The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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PART VIII.<br />


63. <strong>The</strong>re shaU be levied and coUected upon aU goods Levying of<br />

landed or shipped at any port in the Colony wharfage d,^J^3<br />

dues at the rates set forth in the Fifth Schedule, and there exemptions.<br />

shaU be aUowed the exemptions set forth in the said Schedule.<br />

64. <strong>The</strong> Govemor may by Order in CouncU to be wharfage<br />

pubUshed in the <strong>Gazette</strong> direct that wharfage dues on goods pa^bie at<br />

shipped at any shipping place specified in such Order specified<br />

shall be paid at the same rates as' for goods shipped at pSS!"^<br />

any port in the Colony.<br />

65. <strong>The</strong> Govemor may by Order in CouncU to be Po^erto<br />

pubUshed in the <strong>Gazette</strong>— to°Iu°^<br />

(a) alter the amount of any wharfage dues ; ^^^J^^<br />

(6) exempt any class of goods from the payment of dues 3<br />

such dues ; exempt<br />

(c) re-impose the same ; therefrom.<br />

(d) fix special rates for goods not specificaUy mentioned<br />

in the Fifth Schedule.<br />

PART IX.<br />


66. <strong>The</strong> Governor may appoint or approve— Power to<br />

(a) Customs warehouses, aJprcSe^^<br />

(b) private warehouses, warehouses.<br />

for the warehousing and securing of goods without payment<br />

of import duties upon the first entry of goods therein.<br />

67. No goods of a combustible or inflammable nature Warehousing:<br />

shaU be deposited in a Customs warehouse unless with the bustiSe or<br />

special permission of the CoUector. Such goods when inflammable<br />

landed shaU be deposited in a place approved by the s°°^-<br />

CoUector and such place shaU be deemed to be a Customs<br />

warehouse and such goods shall be hable to be dealt with<br />

in the same manner as goods which have been deposited in<br />

a Customs warehouse and the expenses for securing,<br />

watching and guarding such goods shaU be bome by the<br />

owner of the goods untU cleared.<br />

68. AU goods not being of a perishable nature deposited Goods not<br />

in a Customs warehouse and not cleared within six months, ^Jj^^<br />

and aU goods of a perishable nature so deposited and not specified<br />

cleared forthwith, and aU goods of a combustible ov ^^^^<br />

inflammable nature so deposited and not cleared within<br />

fourteen days, may be sold by pubhc auction and the<br />

balance, if any, of the proceeds of the sale after the payment<br />

of duties, freight and other charges shaU be paid to the<br />

owner of the goods.<br />

69. <strong>The</strong> proprietor or occupier of every private warehouse Security for<br />

shaU give such security as the ComptroUer may require for w^houses.<br />

the payment of the fuU duties of Customs on or for the due<br />

exportation of aU such goods as shaU at any time be warehoused<br />

therein and no goods shaU be warehoused in any<br />

such warehouse until such security has been given.<br />

70. <strong>The</strong> Governor in CouncU may make regulations Power to<br />

to be pubUshed in the <strong>Gazette</strong>— reguTations<br />

(a) for the management of Customs warehouses and for wareprivate<br />

warehouses ;<br />

(6) for the storing, custody and withdrawal of goods<br />

in and from Customs warehouses and private<br />

warehouses;<br />

(c) prescribing the amount of rent to be paid on any<br />

goods deposited in Customs warehouses.<br />



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