The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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(5) That neither your petitioner nor the said<br />

respondent is of the Moslem faith nor was their<br />

marriage contracted according to Sheri Law.<br />

(6) Same as the like numbered paragraph in<br />

husband's petition.<br />

(7) That the said respondent has frequently<br />

committed adultery (or unth W.N.)<br />

(8) That on the dayof 19 ,<br />

at the said respondent<br />

committed adultery vrith W.N. (or with a woman<br />

unknown).<br />

(<strong>The</strong> following paragraph may be inserted where<br />

applicable)<br />

(9) That on the day of 19<br />

at the said W.N. was<br />

dehvered of a chUd of which the respondent is<br />

the father (it is not necessary to plead the birth of<br />

such a child unless it is essential for the proof of the<br />

petitioner's case).<br />

Your petitioner therefore prays that this<br />

Honourable Court will be pleased to decree or<br />

(where the discretion of the Court is sought to be<br />

exercised) that your Lordship will be pleased to<br />

.exercise your discretion in her favour and decree :—<br />

(1) That the marriage of your petitioner with<br />

the said respondent be dissolved.<br />

(2) (Where applicable) That she may have the<br />

custody of her said children.<br />

(3) (Where the woman named is made a<br />

respondent and costs are asked for out<br />

of her separate estate—See Note A infra).<br />

That the said W.N. be condemned in the<br />

costs of and incidental to this petition out<br />

of her separate estate.<br />

(4) (Insert in all cases) That your petitioner<br />

may have such further and other relief<br />

as may be just.<br />

(Sd.) A. B.<br />

(Petitioner's Signature.)<br />

Petitioner's Address for Service in Nicosia<br />

is<br />

Here follows Notice to Appear as given in Form 3.<br />

Note A.—If it is proposed to ask for costs against<br />

the woman charged, she must be made a<br />

respondent, and the prayer must contain a<br />

specific plea for costs against her. <strong>The</strong><br />

woman's name should form part of the title of<br />

the suit as respondent, and the copy of the<br />

petition to be served on her should be endorsed<br />

with Notice to Appear as in Form 3—in<br />

accordance with Rule 2.<br />


In the Supreme Court, <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

Matrimonial Jurisdiction.<br />

To of<br />

(in case of petition by a husband add " and to<br />

of " inserting name and<br />

address of co-respondent : see also Note A to Form 2<br />

above).<br />

Take notice that you are required Avithin eight (i)<br />

days after service hereof upon you, inclusive<br />

of the day of such service to enter an appearance<br />

at the Registry of the Supreme Court, Nicosia,<br />

should you think fit to do so, and thereafter to<br />

make answer to the charges in this Petition (*)<br />

(1) or as the case may be.<br />

(») or Answer.<br />

29&<br />

and that m default of your so doing the Court wiU<br />

proceed to hear the said charges proved arui<br />

pronounce judgment notwithstanding your<br />

absence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Petition (1) is filed and this notice to<br />

appear is issued by (^)<br />

of<br />

Dated at Nicosia, the day of 19<br />

Chief Registrar.<br />

Note—^Any person entering an appearance must<br />

at the same time fumish an address for<br />

service.<br />


(Gther than Restitution Petitions.) (RULE 3.)<br />

In the Supreme Court, <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

Matrimonial Jurisdiction.<br />

In the matter of the petition of A.B. for a<br />

(dissolution of marriage or as the case may be).<br />

I, A.B., of<br />

oath and say as follows :—<br />

, the petitioner make<br />

(1) That the statements set forth in paragraphs<br />

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ofthe said petition dated the<br />

day of 19 , are true.<br />

(2) That the statements set forth in paragraphs<br />

7 and 8 are true to the best of my knowledge,<br />

information and belief.<br />

(3) That there is not any coUusion or connivance<br />

between me and my wife, CD., in any way<br />

whatever.<br />

Sworn, etc.<br />


(RULE 12.)<br />

This Petition was duly served by the undersigned<br />

G.H. on the within named C.B. of<br />

at on the day of 19<br />

(Sgd.) G.H.<br />


(RULES 14-15).<br />

In the Supreme Court, <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

Matrimonial Jurisdiction.<br />

A.B. against C.B. and R.S.<br />

I, X.Y., of<br />

make oath and say.<br />

that the Petition bearing date the<br />

day<br />

of 19 , filed ua this Court<br />

against C.B. the Respondent (or R.S. the Corespondent)<br />

a copy of which is hereunto annexed<br />

and marked with the letter A was duly served by<br />

me on the said C.B. (or R.S.) at<br />

on the day of 19 , by<br />

dehvering to the said C.B. (or R.S.) personally a<br />

sealed copy thereof.<br />

2, (Means of knowledge of identity to be stated<br />

here).<br />

Sworn at<br />

Before me.<br />

on the day of 19<br />


(^) or Answer as the case may be.<br />

(*) State name and address of petitioner or advocate.

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