ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection


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252 Socidtd des <strong>Nations</strong> - Recuedi des Traits. 1920-1921<br />

af den Stat, hvortil det h6rer. Saadan Installation<br />

maa alene benyttes af de Medlemmer af<br />

Besaetningen, som er forsynet med en saerlig<br />

Tilladelse i dette 6jemed.<br />

Artikel 7.<br />

Et Luftfart6j, som deltager i international.<br />

Luftfart mellem de to Stater, kan medfore<br />

Passagerer og Gods, men skal vaere forsynet :<br />

for Passagerernes Vedkommende, med<br />

en Fortegnelse over deres Navne ;<br />

for Gods' Vedkommende, med en Fortegnelse<br />

over Godset og Beholdningerne,<br />

som medf6res, og med n6jagtige af<br />

Afsenderne afgivne Erklaeringer.<br />

Befordring af Passagerer og Gods skal ske<br />

i Overenssternmelse med de til enhver Tid<br />

gaeldende Love og Bestemmelser. Post kan<br />

besbrges, hvis der mellem de to Landes Postforvaltninger<br />

er bleven truffet en Overenskomst<br />

i saa Henseende, og denne paa det paagaeldende<br />

Tidspunkt er i Kraft.<br />

Artikel 8.<br />

Ved Afrejse og Landing af Luftfart6jer skal<br />

Myndighederne i de to Lande i alle Tilfaelde<br />

have Ret til at unders6ge dem for at overbevise<br />

sig om Rigtigheden af de Dokumenter, med<br />

hvilke de skal vaere forsynet.<br />

Artikel 9.<br />

Luftfart6jer fra de to Stater skal have Landingsret<br />

og skal i N6dstilfaelde have Krav Vja<br />

den sarmme Bistand, sore Luftfart6jer fra den<br />

Stat, i hvilken Landingen finder Sted.<br />

Artikel xo.<br />

Enhver Flyveplads i hver af de to Stater,<br />

sor staar aaben for offentlig Benyttelse af<br />

Luftfart6jer fra vedkommende Stat mod Betaling<br />

af visse Afgifter, skal paa samme Maade<br />

og under samme Betingelser staa aaben for<br />

Luftfart6jer fra den anden Stat.<br />

Artike ii.<br />

Indtil andet maatte blive bestent, skal alle<br />

Luftfartbjer, sorn kommer til Danmark, og<br />

the State to which it belongs. Such apparatus<br />

shall only be used by such members of the crew<br />

as are provided with a special licence for the<br />

purpose.<br />

Article 7.<br />

An aircraft engaged in international navigation<br />

between the two States may carry passengers<br />

and goods, but shall be provided :<br />

for passengers, with a list of their names;<br />

for goods, with a manifest of the goods<br />

and supplies carried and with detailed<br />

declarations made out-by the consignors.<br />

The carriage of passengers and goods shall<br />

be in accordance with the laws and regulations<br />

in force for the time being. Mails may be carried,<br />

if an agreement to this effect has been concluded,<br />

and is for the time being in force, between the<br />

postal administrations of the two countries.<br />

Article 8.<br />

Upon the departure and upon the landing of<br />

aircraft the authorities of the two countries<br />

shall in all cases have the right to search them<br />

with a view to examining and verifying the<br />

documents with which they must be provided.<br />

Article 9.<br />

Aircraft of the two States shall have the<br />

right of landing, and in case of distress may<br />

claim the same assistance as aircraft of the<br />

country in which a landing is effected.<br />

Article io.<br />

Every aerodrome in either of the two States<br />

which is open to public use by its national<br />

aircraft on payment of certain dues shall<br />

likewise be open under the same conditions to<br />

aircraft of the other State.<br />

Article xi.<br />

Until otherwise provided, all aircraft entering<br />

Denmark must land at, and any aircraft leaving

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