Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS

Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS

Acknowledgments US Department of Transportation - BTS


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Taiwan U U U 116 132 124 101 113 112 95 100 77 92 122 131 123 92 71 44 43 UTurkey U 12 22 46 31 49 69 102 U U 133 95 142 240 376 426 442 465 526 359 491United Kingdom 443 456 230 217 228 233 238 238 233 186 189 193 193 189 209 207 208 216 202 91 119United States 1,131 2,088 1,690 3,350 5,638 5,669 5,795 6,252 6,510 7,447 7,303 6,617 7,322 7,634 7,794 7,681 6,949 6,885 4,941 3,514 5,012Venezuela U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 60 69 59 57 53 44Yugoslavia, FederalRepublic <strong>of</strong> c 5 18 27 26 2 2 1 2 U U U U U U U U U U U U UTotal passenger cars a and commercial vehicles d1961 1971 1981 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Total world e 15,200 33,401 37,136 47,262 49,658 50,046 51,496 53,474 52,093 54,948 58,946 56,325 58,973 60,331 63,963 66,085 69,124 72,640 69,584 60,254 76,148U.S. percent <strong>of</strong> world 43.8 32.0 21.4 18.6 24.6 24.0 23.0 22.7 23.0 23.7 21.7 20.3 20.8 20.0 18.7 18.1 16.3 14.8 12.5 9.5 10.2Argentina 136 253 172 139 409 286 313 446 458 305 340 236 159 170 260 320 432 545 597 513 724Australia 231 470 392 284 354 331 322 349 384 311 348 319 344 413 405 389 328 332 324 223 239Austria 13 7 15 20 48 68 106 108 103 139 141 155 151 140 249 253 275 228 151 72 105Belgium 1 296 257 337 479 468 437 430 406 291 1,033 1,187 1,056 904 895 927 918 834 725 537 555Brazil 145 516 780 960 1,582 1,629 1,805 2,067 1,573 1,344 1,671 1,798 1,793 1,827 2,210 2,528 2,611 2,971 3,220 3,185 3,648Canada 391 1,360 1,323 1,889 2,321 2,408 2,397 2,571 2,173 3,057 2,962 2,532 2,629 2,553 2,712 2,688 2,571 2,579 2,082 1,490 2,068China U U U 709 1,353 1,435 1,466 1,578 1,628 1,805 2,009 2,332 3,251 4,444 5,071 5,668 7,566 8,885 9,233 13,649 18,265Czech Republic b 76 177 230 202 180 216 272 369 411 376 455 465 447 442 448 605 855 939 946 975 1,076France 1,205 3,010 3,020 3,611 3,558 3,475 3,591 2,581 2,954 3,033 3,352 3,628 3,693 3,620 3,352 3,549 3,174 3,016 2,568 2,043 2,219Germany 2,213 4,141 4,116 5,035 4,356 4,667 4,843 5,023 5,727 5,688 5,198 5,692 5,145 5,507 5,570 5,758 5,820 6,213 6,046 5,210 5,906India 54 89 149 355 475 636 762 746 513 780 796 825 892 1,161 1,511 1,642 1,958 2,250 2,316 2,643 3,554Italy 759 1,817 1,433 1,878 1,534 1,667 1,545 1,817 1,693 1,701 1,738 1,580 1,427 1,322 1,142 1,038 1,212 1,284 1,024 843 836Japan 1,039 5,811 11,180 13,245 10,554 10,196 10,346 10,975 10,050 9,905 10,145 9,777 10,258 10,286 10,512 10,800 11,484 11,596 11,564 7,935 9,626Malaysia U U U 102 137 164 176 280 134 205 295 359 U U U U U U U U UMexico U 211 597 989 1,123 935 1,220 1,358 1,453 1,534 1,923 1,857 1,805 1,575 1,553 1,684 2,046 2,095 2,168 1,561 2,342Netherlands 19 91 90 111 115 132 164 218 271 287 267 239 231 219 248 181 159 139 132 77 94Poland 36 146 308 193 365 381 401 322 499 695 556 387 310 300 592 612 716 875 1,006 907 895Portugal U U U 26 125 57 132 267 271 252 247 240 251 239 227 221 227 176 175 126 159Romania U U U 94 90 93 99 129 127 107 72 69 U U U U U U U U URussia 555 1,130 2,198 2,052 1,002 994 1,004 1,174 U 1,172 1,203 1,250 1,220 1,280 1,385 1,353 1,507 1,672 1,794 722 1,404Slovakia U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 218 295 571 576 463 563South Africa U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 516 588 534 563 374 472South Korea U U 134 1,498 2,312 2,526 2,813 2,818 1,954 2,832 3,115 2,946 3,148 3,178 3,469 3,699 3,840 4,086 3,827 3,513 4,272Spain 75 532 987 2,082 2,142 2,334 2,412 2,562 2,826 2,672 3,033 2,850 2,855 3,030 3,012 2,753 2,777 2,890 2,542 2,164 2,388Sweden 132 317 313 344 435 490 463 480 483 494 296 286 276 323 339 324 327 361 299 152 208Taiwan U U U 382 423 406 366 381 405 350 365 272 337 387 431 446 303 283 183 226 UTurkey U 25 47 242 244 282 277 344 U U 431 271 347 534 823 879 988 1,099 1,147 870 1,095United Kingdom 1,447 2,198 1,185 1,454 1,695 1,765 1,924 1,936 1,981 1,973 1,817 1,685 1,821 1,846 1,856 1,803 1,650 1,750 1,649 1,090 1,393United States 6,653 10,672 7,943 8,790 12,239 11,995 11,830 12,131 12,003 13,025 12,774 11,425 12,280 12,087 11,960 11,947 11,260 10,752 8,672 5,709 7,743Venezuela U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 155 172 172 135 112 104Yugoslavia, FederalRepublic <strong>of</strong> c 20 132 267 239 9 10 10 14 U U U U U U U U U U U U UKEY: U = data are unavailable.a Does not include minivans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles.bFormerly Czechoslovakia and Ward's does not report a number for Slovakia before 2005.c Yugoslavia no longer exists and Ward's does not report numbers for countries that were previously a part <strong>of</strong> Yugoslavia .d Includes all trucks and buses. Light trucks, such as pickups, sport utility vehicles, and minivans are included under Commercial vehicles .eThe 2000 and 2005-2009 figures for Total passenger cars and commercial vehicles are revised by the source. However, the detailed information for each component in2000 is not available, thus the details are not revised in this table and will not add up to the total for this year.NOTESPrior to 2000, the country <strong>of</strong> manufacture was recognized as the producing country. To conform with current OICA (International Organization <strong>of</strong> Motor Vehicle Manufacturers)practices, starting in 2000, the country <strong>of</strong> final assembly was recognized as the producing country. This explains the sudden change in trends across some countries from1999 to 2000.Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. Also numbers may not add to totals due to the inclusion <strong>of</strong> small countries in the total.Beginning in 1998, some smaller countries not listed in this table are included in the world totals.SOURCEWardsAuto.com, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures (Southfield, MI: Annual Issues), p. 14 and similar pages in earlier editions, and personal communication, Aug. 10, 2011.

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