. The following are the consistently recurring qualities ateach stage as described by Rogers:• One:– an unwillingness to communicate about self, only externals;– no desire for <strong>change</strong>;– feelings neither recognized nor owned;– problems neither recognized nor perceived.• Two:– expressions begin to flow;– feelings may be shown but not owned;– problems perceived but seen as external;– no <strong>sense</strong> <strong>of</strong> personal responsibility;– experience more in terms <strong>of</strong> the past not the present.• Three:– a little talk about the self, but only as an object;– expression <strong>of</strong> feelings, but in the past;– non-acceptance <strong>of</strong> feelings; seen as bad, shameful, abnormal;– recognition <strong>of</strong> contradictions;– personal choice seen as ineffective.• Four:– more intense past feelings;– occasional expression <strong>of</strong> current feelings;– distrust <strong>and</strong> fear <strong>of</strong> direct expression <strong>of</strong> feelings;45

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