Rapport definitief herziene versie - Ivo Giesen

Rapport definitief herziene versie - Ivo Giesen

Rapport definitief herziene versie - Ivo Giesen


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"Clarity as to the liability issues may have a positive impact on access to and the<br />

exploitation of public sector information. In fact, liability may be a reason for the<br />

public sector to operate a prudent information policy. If the public body provides<br />

information to a requestor directly it could, in principle, be liable (in accordance<br />

with national liability laws) for any damages caused to the citizen concerned.<br />

The issue becomes more complex when more than two parties (public body,<br />

requester) are involved in the processing and dissemination of information. This is<br />

the case, for example, when the public sector has ceded the information to a<br />

private company. In that case, public bodies could still be liable for the information<br />

provided, unless they have limited this liability by contract.<br />

The more actors are involved, the more difficult it becomes, in cases of conflict, to<br />

identify the one who has defaulted or acted unlawfully. Some commentators<br />

believe that coordinated European approaches to this issue are particularly<br />

important in view of the difficulty of establishing which national law applies in<br />

cases involving several countries."<br />

Waarna als vraag nummer 8 volgt:<br />

"To what extent may the different Member States’ liability regimes represent an<br />

obstacle to access or exploitation of public sector information?"<br />

7.6.3 Deze vraagstelling die in wezen niet verschilt van de vraagstelling zoals die aan dit<br />

onderzoek ten grondslag ligt, verraad in elk geval, maar ook niet veel meer dan dat, dat<br />

de vraag naar de aansprakelijkheid van de overheid een belangrijke is, ook in het kader<br />

van een eventueel nieuw beleid van meer openheid bij de informatie-verstrekking. Een<br />

antwoord op de vraag hoe de eventuele aansprakelijkheid van de overheid dan geregeld is<br />

in Europa, vinden wij hier echter niet.<br />

7.6.4 In het kader van de Raad van Europa lijken eerder aanwijzingen gevonden te kunnen<br />

worden. In 1984 werd Recommendation R (84) 15 met betrekking tot<br />

overheidsaansprakelijkheid aangenomen. 434 Daarin is, onder meer om meer eenheid te<br />

bereiken, onder andere bepaald in Principle I:<br />

‘Reparation should be ensured for damage caused by an act due to a failure of a<br />

public authority to conduct itself in a way which can reasonably be expected from<br />

it in law in relation to the injured person. Such a failure is presumed in case of<br />

transgresion of an established legal rule.’<br />

en in Principle II:<br />

‘1. Even if the conditions stated in Principle I are not met, reparation should be<br />

ensured if it would be manifestly unjust to allow the injured person alone to bear<br />

the damage, having regard to the following circumstances: the act is in the<br />

general interest, only one person or a limited number of persons have suffered the<br />

434 . Recommendation No. R (84) 15 relating to public liability, adopted by the Committee of<br />

Ministers of the Council of Europe on 18 September 1984 (samen met het ‘explanatory<br />

memorandum’ gepubliceerd (Strasbourg 1985)).<br />


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