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Appendix 4: Phobias<br />

334. Parasitophobia: Fear of parasites.<br />

335. Parthenophobia: Fear of virgins or young girls.<br />

336. Pathophobia: Fear of disease.<br />

337. Patroiophobia: Fear of heredity.<br />

338. Parturiphobia: Fear of childbirth.<br />

339. Peccatophobia: Fear of sinning. (imaginary crime)<br />

340. Pediculophobia: Fear of lice.<br />

341. Pediophobia: Fear of dolls.<br />

342. Pedophobia: Fear of children.<br />

343. Peladophobia: Fear of bald characters.<br />

344. Peniaphobia: Fear of poverty.<br />

345. Pentheraphobia: Fear of mother-in-law. (Novercaphobia)<br />

346. Phagophobia: Fear of swallowing, eating, or being eaten.<br />

347. Phalacrophobia: Fear of becoming bald.<br />

348. Phallophobia: Fear of a manhood, especially erect.<br />

349. Phasmophobia: Fear of ghosts.<br />

350. Phengophobia: Fear of daylight or sunshine.<br />

351. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia: Fear of kissing.<br />

352. Philophobia: Fear of falling or being in love.<br />

353. Philosophobia: Fear of philosophy.<br />

354. Phobophobia: Fear of phobias.<br />

355. Photoaugliaphobia: Fear of glaring lights.<br />

356. Photophobia: Fear of light.<br />

357. Phonophobia: Fear of noises, voices, or one’s own voice.<br />

358. Phronemophobia: Fear of thinking.<br />

359. Phthiriophobia or Pediculophobia: Fear of lice.<br />

360. Phthisiophobia: Fear of tuberculosis.<br />

361. Plutophobia: Fear of wealth.<br />

362. Pluviophobia: Fear of rain or of being rained on.<br />

363. Pneumatiphobia: Fear of spirits.<br />

364. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia: Fear of choking or being smothered.<br />

365. Pocrescophobia or Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight.<br />

366. Pogonophobia: Fear of beards.<br />

367. Politicophobia: Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.<br />

368. Polyphobia: Fear of many things. Character has 2d20 random phobias.<br />

369. Poinephobia: Fear of punishment.<br />

370. Ponophobia: Fear of overworking or of pain.<br />

371. Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple.<br />

372. Potamophobia: Fear of rivers or running water.<br />

373. Potophobia: Fear of alcohol.<br />

374. Proctophobia: Fear of rectum.<br />

375. Prosophobia: Fear of progress.<br />

376. Psellismophobia: Fear of stuttering.<br />

377. Psychophobia: Fear of minds.<br />

378. Psychrophobia: Fear of cold.<br />

379. Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying.<br />

380. Pteronophobia: Fear of being tickled by feathers.<br />

381. Pupaphobia: fear of puppets<br />

382. Pyrexiophobia: Fear of fever.<br />

383. Pyrophobia: Fear of fire.<br />

384. Ranidaphobia: Fear of frogs.<br />


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