The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

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No. 2512.] FRIDAY, 1ST MAY, 1936. 291<br />


H. R. PALMKE,<br />

Governor.<br />

His Excellency the Governor, with the adviee<br />

and assistance of the Chief Justice, in exercise<br />

of the powers vested in him by the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Courts<br />

of Justice Orders and Laws, 1927 to (No. 2) 1935,<br />

read together with the Courts of Justice Law, 1935,<br />

hereby makes the following Rules, which may be<br />

cited as the Matrimonial Causes Rules, 1936 :—<br />



1. Proceedings in any Matrimonial Cause shall<br />

be commenced by filing a Petition. (Forms of<br />

Petition in proceedings for dissolution of marriage<br />

are given in Appendix I hereto.)<br />

(A) In the body ofthe Petition shall be stated :—<br />

(1) <strong>The</strong> place and date of the marriage and<br />

the name and status of the wife before the<br />

marriage ;<br />

(2) <strong>The</strong> principal permanent addresses where<br />

the parties have cohabited within the<br />

jurisdiction ;<br />

(3) Whether there is living issue of the<br />

marriage and, if so, the names and dates<br />

of birth or ages, of such issue ;<br />

(4) <strong>The</strong> occupation of the husband and the<br />

place or places of residence and of domicile<br />

of the parties to the marriage at the date<br />

of the institution of the suit;<br />

(5) Whether there have been in the Supreme<br />

Court any and, if so, what previous<br />

proceedings with reference to the marriage<br />

or on behalf of either of the parties to the<br />

marriage, and the result of such proceedings ;<br />

(6) <strong>The</strong> matrimonial ofifences charged set out<br />

in separate paragraphs ;<br />

(7) <strong>The</strong> claim for damages, if any.<br />

(B) <strong>The</strong> Petition shall conclude with a prayer<br />

setting out particulars of the relief claimed,<br />

including the amount of any claim for daniages<br />

and any order for custody of children which is<br />

sought and shall be signed by the Petitioner, and<br />

in the case of a minor or other person who is not<br />

.sui juris by his or her guardian. '<br />

(c) A Petition for Restitution of Conjugal<br />

Rights shall further state sufficient facts to satisfy<br />

the Chief Registrar that a written demand for<br />

cohabitation and restitution of conjugal rights<br />

has been made by the Petitioner upon the party<br />

to be served, and that after a reasonable<br />

opportunity for compliance therewith, such<br />

cohabitation and restitution of conjugal rights<br />

have been withheld.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> Petition and every copy to be served<br />

shall be indorsed in conspicuous characters with<br />

a Notice to Appear in Form 3 set out in<br />

Appendix I hereto.<br />

3.—(A) Every Petition shall be accompanied<br />

by an affidavit made by the Petitioner, verifying<br />

the facts of which he or she has personal knowledge<br />

and deposing as to behef in the truth of the other<br />

facts alleged in the petition and such affidavit shall<br />

be filed with the Petition. A form of Affidavit<br />

is given as Form 4 in Appendix I.<br />

(B) In cases where the Petitioner is seeking a<br />

decree of Nullity of Marriage or of Dissolution<br />

of Marriage, or of Judicial Separation, or a decree<br />

in a suit of Jactitation of Marriage, the affidavit<br />

of the Petitioner, filed with his or her Petition shall<br />

further state that no collusion or connivance<br />

exists between the Petitioner and the other party<br />

to the marriage or alleged marriage.<br />


4. In every Petition for dissolution of marriage<br />

on the ground of adultery, the alleged adulterers<br />

if male shall be made Co-respondents in the cause<br />

and served with a sealed copy of the petition,<br />

unless a Judge shall otherwdse direct by order on<br />

application supported by affidavits.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> term " Respondent " in these rules shall<br />

include a Co-respondent so far as the same is^<br />

applicable.<br />

SERVICE.<br />

6. Every Petitioner who has filed a Petition,<br />

shall forthwith obtain in the Registr JJ- a sealed copy<br />

or copies of the Petition indorsed with Notice to<br />

Appear for serviee upon the Respondent or<br />

Respondents respectively.<br />


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