ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection

ETC. - United Nations Treaty Collection


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1921 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 327<br />

il ne sera fait exception h cette rbgle que pour<br />

les a~ronefs postaux et dans les cas nettement<br />

sp~cifis.<br />

170 Le Gouvernement franqais communiquera<br />

au Gouvernement britannique, h charge de r~ciprocit6,<br />

les rbglements relatifs h la navigation<br />

aerienne en France.<br />

18 o Les pr~sentes conventions ne sont applicables<br />

qu'aux adronefs privs h l'exclusion des<br />

a~ronefs militaires. Tout voyage d'un a~ronef<br />

militaire de France en Grande-Bretagne ou<br />

inversement fera l'objet d'une autorisation<br />

spciale.<br />

19o Les pr~sentes conventions sont 6tablies<br />

sous conditions de r&iprocit6 et titre provisoire<br />

; elles cesseront d'tre appliqu~es ds que<br />

la Convention Internationale de Navigation<br />

Arienne 6labor~e par la Conference de la Paix,<br />

entrera en vigueur.<br />

tions to this rule will only be made for mail<br />

aircraft and in clearly specified cases.<br />

(17) The French Government will communicate<br />

to the British Government, on a basis<br />

of reciprocity, the regulations relative to Air<br />

Navigation in France.<br />

(18) The present agreements shall only be<br />

applicable to private aircraft, and not to<br />

military aircraft. Every flight of a military<br />

aircraft from France to Great Britain or inversely<br />

shall be the object of a special authorisation.<br />

(19) The present agreements are established<br />

on condition of reciprocity and as a temporary<br />

measure. They will cease to apply as soon as<br />

the International Air Navigation Convention<br />

drawn up by the Peace Conference, shall enter<br />

into force.

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