Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS

Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS

Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS


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Landerfeld, J. S. and R. P. Parker (1997). "BEA's chain indexes, time series, and measures <strong>of</strong> long-term economicgrowth." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business 77(5): 58.Moulton, B.R. and Seskin, E.P. (1999)."A preview <strong>of</strong> the 1999 comprehensive revision <strong>of</strong> the National Income andProduct Accounts:statistical changes."Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business 79 (October 1999): 6-17.Parker, R. P. and J. E. Triplett (1996). "Chain-type measures <strong>of</strong> real output and prices in the U.S. national incomeand product accounts: an update." Business Economics 31(4): 37.Ritter, J.A. (2000)."Feeding the national accounts." Federal Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> St. Louis Review. March/April:11-20SCB (1991). "Gross Domestic Product as a measure <strong>of</strong> U.S. Production." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business.Seskin, E. P. and R. P. Parker (1998). "A guide to the NIPA's." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business 78(3):26.U.S. <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Labor, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor Statistics.1997.Measurement Issues in the Consumer PriceIndex.Referenced at http://stats.bls.gov/cpigm697.htm on May 13, 1999.Valliant, R.1993. "Poststratification and Conditional Vairance Estimation."Journal <strong>of</strong> the American StatisticalAssociation 88 (421):89-96.Young, A. H. (1993). "Reliability and accuracy <strong>of</strong> the quarterly estimates <strong>of</strong> GDP." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business 73(10):29.Young, A. H. and H. S. Tice (1985). "An introduction to national economic accounting." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business65: 59.Yuskavage, R. E. (1996). "Improved estimates <strong>of</strong> gross product by industry, 1959-94." Survey <strong>of</strong> Current Business76(8): 133.1The federal budget is broken down into 20 functional categories, <strong>of</strong> which one is transportation (function 400). Function 400is not tied to any one department or agency, but instead aggregates transportation functions wherever in the federalgovernment they occur. Thus, the transportation function may include many activities, such as highway construction andsafety, airways and airports, maritime subsidies, U.S. Coast Guard operations, railroads, and mass transit. It also coversgrants-in-aid programs to support state and local activities. A good summary <strong>of</strong> the federal budget process can be found inStanley E. Collender, The Guide to the Federal Budget, Fiscal Year 1996 (Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press. 1995).2Public Law 101-508, 104 Stat. 1388 (November 5, 1990).3Funds in the Conrail Labor Protection Program were provided for benefits to Conrail employees deprived <strong>of</strong> employmentbecause <strong>of</strong> work force reductions and other actions. This program no longer exists since Conrail has been returned to theprivate sector. In 1988, the unobligated balances available from this program were transferred to the <strong>US</strong>CG, and in 1990they were returned to the U.S. Treasury.

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