The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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12. Every person upon whom a notice for that<br />

purpose has been served by the Commissioner<br />

or the Committee shaU at once clean such part<br />

of the channel as runs through his fields of any<br />

stones or rubbish, which might divert the water<br />

or stop its proper course, and shaU remove aU<br />

stones and other things intended to direct the<br />

water on to his field at the proper time.<br />

13.—[a) Upon anappUcation to the Coinmissioner<br />

signed by not less than three-fourths of the<br />

proprietors mentioned in the Ust requesting<br />

that the Irrigation Division be dissolved the<br />

Commissioner shaU caU a meeting of the proprietors<br />

for the purpose of determining whether<br />

the Irrigation Division should be dissolved.<br />

(6) Every meeting so convened shaU be held<br />

in the presence of the Commissioner at the time<br />

and place appointed and if at such meeting a<br />

majority of three-fourths of the proprietors or<br />

the authorized proxies thereof who are present<br />

decide that the Irrigation Division should be<br />

dissolved, the Irrigation Division shall be so<br />

dissolved accordingly :<br />

Provided that aU rates due and unpaid on the<br />

date of dissolution shaU be levied and paid as if<br />

the Irrigation Division had not been dissolved.<br />

(c) <strong>The</strong> provisions of sections 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9<br />

of the Law with respect to pubUc meetings<br />

shaU apply mutatis mutandis to a meeting convened<br />

under the provisions of this Rule.<br />

(d) Any money in the hands of the Committee<br />

or the Treasurer at the time of the dissolution of<br />

the Irrigation Division and any money recovered<br />


211<br />

at any time thereafter on account of the rates due<br />

and unpaid at the time of such dissolution, shaU<br />

be paid to the Coinmissioner and shaU be passed<br />

in the books of the Coinmissioner to the credit<br />

of the viUage of Ayios Yeoryios and shaU thereafter<br />

be UtUized by the Commissioner for purposes of<br />

public UtUity in the said viUage of Ayios Yeoryios.<br />

No. 304. Quarantine Restrictions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> attention of the public is invited to the<br />

Notification made on the 17th January, 1936, by<br />

His Excellency the Governor pursuant to the<br />

Quarantine Law, 1932, and published in the <strong>Cyprus</strong><br />

<strong>Gazette</strong> of the 17th January, 1936, whereby it was<br />

declared that the following local areas were infected<br />

local areas and that all passengei-s and goods therefrom<br />

would be subject to the measures prescribed by the<br />

Qnarantine Regulations, 1932, with respect to the<br />

dangerous infectious diseases set forth against each<br />

local area :—<br />

Local area<br />

Alexandria (Egypt)<br />

Beyrut (Syria)<br />

Bombay (India) .,<br />

Salonica (Greece) ..<br />

Tripoli (Syria)<br />

Haifa (Palestine) ..<br />

Jaffa (Palestine) ..<br />

Dangerous infectious<br />

disease<br />

Typhus and Plague.<br />

Smallpox.<br />

Cholera.<br />

Typhus and Smallpox.<br />

Smallpox.<br />

Typhus.<br />

Typhus.<br />

(M.P. 289/35.)<br />

No. 305. Accounts o£ Receipts and Expenditure of the Nicosia Town Conmiittee of Education<br />

for Moslem Schools.<br />


By Evcaf contribution...<br />

Sundry income<br />

Education Department<br />

Certified correct,<br />

M. MUNIR, Chairman.<br />

R. N. HENRY<br />


M. Supm<br />

A. B. KENAN<br />

^Committee.<br />

SCHOOL YEAR, 1933-34.<br />

£ s. cp.<br />

114 15 0<br />

1 10 6<br />

421 12 7<br />

£537 is<br />

4<br />


Tosalariea<br />

Furniture<br />

Repairs ... ...<br />

Repayment of loan<br />

Sundries<br />

... ...<br />

Examined with vouchers and found correct,<br />

SH. VEYSI,<br />

Auditor.<br />

£ *.<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

219 10<br />

31 16<br />

31 2<br />

226 12<br />

... 28 17<br />

£537 18<br />

cp.<br />

0<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

0<br />

4<br />

(M.P. 1499/30.)<br />

No. 306. Accounts of Beceipts and Expenditure of the Kyrenia Town Committee of Education<br />

for Moslem Schools.<br />


ByJMunicipal grant ..<br />

Education Department ..<br />

^^rtified correct,<br />

M. MUNIR, Chairman.<br />

R. N. HENRY<br />

MEHMED MULLA HUSSEIN \Committee.<br />



SCHOOL YEAR, 1933-34.<br />

£ a. cp.<br />

6 0 0<br />

2.5 17 4<br />

£31 17 4<br />

To salaries<br />

Repairs<br />

Furniture ..<br />

Poor pupils<br />

Sundries<br />


• • • • a a<br />

Examined with vouchers and found correct,<br />

SH. VEYSI,<br />

£ 8.<br />

6 0<br />

18 5<br />

1 0<br />

6 0<br />

- 10<br />

£31 17<br />


Auditor.<br />

op.<br />

0<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

4<br />

(M.P. 1504/30.)

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