The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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Ho. 983. Appointments.<br />

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to<br />

make the following appointments :—<br />

Mr. J. I). Montagu, Administrative OflBcer, to perform<br />

the duties of Commissioner, Nicosia. Dated Ilth<br />

October, 1936. (M.P. P.631.)<br />

Mr. B. J. O'Brien, Administrative OflRcer, to perform<br />

the duties of Commissioner, Kyrenia, and Assistant<br />

Commissioner, Nicosia. Dated 11th October, 1936.<br />

(M.P. P.1517.)<br />

Mr. Henry Morrison James to be, temporarily.<br />

Superintendent of Agriculture, Agricultural Department.<br />

Dated 18th September, 1936.<br />

^Mr. James arrived in the Colony on the lst<br />

October, 1936. (M.P. 1246/36.)<br />

Dr. Arthur Henry Pemberton to be Honorary<br />

Consulting Surgeon at the Kyrenia Hospital.<br />

Dated 9th October, 1936. (M.P. 921/34.)<br />

Mr. Herbert Stanley Richards to be, on probation, an<br />

Assistant Master, Government Secondary School,<br />

Education Department.<br />

1936.<br />

Dated 2 lst September,<br />

Mr. Richards arrived in the Colony on the 27th<br />

September, 1936. (M.P. P.2200.)<br />

Mr. Alan Morton to be, on probation, an Assistant<br />

Master, Government Secondary School, Education<br />

Department. Dated 21st September, 1936.<br />

Mr. Morton arrived in the Colony on the 27th<br />

Septeml)er, 1936. (M.P. P.2201.)<br />

Mr. Antonios Costa Zachariades to be, on probation,<br />

an Irrigation Guard, 2nd Grade, Irrigation Department.<br />

Dated Sth October, 1936. (M.P. P.2193.)<br />


Mr. Pelham Parker, Chief Accountant, Treasury, acted<br />

as Deputy Treasurer from SOth May to Sth October,<br />

1936. (M.P. P.1814.)<br />

Ho. 984. Leave of Absence.<br />

Mr. Pelham Parker, Chief Accountant, Treasury, is<br />

granted vacation leave (74 days) and passage leave<br />

(24 days) from 9th October, 1936, to 14th January,<br />

1937. (M.P. L.1814.)<br />

Mr. F. W. Sadler, Staff Clerk, Colomal Secretary's<br />

OflBce, was absent on vacation leave (84 days),<br />

passage leave (18 days) and on leave with half<br />

salary (10 days) from 25th June to 14th October,<br />

1936. (M.P. L.2053.)<br />

Ho. 985. Retiiement.<br />

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to<br />

approve the following retirement :—<br />

Mr. Togli Constanti, Irrigation Guard, 2nd Grade,<br />

Irrigation Department, with effect from the 8th<br />

October, r.K^6, inclusive. (M.P. P.169.)<br />

Ho. 986. Govemment Certificate in Chemistry.<br />

Notice is hereby given that the next examination<br />

for the (iovernment Certificate in Chemistry will be<br />

held on -^')th .lanuary, 1937, and following days, at<br />

the (iovernment Laboratory.<br />

Int»ndirj'_' candidates should irive notice to the<br />

20l08l2.)<br />

No. 987.<br />

Notification under the Quarantme Law, 1982.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him bv tbe<br />

Quarantine Law, 1982, or otherwise. His Excellency<br />

the Governor is pleased to declare and it is hereby<br />

declared that the local areas in the first colunm of<br />

the Schedule hereto are infected local areas and that<br />

all passengers and goods therefrom shall, as from the<br />

date hereof, be subject to the measures prescribed by<br />

the Quarantine Regulations, 1932, with respect to the<br />

dangerous infectious diseases in the second column<br />

of the Schedule hereto.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Notification No. 945, published in the <strong>Cyprus</strong><br />

<strong>Gazette</strong> of the 2nd October, 1936, is hereby cancelled.<br />

Local area<br />

Bombay (India) ...<br />

Salonica (Greece) ...<br />

Haifa (Palestine) ...<br />

Jaffa (Palestine) ...<br />

Malta<br />

Marseilles ...<br />

Izmir<br />

Istanbul ...<br />

Baghdad ...<br />

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan<br />

Egypt<br />


• • •<br />

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• • •<br />

• • •<br />

• a •<br />

• • •<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

Dangerous infectious<br />

disease<br />

Cholera.<br />

Typhus and Smallpox.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Plague.<br />

Plague.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Smallpox and Plague.<br />

Smallpox.<br />

Typhus and Plague.<br />

Nicosia, 10th October, 1936.<br />

By His Excellency's Command,<br />


(M.P. 289/36.) Colonial Secretory.<br />

No. 988. Greek Examinations.<br />

PASS-LIST.<br />

Ordinary—6th October, 1936.<br />

Mr. R. M. Gambles, Veterinary Officer, AgricultuilJ<br />

Department. (M.P. P.2079.)<br />

Mr. G. W. Chapman, Assistant Conservator of Forests,<br />

1st Grade, Forest Department. (M.P. P.ISIO.)<br />

Preliminary—Sth October, 1936.<br />

Mr. A, E. Walker, Temporary Assistant Engineer,<br />

Public Works Department. (M.P. 807/36.)<br />

Mr. A. B. Cavaghan, Harbour Master, Customs and<br />

Inland Revenue Department. (M.P. P.2111.)<br />

J. R. CULLEN,<br />

Director of Ednration.<br />

No. 989. <strong>The</strong> Partnership Law» 1928.<br />

Pursuant to section 51 of the Partnership Law,<br />

1928, the following changes have been filed and duly<br />

recorded.<br />

C. F. WILSON,<br />

(M.P. 726/25.) Registrar of Partnerships.<br />

Partnership Xo. 364.<br />

Name of Firm : (iianno|)oulo Freres, of Nicosia.<br />

Change : Costas (Jeorgopoulos has withdrawn from<br />

the partnership.<br />

Date of change IsL Octol)er. 1936.<br />

Partnership Xo. 407.<br />

Name of Firm : Mangourides &, Loizou, of Nicotiia.<br />

Change : <strong>The</strong> partnership is renewed for an iiidefiniw<br />

period of time as from the lst day of OctoV>cr, 11*36.<br />


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