The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

^ul)Iisi)eti h]^ autf)ortt|><br />

No. 2518.] FRIDAY, 12TH JUNE, 1936. 381<br />

No. 555. BY THE GOVERNOR.<br />

H. R. PALMER,<br />

Govemor.<br />

Whereas there now exist in the village of<br />

Morphou, in the District of Nicosia, certain areas<br />

which had hitherto been commonly known as<br />

" Ayios Mamas," " Ayios Yeoryios " and " Ayia<br />

Paraskevi," respectively :<br />

And whereas it is expedient that the said areas<br />

Bhould form separate quarters :<br />

Now, therefore, I, Herbert Richmond Palmer,<br />

Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished<br />

Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,<br />

Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the<br />

British Empire, Govemor and Commander-in-Chief<br />

in and over the Colony of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, by virtue of<br />

the powers and authority vested in me by the<br />

Land Code and the Village Authorities Laws, 1931<br />

to 1935, do hereby proclaim and order as follows :—<br />

(1) That from and after the lst day of Julyt<br />

1936, the said areas shall be constituted separate<br />

quarters in the village of Morphou ; and<br />

(2) That the said quarters shall, for all<br />

administrative purposes, be ranked as separate<br />

quarters under the stj'^le of " Ayios Mamas,"<br />

" Ayios Yeoryios " and " Ayia Paraskevi " ;<br />

and<br />

(3) That the said quarters shall have the<br />

boundaries in the Schedule hereto prescribed.<br />


Boundaries of Ayios Mamas Quarter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> boundary begins at the most northem point<br />

of plot No. 121, plan No. XIX/23, on the boundary<br />

of the village of Morphou and on the left bank of<br />

the river " Ovghos," and goes south-eastwards<br />

along this bank of this river to the most eastem<br />

point of {dot No. 200 of the same plan, where it<br />

is met by tlie river " Serakhis " ; thence southdastwards<br />

up the latter river to the point due<br />


north of the most eastem point of plot No. 579^<br />

Morphou village plan (piece No. 4) ; thence southwards<br />

along the eastem boundary of this plot<br />

and of plots Nos. 583 and 584 of the same plan<br />

(piece No. 3) to the stream on southem boundary<br />

of the latter plot; thence south-eastwards up this<br />

stream to the road on the south-eastern boundary<br />

of plot No. 591 of the same plan (piece No. 3);<br />

thence southwards and south-eastwards along thia<br />

road to the most eastem point of plot No. 1046<br />

of the same plan (piece No. 3), where it is joined<br />

by another road; thence westwards along the<br />

latter road to the most westem point of plot<br />

No. 1036 of the same plan (piece No. 3), where it<br />

is joined by another road; thence southwards<br />

along the latter road to the road from Ayia<br />

Paraskevi Church to Ghaziveran; thence southeastwards<br />

crossing the latter road and along tho<br />

road leading to the main road to Nicosia ; thence<br />

along this main road to the Cypms Govemment<br />

Railway line ; thence south-westwards along the<br />

northem boundary of the Railway line to the river<br />

" Komitis"; thence south-eastwards up this<br />

river to the most northem point of plot No, 266^<br />

plan No. XX/41, on the boundary of the village<br />

of Morphou; thence westwards, north-westwards<br />

and north-eastwards along the boundary of the<br />

village of Morphou to the starting point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area of this quarter comprises 12,051 donums<br />

approximately, as shown edged in brown on<br />

the plan, serial No. 1062, filed in D.L,R,S.<br />

M.P. 435/23.<br />

Boundaries of Ayios Yeoryios Quarter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> boundary b^ins on the seashore at the<br />

mouth of the river " Aloupos," plan No. X/62,<br />

on the boundary of the village of Morphou, and<br />

goes south-eastwards, southwards, eastwards and<br />

south-westwards along this village boundary Uy<br />

the most eastem point of plot No. 93, plan<br />


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