The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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372 THE CYPRUS GAZETTB, 5TH JUNE, 1936.<br />

No. 546. Tbe Co-op«nftife Sooaties Uw.1823.<br />


<strong>The</strong> foUowing Co-operative Snieties and the Byelaws<br />

thereof have l)e«n duly registered under tlie<br />

provisions of the Law :—<br />

*• <strong>The</strong> Phini Co-operative Wine Making Society,<br />

Linuted," (M.P. 904/36.)<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Lania Co-operative Wine Makin«j Societv,<br />

Limiteil." (M.P, 926/36',)<br />

Dated 2nd June, 1936,<br />

B. J. SCRRIDGE,<br />

Registrar of C 'o-operative Soricffes.<br />

No. 546. <strong>The</strong> Partnership Law. 1928.<br />

Pui-suant to section 51 of the Partnership Law,<br />

1928, the following changes have been filed and duly<br />

recorded.<br />

G. F. WILSON,<br />

(M.P. 726/25.) Regisfrar of Partnerships.<br />

Busiuess Name No. 108.<br />

Name of Business: <strong>The</strong> General Motor Accessories<br />

Company, of Nicosia.<br />

Change: New name : <strong>The</strong> Motor Accessories Company.<br />

l)ate of Change : 18th May, 193(1,<br />

No. 547. Quarantine Restrictions<br />

<strong>The</strong> attention of the public is invited to the<br />

Notification made on the 22nd April, 1936, by<br />

Hi»= Exo«Uency the Governor pursuant to the<br />

Quarantine Law, 1932, and published in the <strong>Cyprus</strong><br />

Gazeffe of the 24th April, 1936, whereby it was<br />

declared that the followmg local areas were infected<br />

local areas and that all passengers and goods therefrom<br />

would lie subject to the measures prescribed by tbe<br />

Quarantine Regulations, 1932, with respect to the<br />

dangerous infectious diseases set forth against each<br />

local area :—<br />

Local area<br />

Alexandria (Epypt)<br />

Port Said (Egypt),,<br />

Beyrut TSyria^<br />

Bombay (India) ,,<br />

Salonica (Greece) .,<br />

Tripoli (Svria)<br />

Haifa (Palestine) ,.<br />

Jatfa (Palestine) ..<br />

Malta<br />

No. 548 Notice of Receiving Order.<br />

Dangerous infectious<br />

disease<br />

Typhus and Plague.<br />

Typhus and Plague.<br />

Smallpox.<br />

Cholera.<br />

Typhus and Smallpox.<br />

Smallpox.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Plague.<br />


(M.P. 289/35.)<br />

In (he District Court of Limassol.<br />

//* noHkrupUy. No, 1 of 1936,<br />

Re Achilleas G. Joannides of Liinassol.<br />

h'-htor's Xaii-e—Acl ill-a.s 0. J < an nides.<br />

.\ddre8s—Limabsol.<br />

IVnjcri ption—Merchant.<br />

Date of Filing Petition—16th May, 1936.<br />

l>ate of Receiving Order—99th May, 1936.<br />

Whether Debtor's or CreditorV Petition—Creditora'.<br />

Act or Acts of Bankruptcy proved in Creditors*<br />

Petition—<strong>The</strong> debtor's informing his creditors on<br />

2nd May, 1986. of his inability to meet his<br />

obligations.<br />

Niooaia, V. K, BAIRAMIAN,<br />

1st June, 1936. Official Receiver.<br />

No. 549.<br />

In the District Court of Nicoaia.<br />

Application No. 24/86.<br />

Probate<br />

In the matter of the Probates (Re-sealing) Law, 1986<br />

and<br />

In thQ matter of George Henry Jeffery, deoeaaed.<br />

Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 13th day<br />

of June, 1936, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, application<br />

will be raade to the above named District Court for the<br />

reHBealing of the probate of the will of Geor^ Henry<br />

Jeffery, late of Nicosia, deceased, granted by the Court<br />

at London on the Sth July, 1935.<br />

Nicosia, 3rd June, 1936,<br />

(M,P. 794/09/2,)<br />

For Hugh Llewelyn Jones,<br />

Attorney of the Executors,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Westminster Bank, Ltd,,.<br />


Advocates.<br />

No. 550.<br />

Application No, 15/86,<br />

In the District Couit of Famagusta.<br />

Before : S. P. Mavromatis, D.J.<br />

In the Matter of Law No, 6 of 1899 relating to the<br />

acquisition of land for undertaking works of public<br />

utility,<br />

and<br />

In the matter of the application of the Commissioner<br />

of Famagusta for an Order of Court directing in<br />

what manner the service of the notice under<br />

section 5 of Law No, 6 of 1899 should be effected<br />

on Koumis Haji Paschali, late of Dherinia, who i»<br />

absent from <strong>Cyprus</strong> and of unknown residenoe.<br />

Ou the aboN-e application of the CommisBioner,<br />

Famagusta, Thig Court, on reading the affidavit sworn<br />

filed herein by or on behalf of the Applicant, Doth<br />

hereby order that the service of the notice shall be<br />

considered to be duly effected :<br />

1. By publishing a copy of this order with a<br />

copy of the notice in the <strong>Cyprus</strong> C^a^e//* published<br />

in Nicosia, <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

2, By posting similar copies on some conspifuious<br />

place in the land in question.<br />

And this Court Doth further order that if the<br />

Resjiondent Koumis Haji Paschali fails U> appear<br />

before the Commissioner of Faniagusta within six<br />

weeks from the publication in the ('>,i,rm Gazetfe oi<br />

this order, any further notice for the puriwse of this<br />

Application shall be posted on Court notice lioard.<br />

Given and Drawn up this 20th day of May, 1936.<br />

TRIK COPT,<br />

(Sg,l.) S. P<br />


District Judge.<br />


(Sfid.) M. SIDKI,<br />

Assistant Registrar, Distrirt Court,

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