The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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No. 366.<br />

H. R. PALMER,<br />

Governor.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him by<br />

section 11 of the Antiquities Law, 1935, His<br />

Excellency the Govemor has been pleased to order<br />

and hereby orders as foUows :—<br />

From and after the date hereof no building<br />

shall be erected, reconstructed or repaired and no<br />

tree shall be feUed within the areas specified<br />

in the Schedule hereto, save in accordance with<br />

the terms of a permit in writing from the Commissioner<br />

previously obtained.<br />


Area "A" :<br />

All that area within the following boundaries:<br />

Beginning on the seashore at the point in line<br />

with the caims marked A.M. 1 (plot No. 26 of<br />

plan No. XXXIII/4) and A.M. 2 (on the boundary<br />

between plots Nos. 39 and 40 ofplan No. XXXIII/4)<br />

and going in a straight line south-westwards through<br />

the cairn marked A.M. 1, a distance of 1,860 feet<br />

approximately to the cairn marked A.M. 2 (which line<br />

defines the extemal boundary of the Ancient<br />

Monument, Item 4, Famagusta District, Second<br />

Schedule of Law 41 of 1935); thence south-eastwards<br />

in a straight Une in the direction of<br />

the cairn marked A.M. 3 (plot No. 87A<br />

of plan No. XXXIII/12), a distance of 2,930<br />

feet approximately to the north-eastern side of<br />

the main road from Famagusta to the Karpas<br />

(which Une defines the external boundary of the<br />

Ancient Monument, Item 4, Famagusta District,<br />

Second Schedule of Law 41 of 1935) ; thence<br />

north-westwards along the north-eastern side of<br />

this road to a point which is 300 feet from the<br />

straight line joining the cairns marked A.M. 3 and<br />

A.M. 2; thence north-westwards in a straight<br />

line parallel with the line joining the cairns marked<br />

A.M. 3 and A.M. 2, a distance of 2,580 feet<br />

approximately to the point at which it is met by<br />

a line 300 feet distant from and parallel with the<br />

Une joining the cairns marked A.M. 2 and A.M. 1;<br />

thence north-eastwards in a straight line paraUel<br />

with the Une joining the cairns marked A.M. 2<br />

and A.M. 1, a distance of 2,090 feet approximately<br />

to the seashore ; thence south-eastwards along the<br />

seashore to the starting point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises 99 donums approximately.<br />

Area " B " :<br />

All that area within the following boundaries :<br />

Beginning at the cairn marked A.M. 3 (plot<br />

No.87A ofplan No. XXXIII/12) on the south-eastern<br />

side of the main road from the Karpas to Famagusta<br />

and going south-eastwards along this side of<br />

the road to its junction with the road from Famagusta<br />

to Larnaca ; thence south-westwards along<br />

the north-western side of the latter road to the<br />

most eastern point of plot No. 85 of plan<br />

No. XXXIII/12 ; thence north-westwards along<br />

the eastern boundary of the latter plot to the<br />

<strong>Cyprus</strong> Government Railway Une ; thence northwards<br />

in a straight Une across the railway Une to<br />

the south-eastern corner of plot No. 84 of the<br />

same plan ; thence northwards along the eastern<br />

boundary of the latter plot and plot No. 86 of the<br />

same plan to the north-western corner of plot No.<br />

87 of the same plan; thence north-eastwards<br />

along the northern boundary of this plot and plot<br />

No. 87A of the same plan to the starting pohit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises 6 donums, 2 evleks<br />

approximately.<br />



NOTICE.<br />

255<br />

Area " C " :<br />

All that area within the following boundaries:<br />

Beginning at the north-western comer of plot<br />

No. 13, Block A, Varosha Quarter, on the southeastern<br />

side of the main road from Lamaca to<br />

Famagusta and going north-eastwards along this<br />

side ofthe road to its junction with the main road<br />

from the Land Gate, Famagusta, to Varosha;<br />

thence south-eastwards along the south-westem<br />

side of the latter road to a point on the straight<br />

line joining the most northem point ofthe Railway<br />

store on plot No. 48, Block B, Varosha Quarter,<br />

and the starting point; thence south-westwards<br />

in a straight line to the starting point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises 5 donums approximately.<br />

Area "D":<br />

All that area situated about 50 yards due south<br />

of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Govemment Railway cutting which<br />

is to the east of the tunnel, bounded on the north,<br />

by the road from the Land Gate, Famagusta, to<br />

the harbour; on the east, by a short road connecting<br />

the latter road with the road from Varosha to the<br />

Land Gate, Famagusta ; on the west, by the latter<br />

road.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises plot No. 47, Block B,<br />

Varosha Quarter, 3,200 square feet approximately.<br />

Area " E " :<br />

All that area within the following boimdaries :<br />

Beginning at the most northem point of plot<br />

No. 48, Block B, Varosha Quarter, on the south<br />

side of the road, from the Land Gate, Famagusta,<br />

to the harbour, and going eastwards along this<br />

side of the road to the point due north of the most<br />

northern point of the RaUway Store on plot<br />

No. 48, Block B, Varosha Quarter; thence due<br />

south to the most northem point of this store; thence<br />

south-westwards in a straight Une in the direction<br />

of the north-western comer of plot No. 13, Block A,<br />

Varosha Quarter, (on the south-eastern side of the<br />

main road from Larnaca to Famagusta) as far as the<br />

north-eastern side of the road from Varosha to<br />

the Land Gate, Famagusta ; thence north-eastwards<br />

to the starting point along the eastem side<br />

of the short road connecting the latter road with<br />

the road from the Land Gate, Famagusta, to the<br />

harbour.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises the most northem portion<br />

of plot No. 48, Block B, Varosha Quarter, 1 donum,<br />

2 evleks approximately.<br />

Area " F " :<br />

AU that area bounded on the north by the road<br />

from the Land Gate, Famagusta, to the harbour;<br />

on the east, by a road ; on the south, by the <strong>Cyprus</strong><br />

Government RaUway line to the harbour.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises plot No. 44, Block B,<br />

Varosha Quarter, 1 evlek, 2,800 square feet<br />

approximately.<br />

Area "G":<br />

AU that area bounded on the north by the road<br />

from the Land Gate, Famagusta, to the harbour ;<br />

on the east and south by the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Government<br />

Railway line to the harbour ; on the west by a roaxl.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises the whole of plots Nos. 33,<br />

34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, Block B,<br />

Varosha Quarter, and comprises 8 donums<br />

approximately.<br />


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