The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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806<br />


No. 1157. Leave of Absence.<br />

Mr. G. M. Greenwood, .Vdministraiive Officer<br />

(Assistant .S.xret;iry), i>^ granted vacation leave<br />

(68 days) and passage leave (ISdays), from 10th<br />

December, 1986, to .">th March, 1937.<br />

(M.P. L.2130.)<br />

Mr. .T. P. !ilaule, Maiiuirer, Stock Farm, .\gricultural<br />

Department, was absent on vacation leave (78 days),<br />

passaire leave (24 days), and on duty leave (4 days),<br />

from 20th June to 3rd C)cLober, 1936.<br />

(M.P. L.2055.)<br />

Mr. F. S. Passingliam, Snp(.Tintondent, Printinir Office,<br />

is granted casnal leave from 14th to 24th December,<br />

1936. (^l.P. L.1895.)<br />

Mr. H. L. D. Gee, Resident Sui>eriiitendeiit. Central<br />

Prison, was absent on casnal leave from 4th to 7th<br />

Deceml)er, 1936. (M.P. L.1818.)<br />

Mr. M. X. Iitannides. Clerk. 2nd Grade, was absent<br />

on vacation leave from oOth September to ;5()th<br />

November. 19;!(). (M.P. L.400.)<br />

No. 1158. Retirement.<br />

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to<br />

approve the following retirement :—<br />

Mr. Costas Haji Haralambou, Tax Collector, lst<br />

Grade, Cnst/oms and Inland Revenue Department,<br />

with effect from the 1st January, 1937, inclusive.<br />

(M.P. P.;;29.)<br />

No. 1159. Transfer from <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

With reference to Notification No. 28'.», published<br />

in the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Gazefle No. 2504 of the 27tli March,<br />

1936, it is hereby notified that the transfer of<br />

Mr. A. M. Dyer, Administrative Officer, to the<br />

Tanganyika Territory took effect from the 16th May,<br />

1936, inclusive. (M.P. P.2118.)<br />

No. 1160. Special Licence under the Medical<br />

Begistration Law, 1936.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him by section<br />

11 of the Medical Registration Law, 1936, His<br />

Excellency the Governor has been pleased to grant a<br />

Special Licence to Dr. Noel D. Bardswell, M.V.O.,<br />

M.D., F.R.S. (Edin.), tbe representative of tbe<br />

National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis,<br />

to practise medicine in the Colony solely on behalf of<br />

the said .Vssociation. (M'.P. 1429/36.)<br />

No. 1165. <strong>The</strong> Customs Law, 1936.<br />


No. 1161. Special Aathorization under the Village<br />

Authorities Laws, 1931 to (No. 2) 1935.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him bv the<br />

Village Anthorities Laws, 1931 to (.No. 2) 1985, His<br />

Excellency the Governor has been pleased to antliorizie<br />

the following Mnkhtar to issue search warrants under<br />

the provisions of scction V^k (1) and (2) of th- sjiid<br />

Laws:—<br />


.^tavros Cliaralanibons, of Pano .\miandos.<br />

(M.P. 599/38/2.)<br />

No. 1162. Civil Service Examination.<br />

FixAL ORDER.<br />

It is hereby notitied that the following [)ei'son8 have<br />

been selected for appointment to any vacancies in thc<br />

General C^lerical StatT and the Customs and Inland<br />

Revenue Department occurring before the next<br />

holding of the examination :—<br />

1. Simon Symeonides.<br />

2. Ali Vehid.<br />

3. Andreas P. Mylonas.<br />

4. George Peti-idcs.<br />

5. Abraham Maratheftis.<br />

Costas J. Constantinides.<br />

Vahak K. (Jeodelekian. (M.P. 843/3().)<br />

No. 1163. <strong>The</strong> Co-operative Societies Law, 1923.<br />


<strong>The</strong> following (*n-()i)erative Society and the Hyelaws<br />

thereof lia\e been dnly registered under tbe<br />

provisions of the Law :—<br />

" <strong>The</strong> Alona Co-operative Savings Bank,<br />

Limited. •<br />

Dated 4th Deceraber, 1936.<br />

No. 1164. Obituary.<br />

H. J. SURRIDGE,<br />

Regisfrar., Co-operafive Societies.<br />

(M.P. 1506/86.)<br />

His Excellency the Governor announcers with regret<br />

the death of the following :—<br />

Mr. Lyssandros Lyssandrides, Pay Officer, Public<br />

Works Department, on the 4tli December, 1986.<br />

(M.P. P.544.)<br />

It is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers vested in him by the Customs Law, 1986, His<br />

Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve the premises describeil in the third column of the Schedule<br />

hereto, belonging to the person whose name is set out in the tirst column of that Schedule and occupied<br />

by the persons whose names are set out in the sec-ond column of that Schedule, to be a private warehouse for tbe<br />

warebousinLT of the goods 8f)ecified in the fourth column of the said Scliedule.<br />

Owner of the<br />

prenuaes<br />

Mr. Said Kanaan,<br />

Lamaca.<br />

Nicosia,<br />

7 th i>ecember, 1936.<br />

Occupier of the<br />

premises<br />

Messrs. Daniel K. Antoniades<br />

& D. Efstathiou,<br />

Larnaca.<br />


Deacription of the<br />

premises<br />

One store, built of stone, situaterl<br />

iu Turk ("harslii Street, Larnaca.<br />

Hy Hig ivxcelleucy's Command,<br />


Qoods to be<br />

warehoused<br />

Flour, wheat, sugar<br />

and rice.<br />


Coloniaf Sejretary.<br />

(M.P. 1515/86.)

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