The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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Mr. Geor«>e AnattasKm as Muaetim Attendant, 1st<br />

Grade, AoUqaities Department, from lit Janaary,<br />

1936. (M.P. P.2167.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> folkmii^ as Moaeum Attendants, 2iid Grade,<br />

Antifpnties DefMLrtmeat, from lst January, 1986 :—<br />

Mr. Lazaros Nicolaou. (M.P. P.2168.)<br />

Mr. Loizos Vasilioa. (M.P. P.2169.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> following as Museum Attendants, 8rd Grade,<br />

Antiquities Depaitaaent, from lst January. 1936 :—<br />

Mr. Chrvsostomos Paraskeva. (M.P. P.2170.)<br />

Mr. Menelaos Georghiou. (M.P. P.2171.)<br />

Hassan Ahmed Eff. as a Guard and Boatman, 2nd<br />

Grade, Customs and Inland Revenue Department,<br />

from lst July, 1986. (M.P. P.1487.)<br />

Mr. MeUs Kyprianou as a Messenger, from 1st January,<br />

193G. (M.P. P.2147.)<br />

No. 1246. <strong>The</strong> IifisMioa Laws, 1931 ani UKM.<br />

In parsaance of tbe proviaions of section IH of<br />

the Inigafaon Laws, 1^31 and 1034, the following<br />

Bolea made by thc Conunittee of the Irrigatioa<br />

Division of Ghaziveran, in the District of Nicosia,<br />

are published in the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Oazette.<br />

(M.P. 1336/a6.><br />


Rmle^.<br />

1. <strong>The</strong>se Rules may be cited as Uie Irrigatioii<br />

Division of Ghaziveran Rules. 1930.<br />

2. In these Rules unless the context otherwise<br />

requires:—<br />

" Ck)inmi88ioDer" means the CommMuoiier<br />

of the District of Nioosia.<br />

" Coauaittee " aieaos tbe Committee of tte<br />

Inigatikm Divisioa.<br />

No. 1242. Retiremeot<br />

" IrrigatMn Division " means the Irrigatioa<br />

Division of Ghaziveran.<br />

His Excellency the Govemor Las Ijeen pleased to " Law" means the Irrigation Laws, 1931<br />

approve the following retiremeBt:—<br />

and 1934.<br />

Mehmed Bahir Eff., Olerk, Srd Grade, with effect from " List" meuis the Kst of the names and<br />

the lst Janaary. 1987. incinsive. (M.P. P.92.) residence of the proprietors prepared tmder the<br />

provisions of section 14 (6) of the Law.<br />

" Works " means the Irrigation woifa of the<br />

Mo. 1243. <strong>The</strong> ImmoTable Property Begigtratibn and<br />

Irrigation Division.<br />

Valuation Laws, 1007 to 1924, and the 3. llie Committee shaU hold oflBce for a period of<br />

Additional Powers, Bights and Dnties three years beginning on the 16th October, 1936.<br />

Tho'eafter the election of the Committee shaU<br />

Uw, 1932.<br />

take place every third year in the first week of<br />

ApponrrMKXT OF VALUER.<br />

the month of October and it shall hold offioe for<br />

Under the powers vestecl in him bv the Iiiimovabie a period of three years from the 16th October next<br />

Propeity Kegistration ami Valuation Laws, 19(»7 to foUowing its election.<br />

1924. and the Additional Powers. Ri^'hts and Duties 4.—(a) <strong>The</strong> Committee shaU appoint a treaaurer<br />

Law. 1932, His Exc-ellency the 07 to 1924 :—<br />

(b) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall, on the 1st Septemher<br />

Name and residence. Area for which appointed. in every year, prepare a statement of aU<br />

rates or charges stiU due and unpaid on that<br />

Christos Ashiotes of Villages of Margo<br />

date and shall fcM^ard snch statement to tiie<br />

T?mbon.<br />

and Pyroi.<br />

Commissioner.<br />

(M.P. 1129/o;)/2.)<br />

(c) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shaU be unpaid. Provided<br />

that he sball be paid such of his out of pocket<br />

No. 1244. <strong>The</strong> Co-operatm Credit Societies<br />

expenses as may be sanctioned by the Conunittee.<br />

Lawi, 1914 to 1936.<br />

(d) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall be appomted for such<br />

period as the Committee may fix bat in uo case<br />


extending over the term of office of the Comnuttee<br />

Whereas an inquiry has been held under section 86 appointing such treasurer.<br />

of the Co-operative Credit Societies Laws, 1914 to 1936,<br />

into the consti tat ion, working and financial condition<br />

5. Every proprietor mentioned in the hst shaU<br />

of the Spilia Co-operative Credit Socicty :<br />

pay a rate not exeeeding six shiUiags per<br />

annum as may be piesmb^ by the (Committee<br />

.^nd whereas I am of the opinion that the s

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