The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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19. AU goods on board any ship shaU also be subject to Goods \ m ^<br />

the control of the Customs whUst the ship is witlun the jj'g^^^^<br />

limits of any port or shipping place or within territorial control.<br />

waters.<br />

20. <strong>The</strong> control of the Customs includes the right to Examination<br />

examine aU goods subject to such control, and aU the cuKT^^^<br />

expenses of any such examination shall be bome by the<br />

owner thereof.<br />

21.—(1) No goods shaU be unshipped or landed, and Unshipment<br />

no goods shaU be shipped, except in the presence or with ^^t^f'<br />

the permission of the CoUector; nor shall any goods, after goods.<br />

having been unshipped or put into a boat or Ughter to<br />

be landed or shipped, be transhipped or removed into<br />

any other boat or lighter previously to their being landed<br />

or shipped, without the permission of the CoUector.<br />

Penalty: one hundred pounds, and in addition the<br />

goods concemed shall be forfeited.<br />

(2) Goods unshipped and landed by the permission of<br />

the Collector other than at a wharf shall be placed, by and<br />

at the expense of the master or agent of the ship from<br />

which they were unshipped, in a place of security approved<br />

by the CoUector, and shaU, until lawfuUy removed therefrom,<br />

be at the risk of the master or agent of the ship as if<br />

they had not been unshipped.<br />

22. Except with the permission of the CoUector, no Removing or<br />

person shall- ^^^<br />

,. IP 1 ' ^ e • A. without<br />

(a) remove any goods trom any ship, wnari, private permission,<br />

warehouse. Customs warehouse or otherwise except<br />

in such manner and within such time and by such<br />

ways as the CoUector shaU direct, or<br />

(b) land any goods from any ship for which no<br />

manifest has been deUvered or from any ship in<br />

whose manifest such goods are not included.<br />

Penalty : one hundred pounds, and in addition the goods<br />

concerned shaU be forfeited.<br />

23. <strong>The</strong> carriage of goods from the ship, quay or wharf carriage and<br />

to the proper place of examination and the putting them of goodL'^to<br />

into scales, weighing, opening, unpacking, repacking, be at the<br />

bulking, sorting, marking and numbering, where such oX^®°<br />

operations respectively are necessary or permitted, and the<br />

removing them to and placing them in the proper place of<br />

deposit until duly delivered, shaU be performed by, or at<br />

the expense of, the owner thereof.<br />

24. <strong>The</strong> CoUector may, on the landing of any goods or Power to<br />

at any subsequent time and place, take samples of such takesampiee.<br />

goods for examination or for ascertaining the duties of<br />

Customs payable thereon or for any other purpose as he<br />

may deem necessary, and the samples so taken shaU be<br />

disposed of at such time and in such manner as the<br />

Comptroller shaU direct.<br />

25. <strong>The</strong> Customs shaU not be Uable for any loss, damage No claim for<br />

or destruction of any goods subject to the control of the JfoTfTkHs<br />

Customs except by the wilful act of a Customs officer. imiess by<br />


(&)<br />

wilful act.

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