ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection


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1920-1921 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 255<br />

rende Overenskomst med 6jeblikkelig Virkning<br />

fra Opsigelsen, efter at de to kontraherende<br />

Parter har ratificeret den i Paris den 13. Oktober<br />

1919 undertegnede internationale Konvention<br />

om Luftfart.<br />

TIL BEKRAEFTELSE HERAF har de Undertegnede<br />

underskrevet naervaerende Overenskomst<br />

og forsynet samme med deres Segl.<br />

SKET i K6benhavn i dobbelt Udfaerdigelse<br />

i det danske og engelske Sprog, den 23. December<br />

1920.<br />

(L. S.) Harald SCAVENIUS.<br />

TILLAEG.<br />

I.<br />

Med Hensyn til Artikel 12 skal Luftfart6jets<br />

Rute over dansk Land- og S6territorium saavidt<br />

muligt laegges saaledes, at det kan observeres<br />

fra et eller flere af fblgende punkter :<br />

Anholt Fyr .................<br />

Fornaes Fyr ................<br />

Gedser Fyr .................<br />

Hamneren Fyr ..............<br />

Hanstholm Fyr ..............<br />

Hirshals Fyr ................<br />

Hirsholm Fyr ............<br />

Kjels-Nor Fyr ...............<br />

Knudshoved Fyr ............<br />

Kronborg Fyr ...............<br />

560 441 16" N.<br />

110 39' i5"' E.<br />

56026' 36" N.<br />

100 571 40" E.<br />

540 33' 50" N.<br />

110 58' 03" E.<br />

550 17' 12" N.<br />

140 45' 50" E.<br />

570 o6' 47" N.<br />

80 36' o8" E.<br />

570 35' o6" N.<br />

90 56' 45" E.<br />

570 29' 09" N.<br />

100 37' 43" E.<br />

540 43' 52" N.<br />

100 43 31" E.<br />

550 17' 25" N.<br />

100 51' 21" E.<br />

560 02' 22" N.<br />

12 0 37' 36" E.<br />

present agreement, such denunciation to take<br />

immediate effect after the two contracting<br />

parties have ratified the international Air<br />

Convention signed at Paris the 13th of October<br />

1919.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Undersigned<br />

have signed the present agreement, and have<br />

affixed thereto their seals.<br />

DONE at Copenhagen in duplicate, in the<br />

English and Danish languages, the twenty.<br />

third day. of December 1920.<br />

(L. S.) Charles M. MARLING.<br />

ANNEX.<br />

I.<br />

With reference to Article 12 the aircraft on<br />

its way over Danish territory and territorial<br />

waters shall, as far as possible, navigate in<br />

such a way that it can be observed from one<br />

or more of the following points :<br />

Anholt light ..............<br />

Fornaes light .........<br />

Gedser light ..........<br />

Hammeren light ..........<br />

Hanstholm light ...........<br />

Hirshals light ............<br />

Hirsholm light ............<br />

Kjels-Nor light ...........<br />

Knudshoved light ..........<br />

Kronborg light ............<br />

569 44' i6" N.<br />

110 39' 15" E.<br />

..... 560 26' 36"<br />

100 57' 40"<br />

..... 540.33' 50"<br />

110 58' 03"<br />

550 17' 12" N.-<br />

140 45' 50" E.<br />

570 o6' 47" N.<br />

80 36' o8" E.<br />

570 35' o6" N.<br />

90 56' 45" E.<br />

570,29' og" N.<br />

100 37' 43" E.<br />

540 43' 52" N.<br />

100 43' 31" E.<br />

550 I7' 25" N.<br />

100 51' 21" E.<br />

560 02' 22" N.<br />

120 37' 36" E,

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