The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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186 THE CYPRUS GAZETTE, 27TH ^LARCH, 1936.<br />

(3) A Ucence to drive shaU expire one year<br />

after the date of issue and thereafter may be<br />

renewed from year to yeax.<br />

(4) No person under the age of seventeen<br />

shiiU hold a Ucence to drive.<br />

(5) <strong>The</strong> ReLM-trar may, upon payment of<br />

2». 4^jj.. grant to a persou who\\ishes to learn<br />

how to drive a Ucence for any period not<br />

exceeding two months. <strong>The</strong> holder of such<br />

Uoence may for the purpose of learning to drive—<br />

(a) use a motor car upon any unfrequented<br />

road, if accompanied for the purpose of<br />

instruction by a person holding a driving<br />

Ucence and sitting next to him : provided<br />

that no person other than the instructor<br />

and the learner shaU be in the car ;<br />

(6) use a motor cycle upon any unfrequented<br />

road."<br />

7. Regulation 15 of the Principal Regulations<br />

is hereby amended as foUows :—<br />

(o) By the deletion from paragraph (a) of<br />

the words "or of a Ucence Umited to<br />

driving motor cycles under these Regulations<br />

".<br />

(6) By the addition at the end of paragraph<br />

(d) of the following words :<br />

" Such certificate shaU specify whether<br />

it is issued in respect of aU classes or types<br />

of motor cars or in respect of any particular<br />

class or type of motor car. "<br />

8. Regulation 19A of the Principal Regulations<br />

18 hereby amended as follows :—<br />

(a) By the insertion in paragraph (a)<br />

immediately before the words " motor car "<br />

(line 11) of the words " class or type of ".<br />

(6) By the addition thereto of the foUowing<br />

paragraph (6), the subsequent paragraph<br />

being renumbered accordingly :<br />

'• (6) Every person who presents himself<br />

for a driving test under the provisions<br />

of paragraph (a) of this regulation, shaU<br />

pay a fee of one shilling in stamps."<br />

9. Regulation 20 of the Principal Regulations<br />

is hereby amended as foUows :—<br />

(a) By the deletion in paragraph (8) of the<br />

words " one hom" after simset and one<br />

hour before sunrise " (lines 1 and 2) and<br />

the substitution therefor of the words<br />

" half an hour after sunset and half an<br />

hour before sunrise ".<br />

(6) By the deletion of paragraph (12) and the<br />

substitution therefor of the foUovring<br />

paragraph :—<br />

" (12) No load carried by a motor car shaU—<br />

(a) project beyond the nmning board<br />

or splash boards of the motor car ;<br />

(6) project more than six feet beyond the<br />

overaU length of a motor car ;<br />

(c) be of a greater height than eleven<br />

feet from the ground :<br />

Provided that, in exceptional cases, the<br />

Registrar may, upon the recommendation<br />

of the Director of PubUc Works, authorize<br />

a load to be carried by a motor car in<br />

excess of the limits in this paragraph<br />

contained, but in every such case the<br />

^ver of the motor car—<br />

(i) if travelling by night, shall carry<br />

a red light at the rear end of the<br />

load (in addition to the rear lamp of<br />

• the motor car);<br />

(ii) shall not travel at a speed exceeding<br />

twelve miles per hour."<br />

(e) By the addition thereto of the<br />

foUowing parajrraph :—<br />

• (14) Xo inscription of any kind<br />

>hall V>e written, printed, painted or<br />

affixed on the wmdscreen of any motor<br />

car.<br />

10. <strong>The</strong> following is hereby substituted for<br />

paragraph (a) of regulation 2i of the Principal<br />

Regulations :—-<br />

" (a) -ubject to the provisio.is of these<br />

Regulations the Registrar may fix by<br />

endorsing on the Ucence of the motor car<br />

or motor lorry—<br />

(i) the maximum number and total<br />

weight of persons which may be<br />

carried by any motor car or motor<br />

lorri' plying for hire ;<br />

(ii) the maximum number and the total<br />

weight of persons and the maximum<br />

weight of goods which may be carried<br />

by a motor lorry plying for hire and<br />

carrjTng a mixed load of passengers<br />

and goods;<br />

(in) the maximum weight of goods which<br />

maj- be carried by a taotor lorry plying<br />

for hire and carrying goods only,<br />

and no motor car or motor lony shaU carry<br />

any persons in excess of the number or<br />

weight or any goods in excels of the weight<br />

endorsed upon the Ucence :<br />

Provided that the Registrar may, upon<br />

paj-ment of a fee of three -liilUngs, alter<br />

the endorsement on any licence from time<br />

to time so as to enable a motor lorry carrying<br />

a mixed load of passengers and goods to<br />

carry goods ordy and vice vtrsa."<br />

11. Paragraph (4) of regidation 22 of the<br />

Principal Regulations is hereby amended as<br />

follows :—<br />

(a) By the deletion of the ^^ords " Save with<br />

the Ucence of the C!olonial Secretary " and<br />

the substitution therefor of the words<br />

" Save with the special licence of the<br />

Registrar ".<br />

(6) By the deletion of item (c) and the<br />

substitution therefor ofthe following item:—<br />

•' (c) the total weight of goods together<br />

with the weight of the driver and of<br />

other persons not exceeding three<br />

in number carried by a lorry carrying<br />

goods only, shall not exceed two tons."<br />

12. Paragraph (6) of regulation 22A of the<br />

Principal Regulations is hereby amended by the<br />

deletion of the words from " but so that the<br />

total fee " to the end of the paragraph.<br />

13. <strong>The</strong> following regulation is hereby inserted<br />

immediately after regulation 22A of the Principal<br />

Regulations :—<br />

" 22B. It shall be lawful for the Registrar<br />

or any officer appointed by him or a poUce officer<br />

to stop any motor car with a view to<br />

ascertaining whether such motor car is being<br />

used in contravention of these Regulations or<br />

any permit issued or endorsement made thereunder<br />

and in the event of such motor car bemg<br />

used in such manner a Police Officer may take<br />

such car to any poUce station or place of safety<br />

there to be detained until the motor car and<br />

driver can be identified and any mechanical<br />

defect thereof remedied.<br />

14. <strong>The</strong> Principal Regulations are hereby<br />

amended by the msertion immediately after<br />

regulation 25 of the foUowing regulations :—<br />

" To give signals.<br />

25A. He shall give the following signals for<br />

the purpose of indicating his intentions to<br />

other asers of the road, such signals to be<br />

given with the arm projecting from the side<br />

of the motor car at least as far as the elbow,<br />

provided that mechanical incUcators of a type<br />

approved by the Registrar may be nsed for<br />


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