THÈSE DE DOCTORAT Ecole Doctorale « Sciences et ...

THÈSE DE DOCTORAT Ecole Doctorale « Sciences et ...

THÈSE DE DOCTORAT Ecole Doctorale « Sciences et ...


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the polynomial term on the left-hand side will ‘cross’ the<br />

exponential on the right-hand side at a unique point.<br />

c)Considering regularly persistent inputs, the positive<br />

definition of the solution S of equations (3b)-(4b) can<br />

only be ensured under condition on the sampling steps,<br />

otherwise the solution of equation (3b) may become nonpositive<br />

definite [21].<br />

d) Notice that β 1 , β 2 implicitly depend on the maximum<br />

allowable sampling interval ¯τ.<br />

Lemma 7 Suppose the following system to be globally<br />

exponentially stable,<br />

ζ(t k+1 ) = F(t k )ζ(t k ),<br />

and l<strong>et</strong> u be a bounded and integrable function of time<br />

that vanishes exponentially fast, then, system<br />

z(t k+1 ) = F(t k )z(t k ) + u(t k ), k ≥ 0,<br />

converges exponentially to 0.<br />

Remark 8 This lemma is a straight extension of Lemma<br />

III.1, in [18], for discr<strong>et</strong>e-time systems.<br />

4.3 Stability analysis<br />

System (3a-d)-(4a-d) is said to be a global exponential<br />

adaptive observer for system (1) if, along solutions to<br />

(1), (3a-d)-(4a-d):<br />

(i) for all (x 0 , ˆx 0 , λ 0 , ˆθ 0 ) ∈ R n ×R n ×R n ×R l and any<br />

S 0 > 0 symm<strong>et</strong>ric, there exist a 1 , a 2 , b 1 , b 2 ∈ R + ,<br />

such that for all t ≥ t 0 , ‖e(t)‖ ≤ a 1 e −b1(t−t0) ‖e 0 ‖<br />

and ||˜θ(t)|| ≤ a 2 e −b2(t−t0) ||˜θ 0 ||.<br />

(ii) there exist ¯λ, ¯S ∈ R + , such that, for all t ≥ t 0 ,<br />

‖λ(t)‖ ≤ ¯λ, ‖S(t)‖ ≤ ¯S.<br />

Condition (i) ensure the exponential convergence of the<br />

state and variable estimates to the corresponding true<br />

value, whereas (ii) ensure that the other observer variables<br />

do not explose in (in)finite time.<br />

Theorem 9 Assuming Hypothesis 2 to hold, the input<br />

to be regularly persistent, and choosing µ ≥ ξ if,<br />

τ ≤ min{ (2ρ−1)β1<br />

ρ 2 ‖C‖ 2 , ¯τ}, (9)<br />

then system (3a-d)-(4a-d) is a global exponential adaptive<br />

observer for system (1).<br />

Proof. Like in [23,6], the variable η is introduced as<br />

η = e − λ˜θ, where ˜θ = θ − ˆθ. Firstly, the global<br />

exponential convergence of η to zero, along the solutions<br />

to dynamical equations to (1) and (3a-d)-(4a-d), is<br />

proved. After having noticed that variables λ and S remain<br />

bounded, invoking Lemma 7, the exponential convergence<br />

to the origin of errors e and ˜θ is deduced.<br />

The candidate Lyapunov function is defined as, for t ≥<br />

t 0 :<br />

V (t) = η(t) T S(t)η(t).<br />

Note that, according to Proposition 5 and since (9) is<br />

satisfied, the symm<strong>et</strong>ric matrix S is positive definite and<br />

of bounded norm. L<strong>et</strong> k ≥ 0.<br />

1. L<strong>et</strong> t ∈ [t k , t k+1 ). The variable η satisfies the following<br />

dynamical equation, in view of (5a) and because,<br />

here, ˙˜θ = 0 (3d):<br />

˙η(t) = A(u)e(t) + φ(u)˜θ(t k ) − ˙λ(t)˜θ(t k )<br />

(<br />

˙λ(t))<br />

= A(u)η(t) + A(u)λ(t) + φ(u) − ˜θ(tk ).<br />

Thus, according to (3c),<br />

˙η(t) = A(u)η(t). (10)<br />

Consequently, differentiating the Lyapunov function<br />

along the solutions of (10),<br />

˙V (t) = η(t) T (<br />

S(t)A(u) + A(u) T S(t) + Ṡ(t) )<br />

η(t).<br />

From (3b),<br />

Integrating (11) over [t k , t],<br />

and so,<br />

˙V (t) = −µV (t). (11)<br />

V (t) = e −µ(t−t k) V (t k ), (12)<br />

V (t − k+1 ) = e−µτ k<br />

V (t k ). (13)<br />

2. Consider now t = t k+1 , it can be shown that, in view<br />

of (5b),<br />

η(t k+1 )=(M(τ k , t k+1 ) −λ(t k+1 )∆(t k+1 )C)e(t − k+1 )<br />

−λ(t k+1 )˜θ(t k+1 )<br />

)<br />

= M(τ k , t k+1 )<br />

(η(t − k+1 ) + λ(t− k+1 )˜θ(t − k+1<br />

(<br />

−λ(t k+1 ) ∆(t k+1 )Ce(t − k+1 ) + ˜θ(t<br />

)<br />

k+1 ) .<br />

Remarking that ˜θ(t − k+1 ) = ˜θ(t k ) in view of (3d), and<br />

using (4b-d),<br />

η(t k+1 ) = M(τ k , t k+1 )η(t − k+1<br />

). (14)<br />


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